Geo Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 supra_aero said: If there was space in jail. And who is going to pay for these jail sentences? Well that would be Joe Public dude, we pay for everything else. What happens when say some guy/girl driving home drunk and ploughs into one of your family members. You going to be bothered about Paying for there stay in Jail, im guessing not??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supra Gaz Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 I heard about this at work, it's a good move, the amount of people who drive around drunk is a big concern. I can't understand why people still do it when the punishment is so heavy = loose your licence and banned for god knows how long = brilliant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jagman Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 Geo said: This is so simple. Drink + driving = Jail!! End Of!!!! So someone has a pint at home and an emergency happens say his wife is in labour or such like , then he drives to the hospital ,gets stopped and should thus go to jail ? 1 in 6 deaths are drink related , what about the other 5 ? do they not merit the same importance and expenditure? 50 people are killed every year by the Police going in pursuit of cars , so are they a catalyst for road death? should they be charged and jailed ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
martini Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 People die all the time, for many reasons. It's impossible to stop all deaths as we're mortal (some of us at least). Obviously anything "pro-life" is seen to be good, as it makes you look heartless if you argue against it. However, as I said earlier, people need to take responsibility for their actions. If you've had a pint at home and the wife is in labour, I think you should be allowed to go. If you're blind drunk, then you shouldn't be having a child in the first place. If you have a pregnant wife you should be sympathetic and supportive. Essentially, the risk of a crash will increase with blood alcohol levels due purely to the effects of the drug. But then, I don't drink very much at all (1 unit per month?) and so it doesn't affect me directly - unless someone runs me or a loved one over and kills them, in which case I would want their life taken too, as they would be responsible. Just don't do it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a98pmalcolm Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 good poll mate! im not really sure, i mean if i have a pint im totaly fine... but other smaller people may not be so.... to be safe yes lower it but some1 like me i wouldnt mind not having a beer but one doesnt effect me... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TonytotheB Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 I agree with many and say driving+anydrink=jailed. People's tolerance varies Nice poll Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyT Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 Do you realize how many common or garden products take / used daily put you over the current limit? Mouthwash, Christmas pud etc. Common sense must prevail. You could lose your livelihood looking after your teeth. Who's going to pay your bills now. The limit must be managed with common sense not "I've got another tick in the box". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Attero Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 On the rare ocassion with my previous cars, I would have a half pint. But the problem is, sometimes drink can get to you quicker one day than it does the other, so it really is best to not drink at all, especially if your driving a high peformance car! It should be lowered to 20mg in my honest opinion. That 20 is to allow for mouthwash, food that contains minimal alcohol levels in it or a shot of beer (if you can buy them - never tried). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 IMO it should be zero . then you know where you are if you drink dont drive--- simples Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyT Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 Attero said: On the rare ocassion with my previous cars, I would have a half pint. But the problem is, sometimes drink can get to you quicker one day than it does the other, so it really is best to not drink at all, especially if your driving a high peformance car! It should be lowered to 20mg in my honest opinion. That 20 is to allow for mouthwash, food that contains minimal alcohol levels in it or a shot of beer (if you can buy them - never tried). Listerine is 26% proof. Hence my post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Attero Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 \ said: Listerine is 26% proof. Hence my post. Surely you'd be getting rid of most of it though by spitting it out? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyT Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 Attero said: Surely you'd be getting rid of most of it though by spitting it out? Nope. It's on your breath. Breathaliser. Blood sample yes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TLicense Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 The thing is it's not actually going to stop those who will drive drunk, (notice the diference to drink driving) and I imagine any reduction seen in road deaths in other countries are more to do with the reduction in the number of people driving (you can't drive because you want to have a pint). What would be a more significant statistic is the number of people killed in accidents involving drivers who had drunk, but were not over the the limit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Animal Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 AndyT said: Nope. It's on your breath. Breathaliser. Blood sample yes. That's the thing people are forgetting - if you did get caught and tested positive at the side of the road, it wouldn't mean you'd go straight to jail; you'd be taken to the station for a blood test. Pain in the arse, yeah, but that would rule out things like mouthwash. And to be fair - if you're driving badly enough to make the fuzz think you're tanked up, then it's your own fault. Also, as has been said, the limit could be 20mg or so, just enough to make a pint (or maybe half) fail, but give regard to mouthwash and stuff. That would take away the "safe to have just one" mentality. The morning after argument is really another discussion in itself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j80leo Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 In favour i don't drink:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fizzle Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 if i'm driving i wont bother drinkin at all, don't see the point tbh.. not up for giving police more bullsh*t excuses to pull you though... