Geo Posted September 10, 2010 Author Share Posted September 10, 2010 Well our mosque focused entire Friday prayer talks on it though. As the Quran says; argue in the ways that are just and most gracious. The media isn't going to report what an imam says on a mosque are they? I swear, next time if those guys protest when the soldiers come back, ill try my best to go there myself and represent Muslims and try to instill some sense into them. Whether that will be reported is another matter. I don't even support what our soldiers are doing abroad. if only more people thought like you dude, and by that i mean Everyone before anyone gets there knickers in a twist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jackso11 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 Who judges what you wear? What if they all worth no clothes like some African tribes? Would you then tell them they are wearing too little & need to wear more clothes? I like that idea. Who do we tell to make women be naked from now on? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geo Posted September 10, 2010 Author Share Posted September 10, 2010 Anything to take the focus of your face hey geo! dam gypo face of mine im like Mo from the Simpsons, one Ugly MoFo, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 dam gypo face of mine im like mo from the simpsons, one ugly mofo, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Porky1978 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 Whether he burns the book or not the world will still turn. I dont think that it will light the blue touch paper as many people are predicting accross the globe. Personally i say burn it. Not to increase hatred of each others religions or whatever, but more to show the 'extreme' muslims that we have a free right to burn it, just as they denounce the west, prophecise that the world will burn and only they will remain etc... Just my opinion and not intended to offend. Peace out. Alex. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Septic Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 Would you have the danger close perk equipped and be using the rocket launcher, possible an AK47 and C4? Lol haha. You know whats funny; I do use danger close pro noob tubes a lot. I'm known as the p4*I terrorist when I'm on cod. In regards to a big demonstration by Muslims condoning terrorist acts, there was a MASSIVE event called the peace mission held in India with all the most popular Muslim clerics and intellectuals held a while ago but the wider media couldn't care less. They show it regularly on an Islamic channel called Peace TV. The result would be the same if it were held here. Why am I spending my EID on the forums? I should be stuffing my face. Nandos, I missed you baby. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorin Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 One mentalist in the US proposes burning a book, it's generally seen as a bad idea, and mentalist decides against it. Meanwhile... Three people were shot Indonesia's president said it threatened world peace. Demonstrators burned a US flag and chanted "Death to Christians". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tooley Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 it still dumfounds me why over half of all the worlds danger zones and conflicts are directly related to religious issues yet nobody in high power takes a step back and gets rid of religion.... i know im probably going to be ripped apart for this but had hilter got his way you wouldnt have half of the middle east issues or most of the past serb/sarajavo conflicts either. this doesnt mean im advocating nazism although the army would look a lot more stylish than they do now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rob Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 It would have been funny if he had built them into two stacks of books, then flew a model plane doused in petrol into them. I bet if someone like Banksy did that, it would be called art. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 Lol haha. You know whats funny; I do use danger close pro noob tubes a lot. I'm known as the p4*I terrorist when I'm on cod. I turn to danger close and grenade lobber when things aren't going my way. I don't think using explosive without danger close is worth it. In regards to a big demonstration by Muslims condoning terrorist acts, there was a MASSIVE event called the peace mission held in India with all the most popular Muslim clerics and intellectuals held a while ago but the wider media couldn't care less. They show it regularly on an Islamic channel called Peace TV. The result would be the same if it were held here. I'm not so sure. There's no need to just give up on the idea because perhaps it didn't work in India. Imagine the media attention if thosands of Muslims came to the streets denouncing terrorism and sporting the cardboard posters (the one's you often see in the media sporting hatred slogans) saying things like 'Islam is about peace, terrorists are not welcome in our faith' etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Septic Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 That's the media for you. Mind you, if Muslims burned the bible, that would be completely against Islam as the Quran not only forbids the desecration of other holy texts but also the Christian cross. I doubt Muslims would do it simply because they would be hypocrites and committing a sin. But then again......look at Abu Hamza. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 But then again......look at Abu Hamza. Now there's a prize c0ck for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Porky1978 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 It would have been funny if he had built them into two stacks of books, then flew a model plane doused in petrol into them. I bet if someone like Banksy did that, it would be called art. And we have a winner for quote of the millenium. Quality fella. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davej705 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 I'm not so sure. There's no need to just give up on the idea because perhaps it didn't work in India. Imagine the media attention if thosands of Muslims came to the streets denouncing terrorism and sporting the cardboard posters (the one's you often see in the media sporting hatred slogans) saying things like 'Islam is about peace, terrorists are not welcome in our faith' etc. You hit the nail right on the head with that statement Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Septic Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 You hit the nail right on the head with that statement Lol its already been done but yeah I guess of we get the timing right. A random demonstration might not make sense though. Still, I agree with you. How do we go about it though lol? