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End of the world?


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A self proclaimed god-head in a lilac shell suit. He suddenly lost the ability to synchronise his arm swings with his steps when he walked, but managed to perfectly synchronise his arse hole with his brain when he talked.


Poor old Dave. I really like him and genuinely admire his courage and durability. I don't think he's psychotic or even just thick. He's just the logical end point of 'keeping an open mind': too easily seduced by faux scholarship, too easily convinced that everyone outside the mainstream must be a visionary, and crucially, no bullshit detector.

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I detect genuine fear over all this so I feel obliged to comment on what has been a practical obsession for me (not the end of the world but the whole Globalism agenda) and you mentioned 9/11 as if it might be a warning or turning point?


"Everything changed on 9/11" etc.


"The world will never be the same again".


Well don't worry, the Godless self-appointed powers that be (so called 'Elite' or Illuminati = The Illuminated Ones, basically the interbreeding banking families and 'Royals') want you to think that the end of the world is coming so that they can offer their final solution of Global Fascist Dictatorship with everyone microchipped, that's all!


Apparently they're Atheists yet have some twisted determination to fulfill 'Biblical Prophesy' but their plans are failing and they're resorting to ever more desperate attempts to scare the living crap out of us so that they can 'protect' us!


Next it will be Alien invasion with holograms and sound effects!


Sure, it's the end of the world as we know it but it's also the beginning of a new era or cycle. We're just seeing the effects of Sun cycles and suchlike and their effects on conciousness. Some people can't 'tune in' to the new higher frequencies of energy coming in (from the Galactic centre, who knows?) and they get angry at those who can. There's a 'parting of the ways' or a polarisation of opinion. I'll probably get flamed for writing this "load of complete b*ll*cks".


If you seriously want to know :wtf: is going on, check out two websites, http://Davidicke.com and http://Rense.com.


I've watched David's 'career' closely since he was a sports presenter on tv and have all of his books but his very first one. I've also seen him speak 4 times and he's doing another all dayer at The Brixton Academy on Saturday 9/11/10. It would be an eye opener, to say the least :blink: though I don't agree with everything he says and he wouldn't want me to. It's not about who's right or wrong, just understanding the agenda that's unfolding. You have to keep things in context.




Jeff Rense is an American radio talkshow host with downloadable mp3's etc. going back to the '90's. I've been a subscriber for 13-14 years. Probably has the best guests on the planet (including David Icke and Benjamin Fulford - one to watch), regarding the whole spectrum of political and social engineering. 9/11 is exposed as the fraud that it is over many years of interviews.


I pity anyone who's trying to figure all this out for the first time but the two resources above are all you really need and no, I don't believe every word of it myself and neither do they. Make of it what you will but please don't shoot the messenger!


Just try to keep an open mind :)


another one of your posts that is complete bollocks ;) david icke is a total loon. he makes me laugh out loud.



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bear in mind this is a car forum though. Your inquisitive mind can discuss controversial subjects on forums dedicated to those with different beliefs.


The original poster put up the thread for a light hearted discussion around the fact that there are similarities between a film and some naturally occuring features. I doubt he expected somebody to evangalise David Icke. A man who, to those who remember him, would be regarded as a fruitcake, and those that dont remember him would have no idea who he is or what he stands for.


Just be careful how far you use this forum as a sounding board for your beliefs.


What does he stand for? Do tell me? You seem to know all about him. Anyway, why is this about him? I mentioned two people who are simply researchers and are usually just quoting other more learned individuals on topics far and wide. Nothing religious about it.


I am well aware that this is a car forum though I do wonder sometimes ;) and I'm puzzled as to why there is so much talk of completely different subjects. I mean, I don't get out much but is this all you guys do of an evening? Anyone coming on here for the first time would think that The Supra was the last thing on your minds. There is I suppose a finite amount of data/opinion that can be gathered about a car and it is a social gathering.


You think I'm on here to evangelise David Icke? (interestingly, no mention of Jeff Rense as you haven't been pre-programmed to laugh at him at the mere mention of his name). Talk about missing the point entirely though, as you guys clearly haven't read any of his work and have the same old hackneyed tabloid view of him from 1990 headlines.


Lest I be banned again permanently, I won't mention him except in my defence (could be an issue though!) but it just goes to prove (yet again) how incredibly powerful first impressions can be, since it's obviously prevented anyone from actually thinking about what he's saying, beyond looking for excuses to pidgeonhole him and others like him as 'fruitcakes' and 'loonies'.


My brother is a physics professor and we have had similar discussions, as you can imagine, usually with him keeping score in his head but he couldn't tile a wall to save his life, (as an example). People's minds work in different ways.


My guess is that certain members in the higher ranks shall we say are office workers of some sort and as such live in an almost entirely left brained universe. How many of you have built your own engines or even change your own oil for that matter?


