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Driving a car thats taxed but not displaying a disc, illegal?


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Looking at getting a car thats currently SORN'd, can I tax it online and drive without displaying a disc?

I know you get 5 days grace to use an expired tax disc while waiting for a new one to arrive but what about no disc? Anyone know? Uness you display a long expired one for the 5 days...

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Did not think you could tax a car on line that was not in your name on the log book, you have to go to the post office :search:


How would the computer know it wasnt the owner taxing it?


The car may be taxed but you will be done for none display, so you lose..lol



Thats what I thought :)

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I believe it is a £200 fine if not displayed, and the police are able to tell if it is taxed.


This is only if you are caught, but to be honest I wouldn't think most officers would be that strict. They might tell you off and understand you have just brought the car (provided you have the receipt).

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I believe it is a £200 fine if not displayed, and the police are able to tell if it is taxed.


This is only if you are caught, but to be honest I wouldn't think most officers would be that strict. They might tell you off and understand you have just brought the car (provided you have the receipt).


Cops rarely stop cars now unless the ANPR pings them, and it will show up as taxed etc. I best call DVLA tomorrow, if only just to clarify the situation

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I got fined £150 for having my tax disc up by the rear view mirror!!! not displayed on the left hand side of the screen.!!


If you get a stroppy copper (most are these days) u r in shit


get one with half ounce of common sense (very very rare nowdays) ull be ok

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I got fined £150 for having my tax disc up by the rear view mirror!!! not displayed on the left hand side of the screen.!!


If you get a stroppy copper (most are these days) u r in shit


get one with half ounce of common sense (very very rare nowdays) ull be ok


£150 fine for that! :blink:

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I asked this once when i was at the DVLA centre in Norwich, the woman told me the fine for not having a Tax disc on display is higher than the fine for not having the car taxed. Stupid IMO. As long as the car is taxed and insured and your not speeding, the chances of you being stopped is marginal.

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I can see why it used to be a valid requirement but I think displaying the requirement to display the tax disc is a bit redundant nowadays now that the police have ANPR.


I think as long as you're only driving it to / from work and not parking it up for the traffic wardens to have a good nose around then you'll be fine.


Even if it was just in the car but sat on the dash on the left hand side (as opposed to stuck to the window) it's quite possible that you wouldn't be able to see it as the car is driving. It's only if you park up and someone get's to have look around that it'd be a problem.

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I taxed a car online last year and it took 3 weeks for the disc to come through. In that time, i'd asked the DVLA about the repercussions of using the car still - they told me I couldn't. When I asked how i'm supposed to get to work (i travel all over the north east), they simply said to use public transport (not a chance in hell of being reliable) or not to go to work :rolleyes: Didn't get stopped and kept the confirmation printout in the window, had 1 warden give me a ticket in a car park but this was not endorsed :shrug:

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I'm always renewing my tax disc, but then find I can't be arsed to remove the annoying little allen bolts in my stupid metal tax disc holder thing so I can change it.


Previous tax disc still in holder expired 5 months ago, new one in the glove box.


...Last time I think I went nearly 8 months.

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I can see why it used to be a valid requirement but I think displaying the requirement to display the tax disc is a bit redundant nowadays now that the police have ANPR.



I once did my MOT, tax online on the last day of the month.. My due date.


Drove the car the next day and got tugged by an ANPR car.


Coppers read me the riot act as it was showing up on their system as being untaxed and no MOT. The copper told me the DVLA computer recognises the changes immediately but the police system only updates once or twice a week.... so even though you may be fully legal, the cops system might not be upto date.


He was going to give me a fine for failure to display but he tried to make me look a fool, when instead I ended up getting him to count on his hand as he could work months out! :D

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I changed car recently and the DVLA were being very slow with the V5, I was not within the timescale to purchase tax without V5. So i was forced to buy tax online which was sent to the previous owners house. I also sent of the V5c claim form at the same time thinking the DVLA had lost the original v5.


Anyway in the end I ended up driving for 3 months with no displayed tax disc even though I had payed, went though several ANPR camera's no issue at all. Then I recieve through the post 2 V5's for the same car on the same day ;).


Then once I had my V5's I could get a copy tax disc by sending the V5 and £7.50 to my local taxation office.


A load of hassle but goes to show if your car is actually taxed the chances of getting stopped is very slim as your number plate which the ANPR works from and police is OK, no one actually checks your Tax disc.

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If you need a cover note I can set you up 7 days free insurance and email you the cover note.


Depending when/where your travelling I may be able to lend you some trade plates.


Awesome offer but Ive got insurance from my van, just going to transfer it across :)

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