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Proud of your job/Career


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It's ok.

Not very long hours, about 7 - 8 hours from when i leave until i get back and used to be less until the last 6 months.

Free fuel, phone and company wagon bla bla. When it's busy it's £500 a day overtime that's been great these last months but was quite tired.

Meet some great and not so great people and drive around alot of nice british countryside

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Hmmm... thought I might share :) I have 3 degrees and now working in a major supermarket chain (has nothing to do with my degrees) :p Hard job I might add but I love it. Long story short I am really hit bad by the recession but don't want to sit at home doing nothing whilst knowing I am fit for work.


I guess for me a job's a job. As long as I know I have income I am satisfied. Working my backside off now hoping to progress further in the current job.

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Well, where to start, I did my A-Levels and decided against uni after seeing that everyone in my life who had been successfull had never been to uni. So my first job was just a crappy sales admin job to get me into work, the pay was like £11k a year, so I did that for about 6 months then managed to get a place in the Aviation Academy to study aviation(I always wanted to be a pilot) so I was there for 6 months and then found out that I could only pass the colour vision test in America as they use the lantern test, where as the UK one I fail(which is rediculous because because the US test is more true to the job). Anyway, I still loved aviation so I went to the RAF office to enquire about what jobs I could do and they basically said 'chef?', erm, no.


So after that I got my next job doing IT support(despite having no qualifications), this was a pay increase to £16k a year which allowed me to get my first N/A Supra and I did that job for 6 months and really enjoyed it, I then did some small work for the marketing department which impressed them so much, they got rid of the graduate they just hired and took me on instead(so I now had a graduates job at 20 without going to uni :D ), with this my pay increased to £20k but after doing it for a while, I didn't really enjoy it, but luckily I got on well with my boss and discussed this with him and he said he would make me redundant and give me a good payout if I wanted to leave, so I left with 3 months pay in my back pocket, had a look at the job market and regretted it instantly, so I started applying for the same job again and managed to get one, unfortunately, the ar5eholes conned me and when I started working there I found myself just being a cold caller, I hated this but thankfully there expansion failed and they let me go after 3 months(which I was quite glad of TBH).


So then I started applying for lots of jobs but wanted to get back into something a bit more technical, so at the start of last year I managed to bag myself a job as a Configuration Specialist(another post graduate job with no degree :D) for a company called Arrow, I really enjoy the job and it basically requires me to put together a virtual portfolio of end user Server/Storage requirements and being a huge company it has a lot of room for growth, I deally want to find myself in technical pre-sales within the next 2-3 years as those guy's are basically just an advanced version of me but are on 80-100k a year.


But at the moment I'm 22 and on £32k a year, which I think is good for my age as I'm earning more than my mates who went to uni and with much better prospects.

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Well, where to start, I did my A-Levels and decided against uni after seeing that everyone in my life who had been successfull had never been to uni. So my first job was just a crappy sales admin job to get me into work, the pay was like £11k a year, so I did that for about 6 months then managed to get a place in the Aviation Academy to study aviation(I always wanted to be a pilot) so I was there for 6 months and then found out that I could only pass the colour vision test in America as they use the lantern test, where as the UK one I fail(which is rediculous because because the US test is more true to the job). Anyway, I still loved aviation so I went to the RAF office to enquire about what jobs I could do and they basically said 'chef?', erm, no.


So after that I got my next job doing IT support(despite having no qualifications), this was a pay increase to £16k a year which allowed me to get my first N/A Supra and I did that job for 6 months and really enjoyed it, I then did some small work for the marketing department which impressed them so much, they got rid of the graduate they just hired and took me on instead(so I now had a graduates job at 20 without going to uni :D ), with this my pay increased to £20k but after doing it for a while, I didn't really enjoy it, but luckily I got on well with my boss and discussed this with him and he said he would make me redundant and give me a good payout if I wanted to leave, so I left with 3 months pay in my back pocket, had a look at the job market and regretted it instantly, so I started applying for the same job again and managed to get one, unfortunately, the ar5eholes conned me and when I started working there I found myself just being a cold caller, I hated this but thankfully there expansion failed and they let me go after 3 months(which I was quite glad of TBH).


So then I started applying for lots of jobs but wanted to get back into something a bit more technical, so at the start of last year I managed to bag myself a job as a Configuration Specialist(another post graduate job with no degree :D) for a company called Arrow, I really enjoy the job and it basically requires me to put together a virtual portfolio of end user Server/Storage requirements and being a huge company it has a lot of room for growth, I deally want to find myself in technical pre-sales within the next 2-3 years as those guy's are basically just an advanced version of me but are on 80-100k a year.


But at the moment I'm 22 and on £32k a year, which I think is good for my age as I'm earning more than my mates who went to uni and with much better prospects.


you my friend have my utmost respect

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been working in security for the last few years. started off doing the doors and now am on a passanger ferry doing secuirty and i hate it at times but the time at sea is always good.


Started off leaving school at 16, started an apprenticeship as a monumental stonemason (making gravestones) this was a very rewarding job and took alot of skill. Done that for 2 years out of my 3 year apprenticeship thanks to a journeyman that was nothing but a big bully that treated me like i was useless, went to the boss's and complained and nothing was done, so i left.


