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Best & Worst male actors?


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Kevin Spacey


Mind you, he does walk his dog awfully late at night.

:D Excellent :D


1. Gerald Butler ( Law Abiding Citizen)
He's good - but LAC was such utter tripe. I thought the first few minutes were gripping but the film got more and more far-fetched as it dragged on.


Two of the worst have to be Steven Seagal and Christopher Lambert, they're just awful!
At the time I loved Lambert in Highlander but, yeah, nothing since. Remember "Greystoke"? My God!


I'm not quite sure where to place Bill Shatner. I like him.

If only he hadn't done TJ Hooker.

How do you rate his music?

v2Hl4RTOOcc EyfTNdlKR7A


Christopher Walken??

I remember the first film I saw him in; Dead Zone. He was really good in that. I also liked him in The Deer Hunter and Pulp Fiction.


Here's a few that I think are actually pretty good at the sort of thing they do, and know their limitations:



In what film(s) do rate Sly's performance, Cliff? I can't think of anything.

BRIAN 'WHAAAATTT?' BLESSED (I, Claudius, Branagh's Hamlet)
Apparently you can get him as a custom voice for your TomTom. That would be amusing, for a while.


I don't mind Nick Cage tbh... Leaving Las Vegas was *amazing* (I cried like a girl at the end :D)

I think you should check out Leaving Las Vegas, Mike Figgis (of Stormy Monday fame) directs... and Elizabeth Shue stars along side Cage. It's a cracker. I guarantee you *will* cry at this... or you're a machine! :D

I'm sure I've seen LLV but I can't even remember the end. Maybe I didn't watch it til the end. What happens in the ending?



So we're doing 'name your 10 best and 10 most over-rated actors of our generation.'

Going back a bit further, likewise for 12 Angry Men.

Did you kill many Germans during the war, granddad?

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In what film(s) do rate Sly's performance, Cliff? I can't think of anything.



I thought he was good in Rocky and Cop Land. Go ahead, sue me. ;)


Did you kill many Germans during the war, granddad?


:D You're a bad man.


I also like Malcolm McDowell and Klaus Kinski.


That's great about BB on TomTom. I wonder how many people keep it on there for more than half an hour.

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Nick Cage is a funny one. He truly is a terrible actor, but he's been in some of my favourite films:


  • Leaving Las Vegas
  • Wild at Heart
  • Adaptation
  • Bringing Out The Dead
  • Lord of War


Another underrated jobbing actor IMO is David Thewlis. Watch the fantastic film "Naked" for his absolute best.

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How do you rate his music?





Very good.


But for some more of his serious work, where he sublimely fuses acting and singing, you need to see these...


Shatner interpets Elton John's 'Rocket Man'





And my personal favourite, Sinatra's 'It Was A Very Good Year'




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Can I get some Ice-cream?


Sure, what flavour would you like?


Doesn't matter, it's for my ass!




I think Duchovny is OK in certain roles. Californication suits him quite well, I don't think he will ever be up for any Oscars though.

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OK for me it's


1. Morgan Freeman

2. Tom Hanks

3. Arnold Scwartzenegger

4. Tommy Lee Jones

5. Jean Claude Van Damme (I know I'll get some boos for him) - his last universal soldier was quite crap to be fair.

6. Stallone - can you think of one namby-pamby film he did? Don't get me wrong Rocky had it's moments, but it was still a good movie.

7. Bruce Willis

8. Christopher Walkin

9. Will Ferrell

10. Matt Damon





Worst Actors

1. Jackie Chan - the man can't act! Period! He's just the stunt guy. "Hmm, how can we improve this otherwise uninspiring cop movie? Lets add some fung fu dude!" Didn't work with Chris Rock, didn't work with Lethal weapn.

2. Jack Black - God know he tries. But it comes across like he's trying too hard. Wow! Look at me, I'm middle aged and I'm so into METAL (DEVIL HORNS THRUST INTO YO FACE. 'CAUSE I'M BAD. SO BAD. BADDER THAN YOU. Ok, we got it. Middle-life Crisis)

3. Seagal - Seriously. How does this guy stay in business. He's just an overweight bad Chuck Norris Clone.

4. J-LO - Seriously. Stop acting. It's rubbish. Please just stick to churnning out mediocre ghetto-esk rap all above how you're so bootilishously poor.

5. Daniel Radcliffe and pretty much the whole cast of Harry Potter - child actors can't act. Seriously what are you going to do after HP? Continue poking out Horses eyes? Or go the way of Mark Hamill and do a few minor parts in rubbish films and end up as a cartoonist.

6. Samuel L Jackson - Seriously the man feels the need to either shout or make some sort of biblical statement. Bugger off.

7. James Wood - weak, weak WEAK actor.

8. George Clooney - seriously can't stand him and as he gets older he just seems to be ending up in more obscure movies and looks like sh*t.

9. Tom Cruise. I can't stand the upty little squirt. It's like he's on crack all the time. Yes. OK. well done you do 90% of your own stunts but your movie is still rubbish and hard to believe.

10.Rappers who try to make it as actors (ICE T, Eminem, Snoop Dog, Will Smith)

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OK for me it's


1. Morgan Freeman

2. Tom Hanks

3. Jack Black

4. Tommy Lee Jones

5. Samuel L Jackson

6. Stallone - can you think of one namby-pamby film he did? Don't get me wrong Rocky had it's moments, but it was still a good movie.

7. Bruce Willis

8. Christopher Walkin

9. Will Ferrell

10. Matt Damon

11. Jackie Chan - Check out his HK movies too, where he doen't have to think/act in English.

12. George Clooney

13. Tom Cruise

14. Will Smith



Worst Actors


1. Arnold.

2. Seagal - Seriously. How does this guy stay in business. He's just an overweight bad Chuck Norris Clone.

3. J-LO - Seriously. Stop acting. It's rubbish. Please just stick to churnning out mediocre ghetto-esk rap all above how you're so bootilishously poor.

4. Daniel Radcliffe and pretty much the whole cast of Harry Potter - child actors can't act. Seriously what are you going to do after HP? Continue poking out Horses eyes? Or go the way of Mark Hamill and do a few minor parts in rubbish films and end up as a cartoonist.

5. Jean Claude Van Damme

6. James Wood - weak, weak WEAK actor.

- seriously can't stand him and as he gets older he just seems to be ending up in more obscure movies and looks like sh*t.

8. I can't stand the upty little squirt. It's like he's on crack all the time. Yes. OK. well done you do 90% of your own stunts but your movie is still rubbish and hard to believe.

9.Rappers who try to make it as actors (ICE T, Eminem, Snoop Dog, )



Dan, nice list, but I think you are mistaken, so I've made the necessary amendments here :D

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BRAINWASHED: Yes. Lbm. Those are most suitable. Thank you for your enlightenment.



Sorry what I meant to say was - quite simply, if you're not in the 'Expendables' you're not a good actor :D



...And if you're in the A-Team, you're still a bad actor....

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