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Ghostly Experience


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Errrmm, so what's possible then?


Dude trust me, dont try to take em on, if they havnt experienced it they will just come up with 'smart comments' which will make you look a fool, alow it, if or when it happens to them..they wont have a clue what to do :) take my advise :)

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Whoa, I just heard something downstairs.......the sound of clinking glass.......


:D Saturday night ey haha


Almost everynight i hear our phone dialing, its very distinctive, when i make a movement it stops, weird but i dont care:D in my old house i used to hear our kettle boiling and our toilet taps running...werid.

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:D Friday night ey haha


Almost everynight i hear our phone dialing, its very distinctive, when i make a movement it stops, weird but i dont care:D in my old house i used to hear our kettle boiling and our toilet taps running...werid.


Friday night? Anyway, it's cool, I'm not challenging Tannhauser, just fascinated by the possible response.


I did go downstairs and check and the fridge was running but couldn't possibly have been glass. The coolant sounds like clinking glass when the pump is on but it was quite loud so it must have been it starting up.


I hope so anyway! :eyebrows:

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Friday night?


You what? :p



Anyway, it's cool, I'm not challenging Tannhauser, just fascinated by the possible response.


I did go downstairs and check and the fridge was running but couldn't possibly have been glass. The coolant sounds like clinking glass when the pump is on but it was quite loud so it must have been it starting up.


I hope so anyway! :eyebrows:


Are you paranoid? lol, shouldnt take on sounds like that otherwise youll loose your mind:D

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Errrmm, so what's possible then?


Many things, but specifically excluding:


1. All 'psychic phenomena', including clairvoyance, telepathy, psychic healing and psychokinesis.

2. Homeopathy.

3. Any claims made by David Icke. Even if he sits on a blue chair and states 'I am sitting on a blue chair', he is mistaken, by definition.

4. Any attempt to make a sensible response to this:


Dude trust me, dont try to take em on, if they havnt experienced it they will just come up with 'smart comments' which will make you look a fool, alow it, if or when it happens to them..they wont have a clue what to do :) take my advise :)


As an aside, scientists have calculated that the probability of a believer in psychic phenomena misusing concepts of (a) energy or (b) quantum mechanics in attempts to justify their beliefs is now 99.9999999%.

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Many things, but specifically excluding:


1. All 'psychic phenomena', including clairvoyance, telepathy, psychic healing and psychokinesis.

2. Homeopathy.

3. Any claims made by David Icke. Even if he sits on a blue chair and states 'I am sitting on a blue chair', he is mistaken, by definition.

4. Any attempt to make a sensible response to this:




As an aside, scientists have calculated that the probability of a believer in psychic phenomena misusing concepts of (a) energy or (b) quantum mechanics in attempts to justify their beliefs is now 99.9999999%.


Gibberish! :D


Edit, sorry, I'll have to fail on rule 4 but hey, no biggie; what do so-called 'Scientists' know about energy anyway? They don't even know where 98 odd percent of it is or what to call it! They even call 98% of our DNA 'junk' because they don't know what it does. Also, there is no concensus atall in 'Science' about such matters. It all depends on who's opinion you want to believe. The ultimate truth is that belief creates reality, since all of this is in our collective minds. Even matter itself. What you perceive as reality is just what your particular mind/brain wants to believe. What you see and feel are waveform sound vibrations, interfering in such a way as to create the illusion of solid matter, when it is anything but. Sound can even be used to dissociate matter.


As Albert Einstein apparently said, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one". Are you going to disagree with him too?


This is of course, just friendly banter and in no way constitutes an aggressive stance on my part.


BTW, my slightly older brother is Professor of Physics at Oxford International College near Shanghai and I'm sure that he'd agree with you 100%. However, when driving him to my parent's house a few years ago in my MKIII Supra, he adamantly stated that if we exceeded the speed limit of 70mph, it was "A mathematical equation" or prettymuch a certainty that we'd crash and die. Obviously he didn't consider many factors in his equation. He doesn't drive either, because he can't; he's too scared!