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edge Posted June 17, 2010 Share Posted June 17, 2010 As per my previous post. It would be good for a zero tolerance limit but still allow people to have a night out before. If i go out on the lash i normally leave it until late afternoon or evening the next day before i think about driving so there has to be some tolerance. Also some widely available self test kits that are cheap that you can rely on before getting into a car and driving off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted June 18, 2010 Author Share Posted June 18, 2010 Geo said: You going to be bothered about Paying for there stay in Jail, im guessing not??? I would be if that payment includes his PS3 and free gym membership... grr Attero said: Surely you'd be getting rid of most of it though by spitting it out? Some swallow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt H Posted June 18, 2010 Author Share Posted June 18, 2010 Placing the advocate, I wonder how many of those who are in stong favour or think the limit should be zero etc speed.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
martini Posted June 18, 2010 Share Posted June 18, 2010 Matt H said: Placing the advocate, I wonder how many of those who are in stong favour or think the limit should be zero etc speed.... Such a poorly written sentence but I think I understand. I know of people that don't drink and drive and never will, but can do up to 90 leptons on the motorway with the flow of traffic. Speed is relative. So is speeding. If you do 40 in a 30, that's 33% speeding. If you do 80 in a 70 (same 10mph difference), that's only 14% speeding. I think speeding in residential areas and near schools is much worse than speeding by the same difference in speed on a motorway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake Posted June 18, 2010 Share Posted June 18, 2010 Zero alcohol limit? Jeez, you won't be able to do anything in this country before long. What's wrong with the current drink drive levels? Anyone over the current levels doesn't really have a good excuse - but lowering the permitted level, IMO, will be making criminals of many folks who are quite safe to drive. It wouldn't do wonders for the already struggling pub trade either. Some people think modified cars are dangerous. Some people have been killed/injured in modified cars. What if the general public decided that there should be a zero tolerance approach to car modding? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
martini Posted June 18, 2010 Share Posted June 18, 2010 Jake said: Some people are think modified cars are dangerous. Some people have been killed/injured in modified cars. What if the general public decided that there should be a zero tolerance approach to car modding? This is very true. People already pay higher insurance to have performance cars, but Big Brother would prefer us to all drive around in self-sufficient dodgems. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake Posted June 18, 2010 Share Posted June 18, 2010 Animal said: That's the thing people are forgetting - if you did get caught and tested positive at the side of the road, it wouldn't mean you'd go straight to jail; you'd be taken to the station for a blood test. I don't think that's necessarily true. People are convicted of drink driving without a blood test. A breath test at the Police Station on their proper machine is sufficient. IIRC it's called a Lion Intoximeter, or somesuch. Quote And to be fair - if you're driving badly enough to make the fuzz think you're tanked up, then it's your own fault. I bet they could, or would, (or do?) just use that as an excuse to pull over anyone they felt like. My lad has been breathalyzed 3 times in the last year but never charged with anything. He doesn't drink and drive at all but they pull him over and breath test him because they can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dnk Posted June 18, 2010 Share Posted June 18, 2010 Lets be honest here, the police can pull you over with any reason they like, i've had lots used on me that were just an excuse to cover their ass. I've even had "we just wanted a look at your car, hope you don't mind" lol I'll also be honest an regulary have a beer on route home along with thousands of others, the drink/drive club you want to nick are the ones that drink way too many and happily take the risk of not getting caught. Reducing the limit will not affect these drink/drivers as they already exceed the limits by miles now so knocking it back to even zero wont change a thing apart from fairly innocent drivers who might have a bit in their system from the night before being nicked and how the hell would you know ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TonytotheB Posted June 18, 2010 Share Posted June 18, 2010 I have been pulled because I was avoiding potholes/grids/dirty bits of road in my Supra and therefore looked as if I was drunk. I referred to the officers as 'officers' and they were very nice. I was tested, despite not even sounding drunk and it came back at 0.0. Not bad for a Friday night Has anyone else has this happen? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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