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Congratulations Scott M


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It is so surreal, it honestly is. I didn't realise how I felt about her until I had to leave tonight. Totally heart wrenching, it is a very strange feeling. We've only just met but she is instantly the biggest part of my life.


Yup amazing aint it, you think you love her now wait till the first time she calls you daddy:)

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Congrats to you and your family . Dads and daughters mate ! They rap you are around there little finger from day 1.


Totally bud, I can see it all now :D


Yup amazing aint it, you think you love her now wait till the first time she calls you daddy:)


I honestly can't imagine Jamie. I'm a very emotionally distant person generally. I never worry and nothing ever phases me... ever. Before today I would have told you I knew what to expect. I wasn't even in the same ballpark.


I see my Wife from a whole different angle too, what she went through only to come through smiling is unbelievable. She is still going strong where I am shattered and needing tucked up in the shawl with the baby.


Good luck to all the Mum's and Dad's going through this. It is the best experience of my life and I wish you all the fortune we have had. I know you are due very soon Simon, expecting an announcement imminently... Best of luck mate!

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Congratulations to you both!


Our youngest,Aidan is 9 months old now and it only seems like yesterday he was born so enjoy every minute and try not to wish her life away.

We done that with our first.You say "i wish he could talk,walk etc" and before you know it they are running away from you and answering you back lol.


All the best to the 3 of you:)

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Yup amazing aint it, you think you love her now wait till the first time she calls you daddy:)


That just sent a shiver down my spine. That's one thing you never forget. Just made me think of it all over again. :)


I remember the first night my daughter was born, it took me hours to get to sleep and the strange thing was I kept waking up with my arms craddled thinking I was still holding her! Then looking about the room for her! You never, truely feel love till you have a child of your own. Its amazing...


Will have to say I was never an emotional person but when you see you baby/child in pain or upset you really will do ANYTHING,


A massive congratulations to you all, well done.

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Right I'm sitting, chilling and browsing the forum so here is the whole story of our experience......



Our due date was Saturday, the chances of hitting your due date are about the same as picking the winner 5 grand nationals in a row. Chazza started having contractions at 4am on Saturday morning. Being the considerate Wife she is; she decided not to tell me till after 8am at which point I dozed on and off making sure she was OK etc. Everything started off very light with little bursts of pain for the Mum to be. As time went on the contractions started getting stronger so I started timing them. We were told that when the contractions are 3 in 10 mins, it was time to go in as full blown labour would be imminent. Around 7pm on Saturday we hit the magic number and so got ready for our visit to the hospital. We took our time and relished the moment together, between contractions of course. We got to the hospital only to find Mummy was only 1cm dilated. The midwife told us that full blown labour was a fair bit away, that my Wife would virtually not be able to talk when the time was right and gave her a couple of pain killers to help with the pain. We went home very excited but a little disappointed that it wasn't time yet. Around 1am we both fell asleep, the painkillers holding the contractions at bay allowing Mummy to get some sleep.


Chazza woke up with contractions starting again at 6.40am. They were a little stronger than the Saturday but nothing compared to what was to come. As the day went on the contractions got stronger and stronger. I felt absolutely helpless but tried to comfort her as best I could. I pulled out a stepladder for going into the loft and put a pillow over the top for her to lean on. She was most comfortable standing up so she could hold the sides and lean into the pillow during contractions. This worked very well for a while and kept her content knowing that things were progressing. Around 7pm things were getting a little hairy. The windows were shaking with my Wife screaming during the contractions. I was trying to hold it together as best I could but to be honest I was really worried with what was going on. My Wife could hardly speak to me at all, even between contractions she was in absolute agony. She eventually decided that it was time to go to hospital, having held off for as long as we thought possible. We got in and got examined only to find that she was only 2cm dilated. The Midwife gave us absolutely no hope and no reassurance. Her exact words were "you aren't even in proper labour yet sweetie, it could take up to a week for you to get to the appropriate position". Now, I cannot put into words the pain my Wife was going through. You would literally have to have been there to have any understanding at all. To tell us that this may go on for a week was so demoralising and frightening that it was an impossibility. We went home, my Wife in absolute mind numbing & physically paralyzing agony. It took us 25 mins to get to the car which is normally 5 mins away. She couldn't speak, she could hardly breathe and as far as we knew, we had a week of this to go.