An equation is only as good as the amount of data that it factors in, or it's bandwidth, as it were. Garbage in = garbage out. Logic is a linearly deductive or projective process, based on assumptions, any single one of which if inaccurate, makes the outcome invalid. It's this failure to integrate the two hemispheres of the brain that cause these misunderstandings. It was probably the Reptiles that did this to us for a laugh! Google Reptilian Brain or R Complex. We all have reptilian brains! It's a fact!

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Beast of Bomex, are you a fan of the son of god, David Icke?

Are you a believer of jewish lizardmen that walk among us?


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to discuss him again. Very perceptive of you but I wouldn't lower myself to the status of fan, no but for the purposes of this inevitable argument, yes; we could do with a lot more people with his courage and intelligence on this planet right now, indeed! :D


Careful as you'll get me banned though. I was happy to let it go before but I have great faith in the wise and powerful Elite Beings that govern our world, i.e. The Mods.


I've read all of David's books but the first one, seen him live 4 times and remember him on Grandstand and Pot Black in the eighties. Utterly sane and highly intelligent individual if ever there was one, though he does insist on saying "Expidential" instead of "Exponential", (don't you just hate that?) but I find it astonishing that after 20 years he's still able to draw such a presumably negative reaction, proving that rather than actually listen to him and make the effort to understand him, it's easier to attack his and his 'fans' characters by reflex action.


Jewish Lizardmen........I think you need to read his books before you make a fool of yourself.


Moderators, for the record, I didn't even mention his name once in this thread.


My reptile - I mean reputation obviously precedes me!



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dude....ghosts are real!




edit: I could post some pics but its rather NWS :)


What a beautiful pussycat you have there! What's his/her name?




Oh, Joannascheezburger.com, nice name! Wouldn't want to have to call it in every night though......


Also, it's a reptile! Look at it's eyes!



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I have indeed read his book, the first one and another one at some point.

You do know that the lizardmen have been likened to the jews, not from his own mouth but from his right-wing anti-semite followers. It has been said that if you replaced the word lizardmen for 'jew' it does make for an interesting read.


I've never met a real lizardman, the closest I've come is 'a snake in the grass', in human form.


Anyway I've just woken up, I've got a few things to do today, perhaps I will structure a full reply on my return home this evening.

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I have indeed read his book, the first one and another one at some point.

You do know that the lizardmen have been likened to the jews, not from his own mouth but from his right-wing anti-semite followers. It has been said that if you replaced the word lizardmen for 'jew' it does make for an interesting read.


I've never met a real lizardman, the closest I've come is 'a snake in the grass', in human form.


Anyway I've just woken up, I've got a few things to do today, perhaps I will structure a full reply on my return home this evening.


Remember that in regard to reptiles etc. David is normally only quoting other's research and that he's 'stumbled upon' a very specific pattern regarding these reptilian hybrids, while meeting people all over the world who've told him that they'd personally witnessed shapeshifting. These could even be 'agents provocateurs' planted in his path to make him look crazy and discredit him but why go to the trouble? Then you're talking of a global conspiracy.......either way, something's going on here.


He was the first to admit how 'bizarre' it was and doesn't claim to have seen it himself, though Ted Heath's eyes apparently went black in a dressing room once at the BBC or wherever.


I don't recall any mention of the word 'Lizardmen' anywhere in his books (Richard Warman - ADL perhaps?) but it's been a while since I read the older ones when this was news to him and perhaps you're using the term instead of Hybrid. Anyway, I know what you mean.


Certainly there is a connection according to not only David Icke but Jordan Maxwell and many others to the 'Elite' banking families and this alleged hybrid bloodline, many of whom appear to be Jewish, yes. That's not to say that there aren't equal or greater numbers of non-Jewish hybrids, if they exist atall.


He makes a very strong case, however, that they do, through his study of symbolism or 'their language'. It's absolutely everybl**dywhere! The City, in particular.


From my understanding, we're all the result of some ancient genetic manipulation anyway. That would explain the lack of a missing link. We were perhaps, 'evolved' or maybe 'devolved' even, by some alien intervention.


Much of David's research deals with this historical background, most notably, the 'fact' as he claims, that all ancient cultures have as their base, the worship of serpents in one form or another. A common theme in other words, going way back and still practiced today by this 'Elite', hence Bohemian Grove, Satanic ritual etc.