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imi Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 It would seem that the invasion of Iraq was unjustified, but neither of us are in full possesion of the facts. you are assuming that the powers to be actually care about the facts. Mr Bush declared that he wanted regime change - it was our T Blair who came up with the false WMD must remember this is all about the Petro-Dollar Cycle, Saddam was threatening it, he had to be eradicated..and they captured the oil reserves as a bonus. To hell with the rest as far as they are concerned. Oh - we are in it together as well so cant wash our hands clean either. Regarding Iran - Like before America will only act in its best interest, given half a chance they will do exactly what they did in Iraq - however Iran is far more powerful and potent which is why you havent seen a 3rd invasion of yet. I believe it is just a matter of time - let the dust settle a bit. WMDs or not, the people of Iraq were being oppressed and i'm certain that the majority of Iraqis will lead better lives in the future, so long as the situation over there continues to improve. Iraq has been destroyed and been put back generations, it was far more organised under the ruthless regime of Saddam - like I said earlier, the American have different objectives. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imi Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 Holy texts are considered sacred by devout followers of a faith, be they main stream or radical. So threatening to burn the most important document in their faith is a real insult. Now where's my copy of Lord Of The Rings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imi Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 The media isn't going to report what an imam says on a mosque are they? If it helps sell more papers then off-course they will and have done many a times before.....remember captain hook from finsbury mosque.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davej705 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 Lol its already been done but yeah I guess of we get the timing right. A random demonstration might not make sense though. Still, I agree with you. How do we go about it though lol? The only protests we see in the media are negative anti western ones,why not have a positive pro western anti fanatical rally right outside finsbury park mosque.I'd attend and give support... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imi Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 The only protests we see in the media are negative anti western ones,why not have a positive pro western anti fanatical rally right outside finsbury park mosque.I'd attend and give support... like i said, its boring and not newsworthy..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Porky1978 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 like i said, its boring and not newsworthy..... But that should not stop it from happening......... Count me in if you wanna organise it fella Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davej705 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 like i said, its boring and not newsworthy..... You think if thousand of Muslims and Christians descended on finsbury park in a huge anti terrorism march that no-one would raise an eyebrow...I think it would get some headlines Your right about one thing though,unless it's negative the media don't seem to wanna know,unless it's too big to ignore it probably wouldn't work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j_jza80 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 Iraq has been destroyed and been put back generations, it was far more organised under the ruthless regime of Saddam - Saddam did alot of this himself in the early 90s with the burning of the oil fields, which destroyed approx 90% of the Iraqi marsh lands and made tens of thousands of Iraqi Marsh arabs homeless. He also destroyed billions of gallons of oil, which was obviously a scarce resource as it was. Hundreds of thousands killed/tortured/abducted under his reign, both his own people, Kuwaitis, Kurds etc. The mistake the west made was not to Dethrone Saddam during the first Gulf war. There is no way on earth that the situation there is worse now than it was with him in charge, at least they have the opportunity for freedom now. All I ever seem to hear when people talk badly about The Gulf is that it was all about the oil. Thats not it at all. The Iraqi people couldn't even make their grievances known as they were in constatnt danger of reprisals. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j_jza80 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 you are assuming that the powers to be actually care about the facts. Mr Bush declared that he wanted regime change - it was our T Blair who came up with the false WMD must remember this is all about the Petro-Dollar Cycle, Saddam was threatening it, he had to be eradicated..and they captured the oil reserves as a bonus. To hell with the rest as far as they are concerned. Oh - we are in it together as well so cant wash our hands clean either. Regarding Iran - Like before America will only act in its best interest, given half a chance they will do exactly what they did in Iraq - however Iran is far more powerful and potent which is why you havent seen a 3rd invasion of yet. I believe it is just a matter of time - let the dust settle a bit. WMDs or not, the people of Iraq were being oppressed and i'm certain that the majority of Iraqis will lead better lives in the future, so long as the situation over there continues to improve. Iraq has been destroyed and been put back generations, it was far more organised under the ruthless regime of Saddam - like I said earlier, the American have different objectives. Saddam did alot of this himself in the early 90s with the burning of the oil fields, which destroyed approx 90% of the Iraqi marsh lands and made tens of thousands of Iraqi Marsh arabs homeless. He also destroyed billions of gallons of oil, which was obviously a scarce resource as it was. Hundreds of thousands killed/tortured/abducted under his reign, both his own people, Kuwaitis, Kurds etc. The mistake the west made was not to Dethrone Saddam during the first Gulf war. There is no way on earth that the situation there is worse now than it was with him in charge, at least they have the opportunity for freedom now. All I ever seem to hear when people talk badly about The Gulf is that it was all about the oil. Thats not it at all. Thats like trying to justify the Vienam war with "They were after the abundance of Jungle" . The Iraqi people couldn't even make their grievances known as they were in constatnt danger of reprisals. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Purity14 Posted September 10, 2010 Share Posted September 10, 2010 i know im probably going to be ripped apart for this but had hilter got his way you wouldnt have half of the middle east issues or most of the past serb/sarajavo conflicts either. this doesnt mean im advocating nazism although the army would look a lot more stylish than they do now Sorry to break this to you dude, but Hitler was a filthy catholic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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