A little background.... Since we found out we were pregnant it has been our hope that we could have a natural birth. Gas and air was the limit of our hopes as far as pain control went and we were absolutely set in achieving this. Seeing my Wife in the agony she was in, and thinking of how long it potentially had to go, I think we were both ready right there and then to give in and go for whatever they could do for us or give Charlene to help with the pain. Diamorphine & epidural's was on the tip of both our tongues as far as I am aware, although I am sure I would have caved first.


Anyway.... we went home and decided to take the midwifes advice and have Chazza get in a warm bath. I ran the bath for her and helped her in. It was helping with the pain a little bit and she managed to get her speech back between contractions. After 40 mins or so she was screaming in agony. A heart wrenching scream that I had never heard, nor want to hear again. I had to literally lift my Wife out of the bath and physically hold her upright. I was in a panic so I hit google to see what could be wrong. Search after search turned up nothing. One description told of a lady with 2cm dilation and strong contractions....... but she had posted the thread herself. Her idea of "strong contractions" was nothing like my wife was going through, she couldn't bite her tongue let alone type on a PC so this was far more extreme. We had it in our heads that there was something wrong, there was no way that this pain was normal for such an early stage of labour. At 10.30pm we gave in, I called and explained the situation and we were told to go back in. We got to A&E (the nighttime entrance) and immediately Chazza was given a chair to get her to the ward, she was trying to be stubborn but was taking footsteps shorter than ET. We got to the ward and she was immediately given gas & air. The difference was immediate. She was joking about feeling drunk during contractions and the contractions themself were a fair bit less frightening than they had been in the car on the way over. After a few mins she was examined and found to be 6cm dilated!!! She worryingly asked if that was ok or if she was going to be sent home only to be told we were in for the long haul......


Now, this alone was all we needed to get us through. We had to know that this pain was going somewhere and I had to know that the pain I was witnessing on my Wife's face was not in vain. This gave us both the strength, obviously my Wife being the Major player here, to get us through the entire labour on gas & air only. We both went into the water birth bath and I delivered our little baby daughter Iris. At 1.55am she was born, only 3 hours after proper labour being official. Everything went completely textbook after we knew we were going in the right direction and I cannot praise my Wife enough for her attitude to the whole thing. I am so proud of her I cannot put it into words and it is something that I will never forget for as long as I live. I am beaming with pride looking at her and it quadruples simply looking at our daughter. Our experience of labour was totally different from what we expected, the fear IMO is worse than the pain. When you know the pain is leading somewhere it is nothing compared to the pain when you think you are going nowhere with a week to go.


I can only think, in the midwife's defence, that she was trying to get us to stay home as long as possible... knowing that the labour may be imminent but not wanting us to come in too early again. Telling us that there may be a week to go was like a bombshell, seriously. The look on my Wife's face was almost as bad as the pain I saw during the worst contractions.


All I can say is, guys... when your Wife is in labour... she can't talk, she can't walk and she will be making noises that you wouldn't have thought possible.


Good luck to anyone going through it, to say it is an experience is an understatement to say the least. The body knows what it is doing better than any Doctor, Nurse, Midwife and they will tell you that themselves.


Sorry for the long post, I did promise to document the experience though :D

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Thanks guys, back after day no.2. She had a blood test to check her sugar levels due to problems breast feeding, ended up with the sugar levels being fine but another level was elevated so there is a very small chance of infection. She has been popped onto anti-biotics as a precaution so definitely won't be home till, at the very earliest, Thursday.


I'm gutted not to have my Girls home but the wee one is in the best place.


We are mixing breast feeding with bottle feeding and I gave her the first & 2nd bottles tonight. Was an unbelievable feeling.


Mum still hasn't slept, poor thing is like a zombie, I don't know how she is doing it. Hoping she will get some shuteye tonight.

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