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Proud of your job/Career


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Left School, worked for Code Masters as a Musician, then programmer, then for the Oliver Twins (Now Blitz Games) doing Dizzy games. Moved to Attention to Detail (Did Roll Cage and Rollcage Stage 2 as well as some Lego Products). Then went to work for Thor Race Engineering Ltd. that folded about 3 month after and became Thor Racing under the TRL umbrella company. Then for Rogue Motorsport and then back to a nice warm office, decent wage and writing Gambling software for Games Warehouse.


Working in Computer games good, working in Motorsport/Tuning industry was absolute shite and I hated every minute of it.


I also have started my side line in building bespoke computers and electronics so we'll see where that goes.

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I'm a graphic designer, and have been since I discovered the 'art' way back when I was the tender age of 18, and haven't looked back since, and I still love it.


I am currently the managing director of a small printing company, which is soon about to close due to the recession, but the former MD of the previous company and myself will go on to make our 'fortune' being agents for another printing company from November this year.


It's a real shame, as I've been here for well over 8 years. It's an end of an era for us all, but it was always going to be the way of things, and will be saying goodbye to some really good people. Life goes on, I suppose, and I hope they all find something that suits them, but the print industry is nearly on it's knees.


Web design is the future, but that's saturated too.

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Left school, joined the Army at 16, found I have a dodgy knee and left then went from job to job. Became a aluminium welder and started my own bussiness by 20, came to work one day and found one of my partners sawing the barrel off a shotgun in a vice (he was in a bike gang that was having a war with the Angels at the time) so decided to sell up and move on.

Joined the TA and lived off that and the money I sold my share of the company for for a few years, then got back from Bosnia in 1997 and decided to get a real job.


Joined the London Fire Brigade, love it and hate it in equal amounts. Its great being on shift and having days off in the week but shit if you actually want a weekend off or have something planned as they are so short now there is now way of getting the leave.

Love the up side of driving to a fire like a loony, getting there and then running in and getting everyone out safely and then (if it is a big job...) letting the building burn down cos the senior officers are shit or putting the fire out if I am in charge.


Weirdest job I have had....

Pulling a junkie out of a toilet cistern in a libray where he had gone to score, he tried to make his shot up on the top od the water tank, it fell behind so he climbed up onto the seat of the toilet to reach over and down, he has taken his shoes off (why???) and his feet slipped and in he went.

The view I had when I went in was of a toilet, a built to the wall cover for a cister and two small feet waggling and just sticking out of the top of the cistern. Laugh...I nearly shat a kidney!

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been doing my facilities job for over 20 years now at dla and i can say without a doubt ill be doing this until i pop my clogs.....when you work for legal bods whose sole job is to know the law inside out you find that you become like a god to them as they know bugger all about the real world out there and as such you are always in demand as the man to sort anything for anyone.


when you have offices all over the world and one of our guys is visiting another office and then he returns and comes in to say such and such abody was asking about you over there and they wish they had a you over there it gives you a buzz to know trainees you helped over 10 years ago who are now top billers still ask about you

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Ignore my post originally in this thread as I wasn't really being honest.....:innocent:


I am actually a male prostitute working between Wigan and Manchester, I sell my ass for £50 a time and some weeks it can be really hard to make ends meet and also keep it a secret form the wife and family. I have a pimp who also gets me gigs as a transvestite at some of the clubs in the gay village in Manchester. As a bonus sometimes you get to turn tricks with a punter after a show and you get "double money".


In my spare time I support Liverpool but I don't normally tell anyone out of embarrasment....;)



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I previously spent 15 years in the pub trade. Loved every waking minute of it! unfortunately the way the pub industry had gone the days became longer and the pay became less... even as a manager. I started to hate going into work but it was the good days where you could have a laugh with the punters that kept me going.


Early last year I thought enough was enough. quite my job, sold most of what I had and jumped in a silver flying cigar and landed in Sydney, Australia.