I'm a Joiner or furniture maker and I couldn't grasp long division but I'm more of a balance between the two sides, more practically oriented but able to talk philosophy or logic until the cows come home. My brother even taught me some algebra once. All it takes is to explain things in ways that the pupil can understand.


This isn't a sounding board for anything but your point is taken; it's just that some people ask questions and I happen to think I know some answers or can refer someone to them. I never said the world will end. I'm trying to help those who do think it's going to end!


Cleverness and wisdom are two entirely different things, (H Bomb etc.) and as Socrates apparently said, "Wisdom is knowing how little we know" and regarding Mr. Icke, none of you seem to know anything atall about him as he really is.


What you're saying is that I'm totally stupid/gullible to believe what he says when you haven't even read a single book of his, let alone heard him speak since 1990 on Wogan when he went through his spiritual awakening. Watch 'David Icke, Was He Right?' for example. I have my own mind, thank you and it works very well.


I'm not calling any of you stupid as I think it's inappropriate but Bertie summed this exact situation up below......just substitute 'mis-informed by mainstream media character assassination hitpieces' for 'stupid'.


I saw what they did to 'him' as it happened back then and recognised it for what it was. If he 'went mad' (absurd, given his obvious intellect), then why attack so violently and for so long? Just to sell papers or because he was telling the truth perhaps?


I must say that it never ceases to amaze me how quick people are to dismiss what he has to say without even listening to him.


Unfortunately people can become so jaded and cynical that they no longer trust anyone to tell the truth anymore and anyone doing so is attacked by reflex action.


Apparently that happened before a while ago........what was his name for Christ's sake?


Naturally this will further confirm your pre-conceived opinion of me as evangelist extraordinaire. Oh well, seek and ye shall find!



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My guess is that certain members in the higher ranks shall we say are office workers of some sort and as such live in an almost entirely left brained universe. How many of you have built your own engines or even change your own oil for that matter?


Your guess is wrong, VERY wrong....(And yes my occupation is an office boy...)


Anyway, yes, about that carpet....

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Everthing that has a beginning has an end, my thoughts are, humans wernt around to see the first day of the earths existance and wont be around to see the last day, becuase at the rate were going we will kill ourselves of before the world ends:D

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Talk about missing the point entirely though, as you guys clearly haven't read any of his work and have the same old hackneyed tabloid view of him from 1990 headlines.


Actually, I have,and I think that there are one or two other people on here who have too.


My guess is that certain members in the higher ranks shall we say are office workers of some sort and as such live in an almost entirely left brained universe. How many of you have built your own engines or even change your own oil for that matter?


Again, there are quite a few people on here who have a very good knowledge of their cars (I'm not one of them).


Actually, the whole left brain-right brain thing is a false dichotomy. It's embraced by every dodgy guru out there who wants to put a bit of pop psychology into their marketing, but that doesn't make it any more correct. A typical use of it is to label anyone who critically examines poorly thought-out ideas as 'linear thinkers' or 'left brain dominated'.



Unfortunately people can become so jaded and cynical that they no longer trust anyone to tell the truth anymore and anyone doing so is attacked by reflex action.


I think that in general, this is true. Mostly, it's directed against organisations that are telling people what they don't want to hear. But there's good reason to be super-critical in Icke's case, because he's making extraordinary claims, and these always need to be backed up by good evidence. Unfortunately, as is usual in these cases, the quality of that evidence is very poor indeed.

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Guest Supra-T
another one of your posts that is complete bollocks ;) david icke is a total loon. he makes me laugh out loud.




That guy is an absolute LUNATIC!!

I don't get it, honestly, he starts off by saying that this george bush senior geezer is a lizard of some sort and people have seen him morph and then he goes on and explains that it was due to the fact that our ancestors had a fetish for aliens?! How can this formula be true: Alien + Human = Lizard being

Unless the alien was in actual fact a crocodile in which case our ancestors were freaky! :rolleyes:


He then had the audacity to say that the british royal family were in actual fact a bunch of lizards too?! Are you out of your mind, how dare you speak of the queen in such a manner, just look at how innocent she is! :rolleyes:



What does he stand for? Do tell me? You seem to know all about him. Anyway, why is this about him? I mentioned two people who are simply researchers and are usually just quoting other more learned individuals on topics far and wide. Nothing religious about it.


I am well aware that this is a car forum though I do wonder sometimes ;) and I'm puzzled as to why there is so much talk of completely different subjects. I mean, I don't get out much but is this all you guys do of an evening? Anyone coming on here for the first time would think that The Supra was the last thing on your minds. There is I suppose a finite amount of data/opinion that can be gathered about a car and it is a social gathering.


You think I'm on here to evangelise David Icke? (interestingly, no mention of Jeff Rense as you haven't been pre-programmed to laugh at him at the mere mention of his name). Talk about missing the point entirely though, as you guys clearly haven't read any of his work and have the same old hackneyed tabloid view of him from 1990 headlines.


