Thorin Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 I think you can just mute all? I like listening to the whining kids sometimes, it's amusing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 I think you can just mute all? I like listening to the whining kids sometimes, it's amusing. In BO? How do you do it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
djg99 Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 Has anyone else managed to get out of the chair at the main menu?? ive done it but not sure what to type on the compter in the corner of the room, any ideas?? must do somthing like have a hidden game etc?? else why else would it let you get out of the chair??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest StarletLad Posted November 12, 2010 Share Posted November 12, 2010 Has anyone else managed to get out of the chair at the main menu?? ive done it but not sure what to type on the compter in the corner of the room, any ideas?? must do somthing like have a hidden game etc?? else why else would it let you get out of the chair??? Type in "DOA" dude! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fizzle Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 For those still getting shitty connection, go into the main ps3 menu and check your Nat type is on NAT2, which is open port.. if its not you need to change it. Works a treat after days of lag and getting booted halfway through games it sorted the problem for me.. heres the link i used : there are many others depending on what router/console you have, so just find the one you need... only takes 5 mins and has breathed a new life into black ops!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RobD Posted November 13, 2010 Share Posted November 13, 2010 I'll have to get my wireless key tonight and have a try! Mine was - when I looked yesterday after you had said but it was to late to find the key Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jazz1 Posted November 14, 2010 Share Posted November 14, 2010 Very very shit, waste of money worse then battle field and deffinatly not better than MW2. What shit graphics I'd give this 3 months and all people will be back on MW2. Dissapointed they did not make an effort the air strike is so bloody unrealistic compared to MW2! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted November 14, 2010 Share Posted November 14, 2010 I like it now. The wager matches are good, especially the "One in the chamber" matches, they're pretty fun when you see someone, you both shoot then if they run away you chase them around. I just chased someone with someone chasing me and someone chasing them so 4 of us running in a line around a building Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGSi Posted November 14, 2010 Share Posted November 14, 2010 Enjoy 1 in the chamber to josh. Im struggling to fnd a map online that I actually like / want to keep playing I dont mind WMD but they just feel unbalanced, all abit samey and the spawn points are horrendous. CEX are giving £33 cash for this so may sell, single player was good but I'll only play that through once again max. Will use the cash for the battlefield 2 vietnam pack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Josh Posted November 14, 2010 Share Posted November 14, 2010 Enjoy 1 in the chamber to josh. Im struggling to fnd a map online that I actually like / want to keep playing I dont mind WMD but they just feel unbalanced, all abit samey and the spawn points are horrendous. CEX are giving £33 cash for this so may sell, single player was good but I'll only play that through once again max. Will use the cash for the battlefield 2 vietnam pack I feel the same too. All the maps seem to be the same. The ones in the snow have the same amount of buildings and open space as each other, the layout doesn't seem that different in each of them. Also I LOATHE Nuketown, it's way too small and even when you're standing/hiding right at one end of the map the enemy spawn next to/behind you. If you sold it for £33 cash then sold the MS points for like £15 you could make like £50. £10 profit, oh yeah I think I'll hold onto it as it was cheap enough Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGSi Posted November 14, 2010 Share Posted November 14, 2010 I got it with the £20 PSN card so may buy the MW2 map packs, should see me through 3 more prestiges to prestige 10 Im the same about nuketown as well, last night I spawned 3 times and within 2 seconds either a 'nade landed next to me or someone killed me from behind Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Havard Posted November 14, 2010 Share Posted November 14, 2010 I am still playing MW2 (om my own..) There are not many games I am actually impressed with and MW2 annoys me with lag. If BO is worse then I would be very upset..!! I'm glad I didn't invest from the sounds of it.... H. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RobD Posted November 14, 2010 Share Posted November 14, 2010 I'm contemplating trading my black ops in now, I don't like online that much, the lag coupled with maps I don't like. I'd rather play MW2 if I'm honest! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thorin Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 Reckon I'll wait for MW3 then (presuming there'll be one). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swampy442 Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 Has anyone else managed to get out of the chair at the main menu?? ive done it but not sure what to type on the compter in the corner of the room, any ideas?? must do somthing like have a hidden game etc?? else why else would it let you get out of the chair??? How do you get out of the chair? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Septic Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 You just press the left and right triggers. Its a mini-game you unlock in the computer. I haven't done it yet. I'm sure there are loads of links on the internet. Started and completed the campaign yesterday- wow I thought it was brilliant although the plot was OTT like MW2 again. But it was great nonetheless. Great visuals, excellent facial animation, great action sequences, varied locales and some pretty tense encounters. Oh and it has Ice Cube and the lead from Avatar lending their voices- what more can you want! On the MP side of things- they still haven't sorted out the whole issue with your party joining games etc. But yeah- I've already got the Attack Dogs and the Chopper several times. Its definately growing on me. I think the maps are the biggest let down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elmo Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 BO does have it's annoyancies, but I'm getting used to it now. It gets better as when you've played it for a while, learned the maps and unlocked the better weapons. Fave map is Jungle, and the crossbow is fun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 My first impressions. I loaded up BO for the first time last night. The game installed surprisingly quick, which got me a bit worried as games with a lot of content usually don’t. I spent no more than 30mins on it, so it would be unfair to judge the game in general. This is simple my first impressions. The intro sequence started and I loved the film with the lady smoking and reeling out a sequence of numbers on the radio. Unfortunately, that would be the best bit of the game I would experience.... I choose the single player campaign to kick things off. The intro sequence commenced and I found my character strapped to a chair getting electrocuted. This looked like something out of a Saw movie, with some unknown character desperately asking me the answer to some