I decided I would not go back into the pub trade and I would start a new career but it had to give me the satisfaction the pub trade did. I went and got my real estate license and got a job in real estate sales. I lasted 3 months... absolutely hated it and the office I was in but my interest was peaked by property management. Decided I would persue that field, gained myself a job in another office and havent looked back!


I am on more money than I was in the UK as a manager, and I am on the lowest pay at the moment. My role is moving towards business development and my boss wants 3000 rental properties on his books in 2 years... we currently have 900. I can see a very bright future where I am, combine that with the lifestyle I have ( my car is a 5.4ltr V8 that I drive everyday for work....love it! and as people mention its not a typical real estate car!) and it makes me wish I had done it sooner! My avatar is where I work, with said V8... a darn sight better than wakefield thats for sure!

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I work for a share registration company and joined after college not knowing what I wanted to do with my life.


I have spent most of my career working in a Corporate Actions environment dealing with some of the biggest corporate action events in the UK, the Lloyds TSB Rights Issue being the last one. I dealt mainly with Takeovers and Rights Issues and was responsible for liasing with the Company/Client, merchant banks, lawyers etc and reporting figures for announcements made to the market.


I enjoyed the time in this department as everyday was a challenge and something different.


In the last few months I have moved across to our Dividend Planning department as a promotion, so am now responsible for liasing with clients about their dividend payments and making sure that shareholders receive their dividend payments on time.


Still trying to figure out if I'm enjoying the new role or not.

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I work for an IT firm providing healthcare products, I work supporting our A&E product for over 150 hospitals around the country. I really love my job and we are another option to the national program for hospitals.


I was in a job I hated before, I came to this job as just an analyst, then became a supervisor in the team and also took on ICT work, then became manager of team, then manager of the UK, Oz team and Kenyan team. And shortly will be support manager of our southern office as well as Kenyan and Oz team taking on another one of our prodcusts as well.


I like the feel of fixing things for customers and seeing benefits, but I also get the joy of fixing things internally in the support team and improving things for the company and for my team, half the satisfaction comes from my team who tell me Im the best manager they have and they work hard for me and not for the company. Makes me feel good :) If ive got a relaxed happy team with a high pressure workload, they get the job done and I cant ask for anymore from them.

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I quite like my job, good people and really easy going company make it all worthwhile. Pay is slightly below average but I can come and go pretty much when I want and take long breaks to go to the post office etc. whenever required - as long as you don't take the pee.


Job itself is qualifying new enterprise hard drives in network storage systems, working with RAID setups and stuff. I'm in charge of the environmental test lab; thermal chamber and shaker system, and have 2 test Engineers reporting to me. All good fun and for an Engineer it's nice to have variety of electrical, electronic, mechanical and software to deal with, as well as seeing all the latest technology coming out (see HAMR and BPM/DTR).


Only things I wish I'd been able to do instead were racing/test driver or helicopter pilot! would love to have worked with robotics too.

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Guest SupraTroopa

Civil servant :( not exactly my dream job but keeps the bills paid I guess. Still telling myself that its temporary and that I don't know what I want to do when I'm 'a real grown up' :D in my mind I'm still only 16.

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I enjoy my job, love it in fact!


I work in IT (which a lot of people do) for a law firm looking for the back end of stuff (servers etc). I have always been a geek and enjoyed working with computers and gadgets, think it is worth going into a job if you enjoy it, makes life a whole lot easier.


I was in Switzerland a couple of weeks ago & then in Paris the week before at our Europe offices, will be working in the Middle East soon, so you get to see a bit of the world and meet a lot of people. Really enjoyed being somewhere that has a totally different setup, its challenging and rewarding when everything is working. :)

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After college doing A levels in Sports Studies and Biology got a job in a gym being a fitness instructor. Progressed through the ranks and gained all the relevant qualifications (ETM, personal trainer etc). Absolutely loved my job but the pay was shocking so progressed into managemant.


At 21 I was managing a busy health club in Bolton town centre and running a personal training business but the hours and everything else started to get on top of me.