The ghost phenomenon has been explained in his books and others by the same basic theory, that just outside this vibrational frequency range of visible light, there exist dimensions or more accurately a continuum that most of us can't perceive from whence we came and to which we return upon physical expiry, or simply exist in all along, dipping our toes into this denser 'reality' for a temporary period of experience.


Some souls get trapped in limbo if they have a particularly traumatic passing and/or their beliefs refuse to let them move on. These perhaps get bored and frustrated and so love to play tricks on people to pass the time. :eyebrows:

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To clarify, his first book that I haven't read was called 'It Doesn't Have To Be Like This' and was written when he was spokesman for the Green Party. The Truth Vibrations was his second book and the one that 'clicked' with me and those that knew what was going on, back in 1991, his 'turquoise period', Wogan etc.


To this day, probably his best book for explaining the basic nuts and bolts mechanism of it all. Then he got into the politics and specifics as the research lead him.


You only had to ask why the media attacked him so relentlessly for so many years to figure out that it was a character assassination from which he never fully recovered. He screwed up because he was going through a spiritual awakening that was so intense that it blew his mind.


His face even changed to the point where he didn't recognise himself in a photo because of the shifting energies coming through him.

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Since this has turned into a David Icke thread, I just want to clarify a couple of things.


1. Icke believes that a lot of powerful individuals are shape shifting reptiles that collectively rule the world?


2. Icke has published books on this matter "exposing" said shape shifting reptiles (among other things)?


3. David Icke is still alive?


If all these points are true it seems highly counterintuitive that Icke's propositions are realistic in any sense of the imagination.


As these shape shifting reptiles are trying to keep their identities secret, and are in fact some of the most powerful individuals in the world surely they would have Icke killed in a natural looking manner in order to cover this up well before he published any works.


As such I can only conclude that it is a huge pile of dog turd.

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Many things, but specifically excluding:


1. All 'psychic phenomena', including clairvoyance, telepathy, psychic healing and psychokinesis.

2. Homeopathy.

3. Any claims made by David Icke. Even if he sits on a blue chair and states 'I am sitting on a blue chair', he is mistaken, by definition.

4. Any attempt to make a sensible response to this:




As an aside, scientists have calculated that the probability of a believer in psychic phenomena misusing concepts of (a) energy or (b) quantum mechanics in attempts to justify their beliefs is now 99.9999999%.


Since this has turned into a David Icke thread, I just want to clarify a couple of things.


1. Icke believes that a lot of powerful individuals are shape shifting reptiles that collectively rule the world?


2. Icke has published books on this matter "exposing" said shape shifting reptiles (among other things)?


3. David Icke is still alive?


If all these points are true it seems highly counterintuitive that Icke's propositions are realistic in any sense of the imagination.


As these shape shifting reptiles are trying to keep their identities secret, and are in fact some of the most powerful individuals in the world surely they would have Icke killed in a natural looking manner in order to cover this up well before he published any works.


As such I can only conclude that it is a huge pile of dog turd.


Both fine posts gentlemen, and I've taken the liberty of bolding my favoutire parts.

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Since this has turned into a David Icke thread, I just want to clarify a couple of things.


1. Icke believes that a lot of powerful individuals are shape shifting reptiles that collectively rule the world?


2. Icke has published books on this matter "exposing" said shape shifting reptiles (among other things)?


3. David Icke is still alive?


If all these points are true it seems highly counterintuitive that Icke's propositions are realistic in any sense of the imagination.


As these shape shifting reptiles are trying to keep their identities secret, and are in fact some of the most powerful individuals in the world surely they would have Icke killed in a natural looking manner in order to cover this up well before he published any works.


As such I can only conclude that it is a huge pile of dog turd.


Very eloquently put! :D


Have you (or perhaps your parents) ever heard of protection?




Sorry, couldn't resist it......seriously though, I think if he started to actually make a difference then yes, they'd try harder. Happens to all of the effective rebels eventually. I think they'd fail by the way. It's to do with creating your own reality.......very deep subject but simple in principle. Requires a way open mind.


They're arrogant and too detached from our reality and just let people like him get on with it I think, for now. They think they have it sewn up with the media blackout. Obama apparently has an internet kill switch now. We'll see.


