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Medal Of Honor - 1st Impressions And Thoughts


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Ok a thread to the spin off of this one




Edited for a personal Review:


Ok before I start I’m not a professional critic and this review is based on a high-end gaming PC version of the new Medal Of Honor.


I have been planning on buying this game for a while. Due to it being the 1st Medal Of Honor to be set in a modern warfare platform with a few ex creators of COD MW2. After the American critics saying either its good or struggled to give it a 7/10 I will have to say I disagree with both. I though the game was outstanding! From start to finish. Also with near on identical controls as the Call Of Duty games it makes aany COD gamer feel at ease with use.


Single Player:


I will start with commenting the general look of the game. And I have to say the graphics were fantastic! The game ran nice and smooth and its textures are brilliant! The weapon detail I liked and I was most impressed with the holographic sight. Rather than a just a red circle with a red dot, it actually and a rolling static effect to the sight so it look like a projection sight on a screen… Which it is in real.

All soldiers’ uniforms and features were also spot on which helped towards making the game so good. The only thing I would have like is the explosions being a bit more dramatic with more fire etc, but I think they went with the more realistic approach.


Ok the sound. This is one of the games strongest points. I read up that they spent a lot of tine getting this right. It sounded great in surround sound and still great through my LG TV. There is a lot of detail in the sounds like when hearing someone though your radio you can approach that person speaking on the radio and hear him or her also from himself or herself! The weapons also sounded great. The surroundings would affect the sound of fire coming from that weapon. I.e.: If you were in an old derelict plain it would sound completely different from outside, small sized room or even a large sized room. Knifing the enemy is far far better than COD, the sound it makes and the more real like visuals were brilliant. A very good choice of music was picked to aid in emotional and fast action parts. The sound really helped with the quality of the game!


The story line in games like these are usually put together with not much thought and are normally not really considered after completion of the game. But this is a little different especially as it’s based on what’s happening today.

You play as a few different characters but all Americans. There was not British unlike MW2 but that didn’t bother me at all. All storyline ends up syncing together in some sort of way very cleverly with good twists.

When being switched to different characters you don’t usually randomly change area without some sort of involvement on what you have just played. So if you organise airport on a building and the building blows up you may change to a character that was giving sniper support to that team and then off you go in the other direction.


The game was produced with the American soldiers that have been to Afghanistan so the accuracy with the ambushes seemed very possible and not to far over the top but also not to dull to make the game to boring. I have to totally disagree with the some of the public wanting this game banned. Even though its only a game I have to admit after completing it, it really made me see what all the brave soldiers are going though over there. With the assistance of the story line and real American soldiers helping out, it really topped it off to publish an epic, enjoyable and gripping game.




This is one of the things people will be awaiting news on and giving a go as the visual similarities of COD is easily thought of with this game as both games set in a modern warfare environment. The success of the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare multiplayer (which my self also enjoys) MOH will have one heck of a challenge to make it better.

Sadly I haven’t really giving the multiplayer a go, only a 10-minute bash, so I only have 1st impressions and very little news to give.

A different company than single player called Dive produces Medal Of Honor multiplayer. Straight away after entering a map you can notice that the single player looks better. The sound from what I have noticed still sounds good. I did enjoy playing it and with no “Perks” in this game in somewhat felt a little more evenly matched and YES PC gamers its dedicated servers just like cod4 no rubbish dumping you in a game or map that you don’t want to be in. With the inability to prone it makes the multiplayer feel more restricive as what it could be.

I think with out COD on the sales shelves this would be a winner against all online games but I really feel COD still have it cut to a tea. But I think with a little more play my opinion could come close.

Also its still early days for this Multiplayer and it auto updates which is good as it shows there still trying to make it better.


Over all I would give the game in single player mode 10/10. I will be doing the whole thing all over again next week. It’s between Crysis game play with the look of MW2 but more involving with sharper effects, graphics and sound.