questions about a mission I’d seemingly been on prior to being strapped to this chair. After a period of nothing really happing and bordom setting in, I flash back to being in Cuba where I was on a mission to assassinate Fidel Castro! Lol. So I’m in a bar and the quality of the graphics hit home. They are without a doubt, poor. The characters look rubbish – perhaps this is why the game loaded so fast. The colour palette used is depressing. Everything is murky and dull - mostly greenish. That could be forgivable, but then I quickly engage in some combat and everything appears overly scaled. Each character or enemy just seems too large. Some squad cars pull up outside the bar on the street and they too appear far too large. There’s little detail on them and to be honest, they looked rushed. Out pops the grenade launcher attachment and I fire a grenade over to the cars. Boom... hang on, was that supposed to be an explosion? Umm. I fire a few more off and some of the cars don’t even blow up. I move through the level, hating the lack of effort, the graphics and game play in general. I come across lots of exciting ideas, that have been executed poorly. The cuts scenes drag out and are boring as hell with the lack of sound to any of them. I feel like turning the tv volume up! With the first level complete, I end up back in the Saw room, knowing that the scene will be even more boring this time around and dragged out needlessly. I turn off the computer, glad that It only cost me £28 from Sainsburys. I’ll be continuing on, hoping the game grows on me, but I fear that the lack of quality / effort in the visuals will break it for me. Did Treyarch forget to add animation to anything? The characters are as rigid as a broom handle. I expected more from a HD game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davej705 Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 Back buttons and look at your hands with the right stick Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elmo Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 My first impressions. I loaded up BO for the first time last night. The game installed surprisingly quick, which got me a bit worried as games with a lot of content usually don’t. I spent no more than 30mins on it, so it would be unfair to judge the game in general. This is simple my first impressions. The intro sequence started and I loved the film with the lady smoking and reeling out a sequence of numbers on the radio. Unfortunately, that would be the best bit of the game I would experience.... I choose the single player campaign to kick things off. The intro sequence commenced and I found my character strapped to a chair getting electrocuted. This looked like something out of a Saw movie, with some unknown character desperately asking me the answer to some questions about a mission I’d seemingly been on prior to being strapped to this chair. After a period of nothing really happing and bordom setting in, I flash back to being in Cuba where I was on a mission to assassinate Fidel Castro! Lol. So I’m in a bar and the quality of the graphics hit home. They are without a doubt, poor. The characters look rubbish – perhaps this is why the game loaded so fast. The colour palette used is depressing. Everything is murky and dull - mostly greenish. That could be forgivable, but then I quickly engage in some combat and everything appears overly scaled. Each character or enemy just seems too large. Some squad cars pull up outside the bar on the street and they too appear far too large. There’s little detail on them and to be honest, they looked rushed. Out pops the grenade launcher attachment and I fire a grenade over to the cars. Boom... hang on, was that supposed to be an explosion? Umm. I fire a few more off and some of the cars don’t even blow up. I move through the level, hating the lack of effort, the graphics and game play in general. I come across lots of exciting ideas, that have been executed poorly. The cuts scenes drag out and are boring as hell with the lack of sound to any of them. I feel like turning the tv volume up! With the first level complete, I end up back in the Saw room, knowing that the scene will be even more boring this time around and dragged out needlessly. I turn off the computer, glad that It only cost me £28 from Sainsburys. I’ll be continuing on, hoping the game grows on me, but I fear that the lack of quality / effort in the visuals will break it for me. Did Treyarch forget to add animation to anything? The characters are as rigid as a broom handle. I expected more from a HD game. I think that is a fair summmery, I have only played the first campaign mission and got bored. I had similar first impressions, even for multiplayer but as I played it more and more it's grown on me, if the graphics and sound were on par with MW2, it would have been one hell of a game! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kill1308 Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 To those who are disappointed with the Graphics on the PC, are you sure your graphics/visual settings haven't been lowered automatically due to the spec of your PC? Minimum requirements for this game are an E6600 Core2 processor and 8600GTS graphics card. If you've got anything in that area, you're not going to have a great experience visually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Septic Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 The visuals do get better in the campaign as you go along. At some points they are just jaw-droppingly good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 The visuals do get better in the campaign as you go along. At some points they are just jaw-droppingly good. Well, that could only happen with the environments, as the fundamentals such as the characters and guns just seem poor. Talking about the guns, they have a 'classic' look to them, like they had been lifted from WaW - they didn't appear 'modern'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Septic Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 Well, that could only happen with the environments, as the fundamentals such as the characters and guns just seem poor. Talking about the guns, they have a 'classic' look to them, like they had been lifted from WaW - they didn't appear 'modern'. Its not modern warfare though so the guns don't have to look modern. They look pretty bulky and grimey to reflect that its set in the 60s-70s. I think the character facial animation is amazing and some of the best ever. Early on they do look a little rough though yeah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGSi Posted November 15, 2010 Share Posted November 15, 2010 I thought the single player was great, especially during the middle / towards the end. Escaping through the roof tops of changia to the slummy depths of india / vietnam. Crawling through the swamps and silently assassinating people with your blade alsmot looked life like at some points. However, it did seem pretty slow getting going. Did anyone remember Reznov from World at War? He was 1 of the main characters from that. There's a particular mission with him in black ops that I thought was brilliant without spoiling it for no one. I thought the time period of black ops was in the cold war era (1960's - 1970's) So wasn't expecting modern weapons like MW2 but to be honest I prefer the likes of the MP40 and PPSH from world at war so cant really complain about the guns in black ops. The main thing that gets me with this game is the most useless of all spawn points. I know they have been bad before in COD games but these are just ridiculous. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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