I don't think they see Mr. Icke as a threat, yet. ;)


As for this thread being about him, I was merely responding to Tannhauser's comments. I feel I have a right to do so in a free country.


If not, then it's not a free country. Simple. Of course, I always knew that this was the case from an early age but I won't go into that.

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Both fine posts gentlemen, and I've taken the liberty of bolding my favoutire parts.


Might want to edit that post, Sir, right near the end.


BTW, do you still have any high powered deer left, that was so funny! :D


Who watches the watchers............?



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Very eloquently put! :D


Have you (or perhaps your parents) ever heard of protection?




Sorry, couldn't resist it......seriously though, I think if he started to actually make a difference then yes, they'd try harder. Happens to all of the effective rebels eventually. I think they'd fail by the way. It's to do with creating your own reality.......very deep subject but simple in principle. Requires a way open mind.


They're arrogant and too detached from our reality and just let people like him get on with it I think, for now. They think they have it sewn up with the media blackout. Obama apparently has an internet kill switch now. We'll see.


I don't think they see Mr. Icke as a threat, yet. ;)


As for this thread being about him, I was merely responding to Tannhauser's comments. I feel I have a right to do so in a free country.


If not, then it's not a free country. Simple. Of course, I always knew that this was the case from an early age but I won't go into that.


Ok, so Icke has some magical protection from SHAPE SHIFTING reptiles?


I thought you would reply with something about how he isn't a big enough threat and bu killing him he would become a martyr etc...


If the reptiles do indeed exist, they have been clever enough to orchestrate this entire thing, I highly doubt that they'd turn into bond villains and let Icke live until he actually started causing trouble. No, as soon as they got wind he was penning a book about shape shifting reptiles that rule the world his house would have burned down with him inside it.


The shape shifting reptiles aren't going to be intelligent enough to rule the world secretly yet dumb enough to let Icke live if they existed.


As such the only sane conclusion is that Icke is, for want of a better word, a nutjob.


P.S How come Icke refines the concept of these shape shifting reptiles in his later books, is it becuase he has expanded the background to his story a little more, like a novelist? :rolleyes:

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Ok, so Icke has some magical protection from SHAPE SHIFTING reptiles?


I thought you would reply with something about how he isn't a big enough threat and bu killing him he would become a martyr etc...


If the reptiles do indeed exist, they have been clever enough to orchestrate this entire thing, I highly doubt that they'd turn into bond villains and let Icke live until he actually started causing trouble. No, as soon as they got wind he was penning a book about shape shifting reptiles that rule the world his house would have burned down with him inside it.


The shape shifting reptiles aren't going to be intelligent enough to rule the world secretly yet dumb enough to let Icke live if they existed.


As such the only sane conclusion is that Icke is, for want of a better word, a nutjob.


P.S How come Icke refines the concept of these shape shifting reptiles in his later books, is it becuase he has expanded the background to his story a little more, like a novelist? :rolleyes:


I think it's because his research into the nature of reality itself has put them in context, within a much more fluid and bigger picture, even for him.


You're right, he said that these reptiles were themselves apparently an illusion after a while but that's part of his own evolution of consciousness. Ultimately everything is an illusion, this is the point to think about. Take everything back to first cause, if you can.


Take any given issue and ask "Why?"


Keep doing this ad infinitum and everything breaks down, even the laws of physics. This is all thought. Where did it come from? God only knows but He/She/It created us to find out what it was through relativity.


The whole basis of matter is electrical charge or positive/negative balance or atomic structure. Then chemistry, the anatomy of molecules and then what we see as the macroscopic result.


But what is charge? What is positive and negative? The concept of duality! The Is/Not is. Potential energy!


You have to be able to visualise it. Some can, most can't. I'm no good at maths beyond the basics, like most people. I'm good at visiospacial matters however. That's why I'm a cabinet maker/joiner/turner/mechanic etc.


I'm by no means the best but one of the best, in my job atleast.


We all have different biases and David Icke's bias seems to be toward asking awkward questions! :)


On the other hand, it could indeed all be b@ll@cks!


I prefer the more considered approach, however. :D

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