Lest I be banned again permanently, I won't mention him except in my defence (could be an issue though!) but it just goes to prove (yet again) how incredibly powerful first impressions can be, since it's obviously prevented anyone from actually thinking about what he's saying, beyond looking for excuses to pidgeonhole him and others like him as 'fruitcakes' and 'loonies'.


My brother is a physics professor and we have had similar discussions, as you can imagine, usually with him keeping score in his head but he couldn't tile a wall to save his life, (as an example). People's minds work in different ways.


My guess is that certain members in the higher ranks shall we say are office workers of some sort and as such live in an almost entirely left brained universe. How many of you have built your own engines or even change your own oil for that matter?


I'm a Joiner or furniture maker and I couldn't grasp long division but I'm more of a balance between the two sides, more practically oriented but able to talk philosophy or logic until the cows come home. My brother even taught me some algebra once. All it takes is to explain things in ways that the pupil can understand.


This isn't a sounding board for anything but your point is taken; it's just that some people ask questions and I happen to think I know some answers or can refer someone to them. I never said the world will end. I'm trying to help those who do think it's going to end!


Cleverness and wisdom are two entirely different things, (H Bomb etc.) and as Socrates apparently said, "Wisdom is knowing how little we know" and regarding Mr. Icke, none of you seem to know anything atall about him as he really is.


What you're saying is that I'm totally stupid/gullible to believe what he says when you haven't even read a single book of his, let alone heard him speak since 1990 on Wogan when he went through his spiritual awakening. Watch 'David Icke, Was He Right?' for example. I have my own mind, thank you and it works very well.


I'm not calling any of you stupid as I think it's inappropriate but Bertie summed this exact situation up below......just substitute 'mis-informed by mainstream media character assassination hitpieces' for 'stupid'.


I saw what they did to 'him' as it happened back then and recognised it for what it was. If he 'went mad' (absurd, given his obvious intellect), then why attack so violently and for so long? Just to sell papers or because he was telling the truth perhaps?


I must say that it never ceases to amaze me how quick people are to dismiss what he has to say without even listening to him.


Unfortunately people can become so jaded and cynical that they no longer trust anyone to tell the truth anymore and anyone doing so is attacked by reflex action.


Apparently that happened before a while ago........what was his name for Christ's sake?


Naturally this will further confirm your pre-conceived opinion of me as evangelist extraordinaire. Oh well, seek and ye shall find!




Erm...English by any chance mate?

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yep we're going to die,if we dont blow each other up first we will either drown due to the ice melting(not in our lifetime though) or we will be struck by an asteroid.In 2012 we will have a near miss by an asteroid then another closer one,the doomsday asteroid "apophis" on 13 april 2029 only 18000 miles from earth...thats australia and back distance.....If it hits earth we're done.

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Guest Supra-T
yep we're going to die,if we dont blow each other up first we will either drown due to the ice melting(not in our lifetime though) or we will be struck by an asteroid.In 2012 we will have a near miss by an asteroid then another closer one,the doomsday asteroid "apophis" on 13 april 2029 only 18000 miles from earth...thats australia and back distance.....If it hits earth we're done.


I beg to differ mate, I think we will get attacked by evil marshmallows!

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For some stupid reason i thought this was about guacamole :S ....sink holes are natural once ive dipped my finger in it! :D


On a serious note though, all these natural disasters may well be pointing to something. But we've all got to leave this place some day, its not for us to say when or how. Just live your life to the fullest, enjoy what you can when you can! (moderation applies) and regret nothing!

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Some people really should be locked up for their own good, and ours! :blink::blink:


I fear these raving loonies more than any 'alleged' or 'supposed' predictions of possible doom.


If something does happen, then why worry about it? There's nothing we can do, as it's all part of life's risks and we're here just by chance anyway, and could be extinguished in just the same manner. IMO, of course. :)

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Some people really should be locked up for their own good, and ours! :blink::blink:


I fear these raving loonies more than any 'alleged' or 'supposed' predictions of possible doom.


If something does happen, then why worry about it? There's nothing we can do, as it's all part of life's risks and we're here just by chance anyway, and could be extinguished in just the same manner. IMO, of course. :)


In the words of someone famous: what will be, will be.


What's worse, someone preaching their religion to you or preaching their "the world is ending" rubbish? I'm thinking they're the same thing.

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The thing is though, that if David Icke is telling the truth, then I'll probably laugh briefly before chucking myself off Beachy Head! :D


We are in some way distantly related to reptiles, via dinosaurs and their brethren, so I can't completely dismiss his slightly nutty claims. :)


So, basically, the world is made up of V's and humans then, and it's only a matter of time before they come to visit in their space ships? There's a documentary series on about that at the moment. It's very good, and pretty accurate, allegedly. It's on the Syfy channel. ;)

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