Then went and got a job doing mechanical engineering (again another apprenticeship) at my dads work, done a year of that, was basically stripping down and re-building pumps and cutting storage tanks and power packs. The comapny then bought over a smaller company and took on there apprentice aswell which then put me into the warehouse and out doing deliveris and pick ups instead of doing engineering, left that company after someone else used my van (we got asigned a van with all the tools and etc in it, and all miles were documented) and was seen doing stupid speeds and buckled the back door, (he never reported the door being buckled either) so i got the blame for it cause it was my van.


Then ended up starting work on the doors. It was good money to start with and an awesome socail life, you met some absolute "colourful characters" but it all came with the abuse you got, both verbal and phsyical. I've been bit, punched, kicked, head butted, nipped, had stilleto heels actually put a 3 inch cut on my head, glasses, bottles, ash trays and etc throwin at me, have also been threatend to get stabbed and etc. I've been called every name and insult you can think of! After a while the job became more about the paperwork at the end of the night doing incident reports and statements to the police, so left all that behind cause i didn't see the point in putting my life in danger all the time for assholes that don't appriecate it.


Now im working on the northlink ferries that go back and forth between Aberdeen - Orkney - Shetland on a daily basis. I now work a 2 week on and 2 week off rota, and 12 hours a day. I've been here now since the end of 2009 and since then i have been made up to security superviser/team leader onboard the vessel. I actually stay onboard here along with another guard for the 2 weeks and go back and forth with the ship, there are 4 of us for each ship (we have 2 that do the exact same run, so one will go north while the other goes south). Our role on here is to just to keep the ship secure both at sea and in port, when we are boarding the passangers, there is 1 of us outside checking vehicles and passanger boarding cards and the other guard is inside checking the boarding cards of the passangers coming onboard by foot. The pay is absolute shite but its giving me alot of sea time and the chance to experience life at sea, im hoping that in the next few months i will again move career but this time still stay with the ferry but go down into the engine room and be working as a motorman and get all my tickets for that and actually have a rewarding job again.

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Well my job where do I start,


Over the years I did my fair share of crappy jobs, including working in kitchens and doing odd jobs etc, but all this helped to fund my saving which led to me to go on to pursue my dream of working with animals, I studied for a couple of years and came out with a national diploma in animal management and then went on to land my self my current job as a animal keeper/presenter.


I love my job as I get to work with about 200 different species of animals ranging from ducks to penguins, wallaby's and to exotic birds if your interested in animals check our website ;)




bit of adversing couldn't help it :) sorry!


Any way, in the time I have worked there I have had achived quite alot and have hand reared many animals from penguins to a wood pigeon who I took pitty on and ended up costing rather allot but went on to be released and last time i saw him seemed to be doing very well. Look forward to seeing what this year brings! :)

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He might be able to P-p-p-pick you one up?


LOL, they're great though, the way they walk cracks me up. That one with the hi-vis jacket on the website looks brilliant.


We had the BBC in yesterday at my place doing a bit for 'Fake Britain', they came along with a counterfeit hard hat that they purchased off Ebay. When subjected to our tests it fell apart, shocking really but the buggers are even copying safety gear now :(

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Ill try ppp pick up one lol but don't hold your breath :p. And the one on the webite is dippy! He is like the best penguin ever. He 15 and friendlier than most peoples dogs lol. Ill do a thread at some point with some pics from work so everyone can take a look. :D


Thats awefull about the fake helmet just imagine what could happen if something happened to some body wearing one of those.

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marc_p you've done well for yourself!


I've always loved the video games industry and studied games design as a BTec and went to uni after that to study games design, came out with a 1st class and now I'm entering the big wide world trying to make my way in an industry that has poor hours, overworked and underpaid employees and harsh deadlines. The career path I want to enter is 3D design, which basically everyone at entry level in the industry wants to do aswell, so it makes it all very competitive.


When I left uni i landed a freelance job at a 3d visualisation company doing 3d art and design for various companies, mostly architects and building companies like Barratt and Wilson homes. The pay would have been decent if it was full time but the company was only small so I didn't really earn enough to be comfortable. I did this for about 5 months and I was applying for jobs at larger video game developers. In november I got offered an entry level job doing QA (games testing) at Codemasters, which I love.


I work in the online testing department, so we basically play 4 player games on the xbox all day and report anything we find to be fixed by the developers.


The pay is rubbish and no one gets permanent contracts, it's all 3 month rolling contracts. The hours are decent though and we operate flexi-time so it's not too bad, I guess I have to start somewhere.

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I started working part time in a local guitar shop when I was 15 and in school.


7 and a half years later at 22 (23 next month) I'm still there whilst studying Mechanical Engineering at Uni. I'm in 3rd year so will have my degree in Summer and then do my Honours year from Sept '11 until May '12.


I also work part time at a local pub.



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Well, I was an MD of a small printing company, but now I'm a self employed bod trying to make a living with what's left of the 'failed' company.


A colleague and I are doing all the same as previous, but another printing company are doing all the production.