Around that time I was approached about teaching martial arts classes (I had been training in MA on and off since I was a kid). Packed in the gyms and set up on my own not long after.


I now own and run 4 academies with the scope to open more if I found the right instructors. Im on the board of advisors for the affiliated organisation Im with, which means I teach different seminars around the country and take examinations for other clubs. Im also the northern training examiner and teach instructor courses 2 or 3 times a year aswell.


Only bad thing is with doing everything myself I can't take days off etc and work every Sunday in the year. I only have Saturdays off but can't really enjoy a good Saturday night on the booze anymore as trying to teach 15 - 20 3 to 6 year olds how to defend themselves whilst throwing up in the toilets can be quite difficult lol.

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I read somewhere recently that you never a leave a company, you leave the manager/s who you work for.


I think thats where I am at the moment, I love the company and what we have achieved, but i cant stand the MD who runs it all anymore.


If anyone wants a financial trading system building for them, give me a shout, I could do with the new challenge.:search:

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I am now a Solution Project Manager within on the Leeds BSF scheme for the ICT provider, RM. I graduated in 2006 and joined RM straight away. Excellent values that appealed to me. Worked as a Product Manager, a Services Bid Consultant and other jobs while at the company, all based on Oxford. I moved up here for the BSF role in the last 2 months.


Love it. Studied Physics so could be doing something else

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I work in an investment bank in the city after doing a a degree in ecomomics.


Can't say I like it at all. I really hate the people and industry in general. Very pretentious and ungrateful people for what they have/get. I can't complain about salary and it's unfortunate that the pay and career progression is too tempting to make me walk away from the industry. So I'm stuck with a job I hate for life potentially. Some will argue that's a good position to be in but it really isn't.

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I work in an investment bank in the city after doing a a degree in ecomomics.


Can't say I like it at all. I really hate the people and industry in general. Very pretentious and ungrateful people for what they have/get. I can't complain about salary and it's unfortunate that the pay and career progression is too tempting to make me walk away from the industry. So I'm stuck with a job I hate for life potentially. Some will argue that's a good position to be in but it really isn't.


I do a lot of work with banks around the City and I really wouldnt enjoy working for them. One example : we recently provided a software solution for a department in one bank, before it was delivered they fired the whole IT department (many of them having been there for several years), a couple of months later they are trying to recruit again because nobody understands the systems they left behind:rolleyes:


All the banks seem to be run by accountants where the balance sheet is everything, the staff mean absolutely nothing. But then again, the money is good:blink:

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I worked in Intel Ireland for 4 years as a manufacturing technician and was really in a rut there. Was just going day to day trying to avoid talkin to my boss. It was a job where you were not awarded for doing you job well but for the shitty little projects you done outside your job!! So i think i know what a bad job is, even though there was a time when i enjoyed it!! So about a year ago I was made redundant and was on the dole for 9 months.


Then i got offered the job i'm in now, i work for ASML in Eindhoven, Holland. I'm a System Install Engineer and i Install ASML systems all over the world, i'm just back from 3 weeks in China and am off to Singapore for the next month!! I know its work at the end of the day but i'm loving it!! Going to see loads of places i've never been, i love my job (For now anyway)!!

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Im an electrical engineer/assistant project manager. Building & refurbing all electricity lines from lv 240v/415 supplies right up to 33kv rebuilds including sub station work and underground cabling. Love it! Scenery is excellent in some places we get to work it certainly beats the 9 to 5 office job for me i much prefer the outdoors.

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I work for BSI Testing, the people that give the Kitemark and CE marks for various types of products.

My dept. does all the testing for PPE type products including BA sets used by fireman and the military and crash helmet testing.

We also test things like emergency smoke hoods, welding masks, and the disposable facemasks you see in diy stores.

If it's got a 'CE 0086' mark then it's been tested at my place ;)


The job is very involved but enjoyable too as you get to do such a variety of tests including burning stuff :D


Anyway, I like it.

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