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Michael Jackson Verdict - Not Guilty


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He may have been proclaimed innocent, but FFS, sleeping in your bed with a minor who isn't your own child is all kinds of wrong, the freak needs taking out of circulation.


:blahblah: :blahblah: Give the guy a break. Last time I looked, sleeping wasnt a crime:D


Owning a taxi? now that needs taking out of circulation;)

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Any person who sleeps with children - like Jackson - either has some serious social issues ... or not all his dogs are barking!


Neil - has got it spot on! Jackson - sets himself up because of own eccentricity. The first thing that people think about him sleeping with children (physical stuff true/or not) .. are immediately going to think he's a nonce.


What about that time when he dangled that baby out of window ?!?


I read on the web - that during the trial Michael wanted "Bubbles" the Monkey to take the stand as a witness! That may well - be BS ... but with Jacko I'm not so sure.


In a nutshell it's his own fault.

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I agree that some of his actions are not that of someone with 2 paddles in the water, but i never thought that he was kiddy fiddling.


What he needs to do now is not put himself in the stupid situation again. I would just stop all kids staying. In fact i would sell neverland and stick two fingers up at everyone.


There is no winner in a case like this. Jackson is in serious debt, just so he could prove his innocence and god knows how much its cost the state whilst the entire media circus was going on!


As someone has said previous he brings a lot of it on himself, so hopefully he will have learnt his very expensive lesson and move on and go back to what he once did best - Entertain!!

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:blahblah: :blahblah: Give the guy a break. Last time I looked, sleeping wasnt a crime:D


Owning a taxi? now that needs taking out of circulation;)


So you'd be happy for some weirdo to sleep with your child in his bed?


Sorry m8 but what a stupid statement.


Good to see the reasons I wasn't gonna renew still evident.


MKIVsupra going to the dogs............

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So you'd be happy for some weirdo to sleep with your child in his bed?


Sorry m8 but what a stupid statement.


Good to see the reasons I wasn't gonna renew still evident.


MKIVsupra going to the dogs............


Not to sure what your saying here! Not renewing because your view of the world is not accepted as defacto or you hate taxi jokes?

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I personally think the guy is messed up but not in such a perverse way.

The guy never had a childhood. So I think he is doing all these sleep overs etc coz he is re-living his missed childhood. Don't forget that his dad used to beat him and make him and his brothers practice :blahblah: :blahblah: .....


If you consider all the effort he has gone to help children all around the world he is either a seriously sick peado or a genuine kid himself.

And to have a theme park as a place of residence too then thats like a playground for a peado but I don't think he is. I just think he is a big kid.


Fair play to him, he won and lost. Won the case and lost some private information such as his debt problems. Whether he comes back into this world as the king of pop is another matter.


Just my own opinion..... :rolleyes:


Did you see the MJ fans going mental after the verdict... they are some serious hardcore fans! :looney:




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Going on past performance (remember the out of court settlement) he probably will put himself in another awkward position!


As far as sleeping in the same bed with a child that not your own I think that is a definate no! I think the guy is wacky but innocent. In saying that I wouldn't send my kid round to his house on an overnighter and you've got to ask yourself what was the mother thinking about when she knew that he had already done an out of court settlement for something similar...obviously the several million dollars she was after!!

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You obviously feel very strongly about this subject.


Not everyone is going to agree about everything. Thats just life unfortunately.


With a topic this big, there are going ot be many contrasting opinions. Some you will agree with, some you wont, and some that you will think are just plain stupid.


But at the end of the day, one or a few peoples comments should not have any bearing on whether you should re-subscribe or not to the forums.


Its seems aparent that you enjoy using the forums, so why leave. There is a good group of people on here, and i for one have always thought u've added some good points which is surely what this is all about.


If there are people or comments you dont like, just ignore em mate!




J4CK50N (not michael!)

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Not to sure what your saying here! Not renewing because your view of the world is not accepted as defacto or you hate taxi jokes?


Te repetative Taxi jokes which quite frankly show this site as being very blinkered and childish - all explained in the thread Silly Question........


Shame the GTR lot are more mature, rarely see any Supra bashing on there........


And yes, my view of the world is 100% correct too ;) :p :D

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You obviously feel very strongly about this subject.


Not everyone is going to agree about everything. Thats just life unfortunately.


With a topic this big, there are going ot be many contrasting opinions. Some you will agree with, some you wont, and some that you will think are just plain stupid.


But at the end of the day, one or a few peoples comments should not have any bearing on whether you should re-subscribe or not to the forums.


Its seems aparent that you enjoy using the forums, so why leave. There is a good group of people on here, and i for one have always thought u've added some good points which is surely what this is all about.


If there are people or comments you dont like, just ignore em mate!




J4CK50N (not michael!)


See above mate - its not this subject in question, people have opinions and are entitled to them as I have about this matter - whether you agree or not ain't gonna stop me sleeping at night ;) :D


And agreed - always thought the people on here were quality, :cool: but lately its been getting very childish in certain ways....... Just look at this thread, yet still a fecking Taxi :yawn: statement gets thrown in that has no correlation to this threads points and where it was heading at all. It was a serious discussion thread. If I was having a laff in a piss taking thread then I wouldn't give a flying fuck! :)


Me making good points? You sure you've been reading my posts? LMFAO ;) :D :innocent:

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Te repetative Taxi jokes which quite frankly show this site as being very blinkered and childish - all explained in the thread Silly Question........


Shame the GTR lot are more mature, rarely see any Supra bashing on there........


And yes, my view of the world is 100% correct too ;) :p :D


TBH I dont see the harm in the Taxi jokes, I get a fair bit of stick for driving an NA but I see it just as it is, a joke. As for the Skyline think its a stunning car and it would be a shame to lose you from the forum Neil.

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So you'd be happy for some weirdo to sleep with your child in his bed?


Sorry m8 but what a stupid statement.


Good to see the reasons I wasn't gonna renew still evident.


MKIVsupra going to the dogs............


:looney: WTF, its a forum mate.


Do you know Mr Jackson, errr no! So yes, what you said WAS a stupid statement.


Would I let my child? Err no, but blame the parents not him.


It may not be right, but he has been found not guilty of charges and considering you dont know all the facts or the testimonies and thank god you were not on the jury, then be a good boy and piss off. If you actually bothered to look at my post it contains, smilies like this one ;). Its called humour! So open your eyes, think for yourself rather than watch TV and FFS lighten up, or as you say, do one.

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TBH I dont see the harm in the Taxi jokes, I get a fair bit of stick for driving an NA but I see it just as it is, a joke. As for the Skyline think its a stunning car and it would be a shame to lose you from the forum Neil.


Yeah, jokes are good, but hearing it every other day - sheit man thats well funny :rolleyes:


And theres no need for it in a serious thread FFS. Like I said, in a thread where we're having a laugh then I couldn't give a fuck, but in retaliation to a viewpoint you might not agree with is just plain sad.


Edit to say, not having a go at you mate in case it reads that way!

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