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11/9/10 Burning of the Koran


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Do a search, this has been covered before on the forum and if you can't find it then a quick google search will come up trumps.


Thought this thread was about the Terry jones situation......


i couldn't be bothered going through loads of threads dude, with arguing and religion crap, now if you want to do it for me :thumbs:


the thread was about the OP but id thought id ask, as i was curious about WHY??


Im a curious fella, god knows what i'll ask next??


Is Tony TT gay??

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I predicted race riots this Summer, but maybe I was a bit out on my time scale.They will happen, it's set in stone (if not the religious books ;)), it's just a matter of when and how serious. There's even been veiled animosity in this forum (for months), and I consider this to be far from a BNP or black supremacist stronghold :) The forthcoming socio-economic changes will probably help trigger them, it's as good an excuse as anything ;) Just so long as they don't close the bloody M6......


Something to do at the weekend I guess :D

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yer y not! they cheered with the towers went down and burning american flags . . . . . F*ck them!! Im not saying all muslims are nasty as i have some muslim friends from bangladesh. But its one douch burning a book.... so no fuss in my eyes..


Looked what happened when that teacher was trying to "teach" and as she labled Muhamid as a teddy bear, they were out for blood! 100's of them!!


ANd what about those muslims that that shouted "let all the dead british soliders burn in hell" In ENGLAND next to nothing got done. But if i sad that about there soilders in there country i would have been hung!!


Non muslims cant do ANYTHING or it will be because its rasit or against the religian... Im so fed up of hearing about all the rubish that goes on about all these bloody religians.... Thats y im athiest its just al hassel and problems...


Burn what ever!!! I bet they burn 100's of bibles but nothing was said or it would have been "racist"" PSST!


100% right mate it makes me sick there not even animals


Brain donors.

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One curious thing I've noticed I that when this pastor comes out saying his going to burn the qu'ran he is widely condemned by the majority of Christians,which is a good thing


But when British troops return to the uk and are greeted by British Muslims holding placards saying baby killers and murderers,other British Muslims do nothing but stand by and watch


Just a thought

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But when British troops return to the uk and are greeted by British Muslims holding placards saying baby killers and murderers,other British Muslims do nothing but stand by and watch


Just a thought


Perhaps some do condemn them... but the media don't report it.

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dude do you realise how little or zero contact normal muslim folk have with extremists? Marches etc are fine but tend not to have any affect on the views of radicals.


I don't think there needs to be any ‘close contact’ in the modern world; we’re connected by global media in some way.


Even if the good people following the Islamic faith don't get through to the radicals, they'll go some way towards relating to the people who are blinkered and thing all Muslims are just the same as the one's harbouring the hatred. However you look at it, there’s a large array of people out there that tarnish all Muslims with the same brush. If there was a large movement by the Muslims of the west to actively denounce Terrorism (more than the few do now), it would go such a long way to improving relations – it’s half of the fight.


Let the riots happen. I'll be at home playing COD.


Would you have the danger close perk equipped and be using the rocket launcher, possible an AK47 and C4? :innocent:

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Well our mosque focused entire Friday prayer talks on it though. As the Quran says; argue in the ways that are just and most gracious.


The media isn't going to report what an imam says on a mosque are they?


I swear, next time if those guys protest when the soldiers come back, ill try my best to go there myself and represent Muslims and try to instill some sense into them. Whether that will be reported is another matter. I don't even support what our soldiers are doing abroad.

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Right can someone clarify why the woman go about wearing Ninja Suits?? Reminds me of this film from 1984




Who judges what you wear? What if they all worth no clothes like some African tribes? Would you then tell them they are wearing too little & need to wear more clothes?

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Who judges what you wear? What if they all worth no clothes like some African tribes? Would you then tell them they are wearing too little & need to wear more clothes?


Dude i wear tops that tight to show off my my muscles :D couldnt get a monkey piss what people think off my clothes TBH, Im a gyspy tramp and proud


And the question i stated was WHY?? As i dont know the religion, and didnt want to make a guess or a really disrespecful answer. Hence i thought someone on here who does follow the religion could answer my question


As for the youtube video, well it does remind me of the film, no harm in that dude, just like ScottM reminds me of this dude The BFG by Roald Dahl

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Well our mosque focused entire Friday prayer talks on it though. As the Quran says; argue in the ways that are just and most gracious.


The problem you've got there is there's only Muslims in your mosque there to listen. What I'm tyring to get across is the need to do 'a little more'. It's no good if eveyone's opinion is tucked away inside the Mosque.

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