I would strongly recommend purchasing this game based on this PC platform review. I can’t account for Xbox and Playstation versions. I do know with the playstation version you get Medal Of Honor Frontline HD included with the game which is a bargain, 2 games in one.


Thanks for reading and I hope I helping with any people not sure on the purchase espeicaly as this took me close to forever to type lol ;)


Happy Gaming



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Ok a thread to the spin off of this one




Iv playing it for 30mins as i need some food and my 1st impression is its bloody excellent!!!


Goin to scoff my food so i can get back on it. lol


A few lil changes are needed to make it exact controls to COD so im used it it i.e toggling the iron sights rather than having to keep my fingure down and my knife is used by my thumb button... etc


Graphics are very good, sounds are bloody amazing and it runs nice. Im on a high end gaming PC but im sure it will be simlar on PS3 and Xbox.


I will keep this thread edited and updated on my opinions.


If you also bought the game feel free to share your views due to the critics mixed reviews.


PC FTW! Does it have dedicated servers like cod4 and battle field?

If so im off out to buy it :D

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This is good played it for a whike today The single player is good, weapons are basic but realistic. The maps are good and well detailed. The sounds are great, sounds as good as bad company. The multiplayer has various campaigns, no perks so its more about skill. The multiplayer maps are so much better then the COD ones. On line the game play is fast paced and the maps are big, but not too big. On line play is very similar to the COD world at war. Only negative i have found is the graphics are a bit poor in places but overall very good.

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The SP uses the Unreal engine, the MP uses the same Frostbite engine as Bad Company 2, only without a fully destructive environment.


From what I've read on the official forums and been told by my mates, the MP is not as good as COD4 or Bad Company 2 (having played the beta I'd agree with that), the main issue seems to be that the maps are that small with some choke points that its a real campers game, there is also bullet lag where you think you're behind cover safely and then all of a sudden you're dead (once the hit detection catches up).


The SP does sound awesome and Im very tempted to get it for that alone, the OP seems to have noticed what my friends have....that the SP looks better and is more polished than the MP, the conspiracy theorist in me would think that DICE may have made a lesser MP so it didnt rival Bad Company 2, after all thats not been out for a year yet.

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I've read the reviews on this, and it just doesn't excite me at all. Perhaps I'm spoilt with the destructable environments or Bad Company 2 or the superb AI/gameplay in MW2, MOH seems to be overshadowed and I can't see anything in it worth buying before the new Black Ops. MOH just look to scripted and limiting on gameplay.

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I got it for the PS3, only played it for 30 mins but I wasnt blown away by it. Nice story/scenario etc, but the graphics are nowhere near as polished as MW2 and it feels a little sluggish atm. Might change my mind the more I play it tho... usually MOH games are great.

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Hey just checked out the vids on you tube for black ops, some of it looks good but some things on the game look naff.You are now able to customise weapons and weapon sites, and player uniforms etc. sounds a bit like dressing barbie and ken to me,hope the game has nt lost the MW2 speed and challange

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I just completed Single player campaign (started it yesterday) :(

I know SP campaigs are pretty short for FPS's now days but I did really enjoy it and thought it was played out well.

Especially liked getting the The Quiet Professional trophy in Neptune's Net, (eliminate 13 enemies without alerting anyone) Thought the stealth added a little more extra gameplay variety.

Just a shame it wasn't longer. If I had bought the game I'd go online for afew trophies but I merely rented it due to hearing about the short campaign.

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Went round my cousins to play this.


My FIRST hands on and in my first game I got 37-1 lol. The game is not balanced at all though. There are no killcams or even an indication of where you got killed from so the amount of camping on this is shocking.


The respawns are even worse than COD! In the objective type mode where you have to defend/attack, one team essentially spawns at the base and the other ON each other. in about 30 minutes of play I got the spawns sussed out and just spawn-trapped the entire team.


This is no where near a contender to COD.


Positives: environmental damage is cool and the sound is just brilliant. The guns sound really meaty.


Don't waste your money on this imo

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