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Supra/Skyline/GTR Weekend NI - Afterthoughts/Pics


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What a magic day, great to meet you all and some very very impressive cars there. More of the same next weekend? :D Big thanks are due to the organisers (Ernie, Mark, Claire & Darragh) for having it so well organised :D


I'm uploading my pics at the minute but it's taking its time.

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Was a great weekend, nice to meet everyone, cars wer really nice, unfortunate what happened the skyline boy on the way home but the cars in good hands anyway mate, i have loads of pictures to upload, will get that done sometime!

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yup i must say i had a great day today and yestrday! :) good to see everyone again and all the new faces :)

not long home after helping loading up a gtr onto a recovery lorry!! but thanks to everyone who helped make it all happen :)



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OK folks a quick run down of the weekend


Dyno day stayed mostly dry, not the biggest turnout, but went well, most enjoying the helicpoter rides which were excellent :)


Claire, Catroina, and Linsey shopped till the dropped at the Antrim outlet, and saved a fortune :)


Run to Newcastle was good and Nigel and I had a play which was excellent :)


The evening, after Nigel and I had had a few runs in my Supra was at spice fusion. I tried to have everyone together but ended up in 3 groups, craic was mighty and all the girls looked great and did us proud, then it was off @ midnight to the swing park, Carlo your a monkey on those bars lol, and lovely walk downt he promonade to O'hares & Coast when we danced the night away.

Back to mine (for those that were still up) for a few and 3:40 am called it a day when last taxi came to pick the people up.


Sunday 11am we started meeting up, went at twelve to Castlewellan forest park to be met by many others most of which are in the photo, bar I think 6.


Next stop Bishopscourt. Being a WW2 old airfield its draughty as can be but dried the rain up very quick, so grip was good.


On the way home, Fergals GTR has an IKEA FORMULA wishbone break, threads pulled out ! I think he is going back to standard. Lucky he was going very slow at the time but still did some damage see pics.


The people awards for the weekend.


As the orginal brainchild of this weekend I will give a few awards, all to be taken lightly lol :)


Mintest Supra - Nigel Boyne


Sexyist Supra - Carlo


Mintest GTR - Ian (missed a bit) O'Connor


Best party people - Catroina and Linsey you girls were brilliant !


Most powerful engine - Jamie Kennedy


Captian slow award (lift the damm brick from under the accelerator - Mark (mkivsupracork)


When I am not so knackered I'll write a bit more :)


Thank you everyone for coming along especially those who came from Cork - the laid back easy going super nice people you are, it was a great weekend :)


I'll remember the people lots more than the cars.

Edited by Chiefgroover (see edit history)
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Ernie and mark, great job glad everyone had a great time. :)

Once again Sorry I couldn't make it on sunday missed a good day and for the dyno was touch and go about doing it but glad I did thanks Ernie :friends: just can't wait to get her fully mapped.


hope to meet you all again at some stage soon.need to get another meet sorted with a cruise.


cheers j

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Was a good weekend and was nice getting to no a few more supra nut cases also the skylines


fair play to those that came from the far away coast of the island I hope yas all made it back home safe enough , how did fergal get on at getting home?


Anyway when I left the recovery truck my supra started to show signs that it wassnt happy with my antics the intake pipe on the turbos was loose and wistleing away, the rear left hand wheel bearing has started to roar at 60mph, the back two tyres are finally knackered and my headlights ate still fish bowls lol but thn I was kinda the only person doing any kinda showing of at Bishopscourt cough cough


Although I'm not complaining as that's what the supra was built for and I had a ball especially the burnouts and mega donut I done at the end of the day



anywho thanks to Ernie and mark and everyone else for organising a great show just next time screw show and shine everyone has to participate at all the events :)

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Really enjoyed my weekend. A cracking bunch of lads up North :)


Shattered after a long weekend, didn't get home til 2.30am .


Worth it though I have to say, it's the people more than the cars as Ernie said that I'll remember. Saturday night was mighty crack. Dyno day was class pity I couldn't get mine done, oh well. Really enjoyed the helicopter spin :)


Thanks a million to Ernie for jumping in head first with the organisation of this weekend. Went for a spin at warp speed in the Supra this car is McDonalds money for gourmet food. Sensational .


Great to meet the guys such as Jim, Suprakidd, Suprab1 etc . Looking forward to meeting again.


I've a lot of pics that I won't get the chance to stick up for next couple of days I'd say.


On a side note one of the guys with a GTR who had a mishap was helped by a good few members of this club (for a few hours I might add). Things like that show the spirit of people and the respect for each other.


Big respect to those who stayed and I know if the shoe was ever on the other foot down south that we could return the favour.


p.s cracking gallery Jim :)




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Great to meet the guys such as Jim, Suprakidd, Suprab1 etc . Looking forward to meeting again.


Likewise Mark, was a pleasure! :D I'm not sure who was rougher on Sunday morning, Carlo or you :D

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Big thanks to Ernie, Mark, Claire & Darragh; cracking Weekend


Definetly want a few lessons via Darragh's Driving School, Good to meet you Jim a few whiskeys and thats how I look the next morning :0


Brilliant bunch of people , cant wait for the next meet !


Some Photo's , will post video's shortly Darragh u mad man!


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Pity yas weren't there to see me murdering my rear tyres lol I done a proper smoking burnout of the start line racing agaisnt Wayne the organizer then To have a bit of fun I done a good few donuts smoking the place out lol all fun :D


Was nice to see yas all again and the good news I'm in the good books with the other half so far lol


I think we should do the next to mondello then venture away of to Galway or something


ps glad to hear yas got home alrite and if fergal needs help with the skyline needing parts and that let me no and I'll see can I help

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Supra Dyno



322bhp @ 1 bar with Boost Leak (Crimped Pipe & BOV Bung shot) :( , not too bad though


Jamie Dyno Run



Darragh 'the mad man' McCool



John If I remember correctly



Ernie R35


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Guest SupraCork

brilliant wknd! the sat night was great craic some very talented dancers in our group.. don't no how we all made it out of that playground with out any broken bones (bar my wish bone!) the sunday was class supra's skylines drag racing and drifting what more could u want from a day!


unfortunely had problems on way home the suspension decided to give way on back left of the skyline dropping the car to the ground. what a disaster thank god it was at low speed or things could of been very bad. cant say enough praise to all the lads from the day who stopped and helped for hours to get it of the road. i think ye could have had better things in mind on a sunday evening rather than standing out on side of a road pushing and pulling a car in the blowing wind. thanks a million to ernie for leaving the drag racing early to go home get all the gear and get stuck in under the gtr trying to put the the arm back together and organising the tow truck to get her back to your garage to get fixed owe ya big time for everthing! big thanks to mark claire for waiting back and driving home! darragh clodola blue supra driver 2 white supra drivers and his girlfriend for help.


all in all savage wknd cant wait for the next 1 thanks to ernie mark and claire for organising the whole thing!think il bring the supra to the next 1 tho!!

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