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Biggest accident you have walked away from


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You didnt straighten a car using that method did you? i know bmws are strong built, but that must have still been bent somewhere for you to go and roll it again so soon, tractor and a tree, clever for the pulling force...not for the mathmatics of the chassis.


Not the BMW mate, that was scrapped :D The Vauxhall Magnum. It was just one of my toys I used to race around the farm tracks, it was properly fecked, but still worked, more or less

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I was Motocrossing in a school boy championship race at a place called wakes coln, after going up one of the main hills with a flat top the bloke behind me over shot the jump an landed on me leaving me sparko under two bikes and a rider. A full check up at hospital I was ok, just walked away with the mother of all black eyes and a few bruses, my crash helmet was gouged to fook tho.

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I rolled a Peugeot 104 rust box 4 times, my mate and I walked away with bruises, covered in petrol from the burst tank. Considering the car cost £50 and was riddled with rust worm it stood up surprisingly well to being flipped onto it's roof a few times. :)

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My worst crash was a while ago now, but I'll never forget it.



When I was 18, myself and two mates were bored late one night.




So we decided to take my mates parents brand new, 1 week old Saxo VTS out for a spin - and we did:blink:


We were racing around at crazy speeds, completely stupid thinking back.


When my mate who was driving lost it on a small crest of a hill, I remember seeing him fight with the steering wheel, but he had no chance.


We smashed into a Sandstone wall about 4 foot high, which catapulted us in the air, where the Police say we travelled about a bus length down before hitting the wall again.


We then proceeded to roll around 4 times before sliding along the road on the roof, then hitting the wall on the other side of the road.



This sounds bad enough but,



During the first impact against the wall my mate who was siting in the back with no seat belt on, hit the front drivers seat which caused it to snap.


With the seat now broke the driver got thrown out of the car at around 80mph and landed in the field behind the wall, crazily he got away with only a couple fo scratches.


My mate with no seat belt then continued to stay in the car and rattled about during the rolling of the car.

Once we hit the last wall, he was thrown out the rear window across his back - he suffered a fractured skull, 3 inch lacerations to the back and many other injuries.


I was still seated in the front passenger seat the whole time, and had to crawl out the rear window to escape.

I came off lucky too, with only cuts, scratches and bruises and several strange slashes across my wrist - which cut a vein - looks like self harm if you didn't know different.


I remember crawing out of the upturned car seeing my mate on his back moaning and the other running from the field!


The car had only two bent wheels left, the engine was left in the wall and every window was smashed - you couldnt recognise what the car was.




Although it was only a Saxo VTS, it cost my mate big time.

Losing his licence and a big fine - mostly because of the damage we caused. The car was a loss too due to having no insurance[sHOCK][/sHOCK]



Worst thing for me was that my mum works in radiology at the hospital, and didn't know anything about the crash till my mate got wheeled in all bust up, and his head fractured.

She had seen him picking me up only a few hours earlier.



Since then I have a fear of not being in control, when I'm not in the driving seat.

You'd hate me as a passenger!

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Not going to get into how it happened but hit a on coming car on a corner, rolled 3 times sideways, did a piroett on the front bumper then slid on the passenger side for some distance, finishing with a roll, and smacking two trees

I got out, with two cuts to the top/back of my head, cut in my cheek and a puntured eye from a piece of glass,

and the door and missing wheel was no where to be found

( Sorry I can't attach photos using the wap on my phone)






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Since then I have a fear of not being in control, when I'm not in the driving seat.

You'd hate me as a passenger!


Hi, I know the feeling. When I was about 19 a few of us decided to gatecrash the Camber Sands Holiday park along the Kent Coast around 11 pm. We left there at 2 am and being young and foolish let my boyfriend at the time drive my nissan micra 1.0 ltr home. His cuz was out with us that night and had a audi quattro 4x4. My boyfriend decided it would be fun to keep up with his cuz, several times I told him we were going to fast but he ignored me. As we went around a sharp bend, the micra lost total control, one minute we were heading for a solid brick wall then next luckily the car swerved ended up rolling it several times and landed up upside down in a ditch. Had two of my mates in the back wearing no seatbelts. All walked away unhurt just muddy and covered in leaches! Dad absolutely killed me!


Since then I cant stand being a passenger and going around bends and I am still scared of my dad :(

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Only had 3 accidents on the road. Worse one was not that bad really, a woman driver pulled out into the front/side of my BMW, catapulting the car up in the air and landing in the oncoming lane. I was only doing 25 mph and got away with a couple of bruises. (There's a thread on it here somewhere)


Worse one off the road was in my '73 Vauxhall Magnum. Was racing down a track at my parents farm at about 60 mph, went round a corner too fast and clipping a bank and flipped the car over. Ended upside down in a water filled ditch with the roof caved in. Kicked the back window out to get out. Got away without a single cut or bruise! I was 13 at the time :D


Funny thing was, after we pulled the car back roughtly into shape (tie one end to a tree, the other to a tractor), I rolled it again 3 months later :D



ahahaha! 13! you crack me up Darryl! :D lmfao

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Hi, I know the feeling. When I was about 19 a few of us decided to gatecrash the Camber Sands Holiday park along the Kent Coast around 11 pm. We left there at 2 am and being young and foolish let my boyfriend at the time drive my nissan micra 1.0 ltr home. His cuz was out with us that night and had a audi quattro 4x4. My boyfriend decided it would be fun to keep up with his cuz, several times I told him we were going to fast but he ignored me. As we went around a sharp bend, the micra lost total control, one minute we were heading for a solid brick wall then next luckily the car swerved ended up rolling it several times and landed up upside down in a ditch. Had two of my mates in the back wearing no seatbelts. All walked away unhurt just muddy and covered in leaches! Dad absolutely killed me!


Since then I cant stand being a passenger and going around bends and I am still scared of my dad :(



Its an awful feeling, I get it in cars, planes, boats...


Just about anything I can't control, I used to be a bit of a dare devil - not anymore:(

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Hi, I know the feeling. When I was about 19 a few of us decided to gatecrash the Camber Sands Holiday park along the Kent Coast around 11 pm. We left there at 2 am and being young and foolish let my boyfriend at the time drive my nissan micra 1.0 ltr home. His cuz was out with us that night and had a audi quattro 4x4. My boyfriend decided it would be fun to keep up with his cuz, several times I told him we were going to fast but he ignored me. As we went around a sharp bend, the micra lost total control, one minute we were heading for a solid brick wall then next luckily the car swerved ended up rolling it several times and landed up upside down in a ditch. Had two of my mates in the back wearing no seatbelts. All walked away unhurt just muddy and covered in leaches! Dad absolutely killed me!


Since then I cant stand being a passenger and going around bends and I am still scared of my dad :(


I have been out as a passenger in a standard Micra doing that, and Jesus wept - it was so scary the car had excessive roll and zero grip, or else that is how it seemed.


It was then rebuilt into a road rally car, full coilovers, whiteline antiroll/lift bars everything.. the difference was night and day - I felt so safe, you could feel the car oversteering then understeering then teetering between the two in a really controlled fashion with very little road space. Was quite fast for a 1.3 too *Grins*

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