It's been a nightmare over the past few months, but hopefully, we can see through this dark tunnel and emerge in a better position than before.


Onwards and upwards, as they say. :)

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I started off in my local co-op as a shelf stacker. Joined there to get some weekend pennies while I was at school. Left school after 5th year as I got accepted for an apprenticeship in Rolls-Royce. Spent the next 3 years learning the different aspects within the factory and then went time out as a machinist (vertical borer mainly). After various training and wage agreements came into play I took on a secondary task as an Inspector. Up until January last year that is what I was doing, and I must admit I did enjoy my job. It was very interesting but I was never hard pushed so I had a lot of spare time on my hands.


Got my "At Risk" letter at the tail end of Jan last year. Lots of redundancies happening. I was really worried as there wasn't really a lot on the job market but I knew we would be OK for a good while thanks to the redundancy package from the company. Went through all the appeals process etc and low and behold just when I thought the end was in sight a couple of job openings came up within the site. They were in different areas from where I had worked before but it would have meant no change of status/wage etc so I went for it. Ended up getting one of the jobs and have been doing it ever since.


When I was a machinist/inspector I worked on individual aircraft parts, some MOD some Civil. I would machine/repair them or check/inspect them. I am now involved in the testing of the engines as a whole. I'm technically classed as a calibrator, I deal with all the instrumentation and gauges in each of the testing cells, but I am also an Electrician and tend to help out with the rigging and de-rigging of the engines.


Great job, thoroughly enjoying it. One of the guys I worked with in the previous section was gobsmacked at my luck. He has always maintained that I was one of the luckiest people in the world, if I fell in the Clyde I would come out with a Salmon etc.... it just so happened that in this case it was true :D

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I have been a police officer in the Met for a couple of years, I worked in surrey police before for a few years then transferred over.

The force has always had problems with funding and worries about cuts etc. Unfortunatly times are even worse than usual, no money for new uniform, repair to job cars or overtime, it's getting a bit ridiculous in some areas.

But, despite all of this, I wake up on a work day and look forward to work, it is nice to help people. It is frustrating having to arrest people who you know are good people and just had a moment of madness but you just have to get on with it.

Despite what people say, most officers really do care and don't go around looking for innocent people to stick on for rubbish, were too busy and it isn't worth our jobs.


Anyway, essay over, if you want to do the job, be prepared for long days, being spoken to like an idiot and not the best wage in the world, but at least you leave work smiling most days!


This is my aim in a few years when the economy sorts itself out. Was a Special Constable for a good few years and really enjoyed, certainly a unique job.


Sadly the economy is stacked against public services at the moment :(


Just waiting for my local constabulary to start taking specials again and im applying.

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  • 6 months later...

So bit of an update. Just finished a solar PV course, the company I work for and my boss will be doing the MCS accreditation and associated health and safety course(s) to become an approved installer of PV (photovoltaic i.e electric solar panels). I shall be approved enough to be able to undertake the installation. As the government is pushing forward for renewable and carbon neutral energies with feeder tariffs this seems to be the secure future career path for electricians.

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I am a goldsmith I make and fix real gold or silver jewellery. originaly wanted to be panel beater and sprayer but come allergic to one of the chemicals. . I love cars and would of enjoyed it in a way I should of tried mechanics.

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hate my job mainly because of location and the total shit that live there . dealing with the public is never good as you get to deal with a lot of idiots and asholes thankfully you get the odd nice decent person who can make you smile.:)

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I've been the in the Cycle trade for over 10 years and I worked my way up from a part time bike builder to a store manager and I HATE it with a passion. Mainly as there not paying me as the store manager even though I'm doing the job in fact my basic wage its less than everyone else in the store so i have to make sure I get most of the sales to get the commission! Even though 90% of my customers are nice people I dislike serving them as I always have 101 things to do. But if i was payed for the Job im doing i will feel better there but there just plain refusing.


So Im desperate for a new job :(

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i work as a security officer at Claridges hotel in Mayfair, london. i kind of fell into the role after i was made redundant from my last job. it just came at the right time. i was working there as a causual and now full time and have been for the last 5 years!


its long 12 hour shifts of days and nights, on nights i mainly shop for supra bits so not all bad! my normal rota is supposed to be 4 on 4 off which again isnt so bad, but its just getting to me now as i feel im more than this!


all i do is walk around and through drunk rich people out of the bar when they think they can get away with anything! i get to meet and escourt lots of celebs my highlight being sat in the lobby with Lars ulrich from Metallica talking about his career! and then getting passes to there gig! it was totally awsome!! but to be honest, most celebs are dicks!


My real passion lies in music, i have a music degree and have been playing guitar for over 18 years, have my own studio at home etc. but to get a job in the music industry is very difficult and you have to start at the bottom, and tbh with the money commitments i have now i just couldnt afford to do that.


i also love working on cars! i like to tinker..... although learning so much from you guys on here, but i must admit im still bricking it a bit about my N/A to TT conversion but im determind to do it myself. i would have loved to be a sprayer or body repair as i seem to be good at that. but there is no garages near me where i could go and just watch and learn!


all in all, my job aint too bad but i think its time for a change!

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