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Biggest accident you have walked away from


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Apart from my 135mph off at Snetterton on my Aprilla and a 100mph get off on the road on a blade it must be this effort in my Lxus this year when it snowed, the pic of it in the distance is from where it left the road and it rolled all the way there, lost count after 5 but was a bit dizzy, ended up treking thru 5 miles of snow to get to help, police wouldnot come cause I wasnt hurt and it was too dangerous!!!!!!

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Heres my story, a few mates and me were going out of town on a night out, 2 cars, both friends. One just passed his test and was doing his first motorway drive in his ratted out civic, while the other has a bmw and was driving the longest out of all of us. When the new driver came over i asked him about how he felt about driving and if he was confident, i got a 'urmmmmm yea. Every one was located in the cars and split but i kicked up a little fuss and wouldnt go with him...my mind was just telling me DONT. So another mate who wasnt bothered swapped.


Half way there on the motorway i hear from our driver 'SHIT!!!!!' looked back and the civic span out in the fast lane surrounded by huge lorrys and a few normal size cars with a load of smoke higher than the trees..wheel completley came of the rim, rim had a flat surface, no body was hurt but i walked away from that one before it even happened. Aparrently he braked hard while crossing over into the middle lane.

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And ive been in 2 near airplane crashes...first one i was younger and didnt really know much...was on a L1011 tristar over the caribbean sea and the door towards the front came loose..went back and had the door changed :S we were grounded for like 3 hrs, wouldnt even let us out.


2nd one i was older, over the caribbean sea near barbados on a night flight. Most people were sleeping including my mum next to me...all of a sudden the A340 just goes into a dive..was all shaking and making horrible noises itself with the sound of gravel hitting the outside...after a few mins the pilot comes on a says we lost cabbin pressure and dropped from 30,000ft to 10,000 and had to turn back to trinidad...what was the point when we were over barbados:S


That one was terrible and will stay with me for the rest of my life.


but those 2 could of ended up as fatalitys, BIG TIME.

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Again, mine wasn't car related. I didn't quite walk away from the incident itself, but it’s worth mentioning because I ‘walked’ away from Paralysis.


It was what ended my Trampolining. I landed straight down on my neck after coming out too early from a triple back. Most pain I’ve ever felt as I broke my neck. Docs said I was beyond lucky. So that was that, once I healed I never went back :(

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It was what ended my Trampolining. I landed straight down on my neck after coming out too early from a triple back. Most pain I’ve ever felt as I broke my neck. Docs said I was beyond lucky. So that was that, once I healed I never went back :(


Same as me! I lost everything neck-down for three days before it started coming back. It still hurts now, 7 years on.

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Same as me! I lost everything neck-down for three days before it started coming back. It still hurts now, 7 years on.


Mine doesn't really hurt, it's just stiff when I move it to the limits. One thing is, I can here everything scrapping in there!! Pretty manky. I only hope it doesn't come back to haunt me when I'm old.


While I'm ok now, I'm worried that in 30 years say, It's going to have an effect on my life.

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Apart from my 135mph off at Snetterton on my Aprilla and a 100mph get off on the road on a blade it must be this effort in my Lxus this year when it snowed, the pic of it in the distance is from where it left the road and it rolled all the way there, lost count after 5 but was a bit dizzy, ended up treking thru 5 miles of snow to get to help, police wouldnot come cause I wasnt hurt and it was too dangerous!!!!!!


Boddy hell, first I've heard about it. Glad you walked away from it though bud.

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Mine doesn't really hurt, it's just stiff when I move it to the limits. One thing is, I can here everything scrapping in there!! Pretty manky. I only hope it doesn't come back to haunt me when I'm old.


While I'm ok now, I'm worried that in 30 years say, It's going to have an effect on my life.


Yeah mine scrapes too. It annoys the hell out of me, but as far as I know other people can't hear it. Mine aches serious amounts when I'm stressed. If I'm tensing up, my neck lets me know about it!


I'm also worried about the future... I think I'd be an ideal case for medical marijuana though. :sly:

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I was pillion and a car pulled out when we was overtaking. Bike hit tree at 70 mph, flipped in the air and landed me on the car windscreen who then breaked sending me sliding about 400 - 500 yards on my back. The back of my bike jacket had disintegrated and my back protector had huge holes in it.

I just fractured a toe as i was only wearing trainers and chipped a tooth somehow.

My friend had to have his face rebuilt by a plastic surgeon and he lost most of his teeth as he hit the tree full on.

When i came too all i could see was a couple or big lorries about 10 meters away from me who managed just about not finish me off.

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I broke my back whilst jumping into the sea in cyprus. Compression fracture of the lumber 1 vertebrae. Still gives me jip if I've been sitting down or standing up for a while. Glad the guys decided to wait for the helicopter rather than carry me on their shoulders!

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Mine was when I was coming home from my part time job as I was still at college.. I was driving my Astra SRi which i'd done everything possible to make it super fast (the traction was that bad it would wheel spin in 5th in the wet!). I was coming down a long straight road, so planted it, nothing in front of me apart from the car coming the other way, next thing I know the car coming the other way decided to do a U turn in the middle of the road, right in front of me (i'm not gonna say what speed I was doing but lets just say well over the limit). I had no time to brake or swerve so hit the car right up the ar$e, shunting it back across the road, clean over a ditch and into a tree. I ended up the other side of the road, stuck in the car, with the dash squashed against my legs. It even rippled through the car that much it smashed the bracket bolting my CD changer to the boot floor.


Stupid thing was first thought was to grip the wheel and hold on tight, with locked arms! That really hurt, along with the burns from the seatbelt and dash. I'm now stuck with scars on my arms and legs which I hate so so much and worst of all I now have a real issue with getting in peoples cars as even now I feel people are gonna pull out and the driver won't see it in time. It stresses me out so much I have further skin conditions, which the docs put down to extreme stress from it...

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Guest horny_devil

here is mine and thanks god im still alive!


we was on the way to Edinburgh. Just after stopping for petrol in Newcastle i got back onto the dual carriageway. my gf was driving the car & was in the fast lane and this black jeep cut me up suddenly. slammed on the brakes the car lost control and went at a diagonal into the verge. The car rolled over several times, stopped the right way up and the car had hit the end part of the barrier.

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here is mine and thanks god im still alive!


we was on the way to Edinburgh. Just after stopping for petrol in Newcastle i got back onto the dual carriageway. my gf was driving the car & was in the fast lane and this black jeep cut me up suddenly. slammed on the brakes the car lost control and went at a diagonal into the verge. The car rolled over several times, stopped the right way up and the car had hit the end part of the barrier.


:blink::blink::blink: Very lucky!!

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Only had 3 accidents on the road. Worse one was not that bad really, a woman driver pulled out into the front/side of my BMW, catapulting the car up in the air and landing in the oncoming lane. I was only doing 25 mph and got away with a couple of bruises. (There's a thread on it here somewhere)


Worse one off the road was in my '73 Vauxhall Magnum. Was racing down a track at my parents farm at about 60 mph, went round a corner too fast and clipping a bank and flipped the car over. Ended upside down in a water filled ditch with the roof caved in. Kicked the back window out to get out. Got away without a single cut or bruise! I was 13 at the time :D


Funny thing was, after we pulled the car back roughtly into shape (tie one end to a tree, the other to a tractor), I rolled it again 3 months later :D

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Only had 3 accidents on the road. Worse one was not that bad really, a woman driver pulled out into the front/side of my BMW, catapulting the car up in the air and landing in the oncoming lane. I was only doing 25 mph and got away with a couple of bruises. (There's a thread on it here somewhere)


Worse one off the road was in my '73 Vauxhall Magnum. Was racing down a track at my parents farm at about 60 mph, went round a corner too fast and clipping a bank and flipped the car over. Ended upside down in a water filled ditch with the roof caved in. Kicked the back window out to get out. Got away without a single cut or bruise! I was 13 at the time :D


Funny thing was, after we pulled the car back roughtly into shape (tie one end to a tree, the other to a tractor), I rolled it again 3 months later :D


Not in the same place i hope!

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Only had 3 accidents on the road. Worse one was not that bad really, a woman driver pulled out into the front/side of my BMW, catapulting the car up in the air and landing in the oncoming lane. I was only doing 25 mph and got away with a couple of bruises. (There's a thread on it here somewhere)


Worse one off the road was in my '73 Vauxhall Magnum. Was racing down a track at my parents farm at about 60 mph, went round a corner too fast and clipping a bank and flipped the car over. Ended upside down in a water filled ditch with the roof caved in. Kicked the back window out to get out. Got away without a single cut or bruise! I was 13 at the time :D


Funny thing was, after we pulled the car back roughtly into shape (tie one end to a tree, the other to a tractor), I rolled it again 3 months later :D


You didnt straighten a car using that method did you? i know bmws are strong built, but that must have still been bent somewhere for you to go and roll it again so soon, tractor and a tree, clever for the pulling force...not for the mathmatics of the chassis.

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