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Blitz SBC-ID, SBC-ID II and Powermeter


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also worth making sure your peak boost setting it set just right. The SBCID will lower the boost automatically if you go over the peak boost setting which is a great safety feature. I found I was 'just' hitting that peak boost setting so I tweaked it up a little and everything went fine from there.


Im now a single turbo but not done anything about the boost settings until the car is mapped...one day perhaps.



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  • 3 months later...

Bump, I'm lost guys. I have used the following settings for a J-spec TT BPU with Hybrids:


  1. Channel 1: SET 20 GAIN 10
  2. Channel 2: SET 25 GAIN 10
  3. Channel 3: SET 35 GAIN 15
  4. Channel 4: SET 60 GAIN 25


Despite this, I'm hitting no more than 0.76 bar and it wont go any higher. I do have an Induction kit fitted (previous owner) and the settings are all on MANUAL.


What the frikking heck am I doing wrong? :(





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  • 2 months later...

After reading this link I’m still confused about how gain effects boost, as I understand it set is the % of extra boost above stock that the controller will allow through the turbos but what does gain do and how does it effect Boost?


I was looking at my car's setup and the settings I have are Set = 35 and Gain= 3, the car will boost to 1.3 bar and spike up to 1.45 which is way to high for me, I don't want my Boost to go above 1.2bar. I have the old Miami GT stage 3 hybrids so I guess my new stock boost would be above 0.9 bar.


What settings would people suggest?

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  • 6 months later...



Sorry to drag this up, but I'm looking for some assistance.


I have Paul E's old supra - and blitz idc boost controller. I'm seeing silly figures on boost peaks at the moment, and so want to get these reduced.


The current settings are:


I've checked the settings, and currently they are:


CH1 Set=42, Gain=15, Limiter=55, Scramble=5

CH2 Set=40, Gain=15, Limiter=55, Scramble=5

CH3 Set=20, Gain=10, Limiter=55, Scramble=5

CH4 Set=15, Gain=5, Limiter=55, Scramble=5.



I've gone for a blast down the motorway (about 10 mins ago) and I was seeing peaks of around 1.4bar when i put my foot down - I want this well below 1.15bar.

I took ch1 SET down to 20, and I don't think I noticed much difference. I've also turned off scramble as I don't think I want/need it.


Unfortunately I am a numpty with these things at the mo, still learning them. It seems to have a boost map, which I assume means that at different revs it uses different channel settings - correct? In which case, I should reduce ch2 and ch3 as well (ch4 isn't in use according to the map), as it'll be using these when i put my foot down (higher revs??)




EDIT: It seems if I have it set to CH1, it will only use CH1. I need to flick to MAP to use all 4 channels as per map - so I shouldn't need to touch ch2/3/4 until I can get ch1 working right.



Any help/guidance would be appreciated! Thanks

Cheers folks

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The actual figures for the SET should approximate the % increase that you are looking to dial in above the stock figure


i.e. if stock boost is 0.9 - and your SET figure is 40 =


0.9 x 40% increase = 1.26 BAR


Of course it depends on your 'stock' boost figure, air density etc - and now it being colder drop this SET down to 30


0.9 x 30% increase = 1.17 BAR


The GAIN figure it a similar increase dial in - although this will cause spikes if too high


Take this GAIN down to 10 and see what happens (that is the beauty of the graphs available in the unit)


Good testing! :)


You are correct about the MAP figure - you will see this MAP may be configured according to either RPM's or speed (i.e. CH1, CH2. CH3 or CH4 settings will activate at those RPM's or MPH - depending on which you have chosen)

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Thanks Paul :)


I think I'm going to reset ch1 (leave the settings for the other channels for now) and just start from the bottom and work up.


I understand the theory of %, but don't understand why some cars need a SET of around 60/70 to get the same boost figure (1.2bar) as I would with potentially a SET of 20/30. Each car is different, agreed, but thats a big difference!....


How does the limiter figure come into play? Is it the higher the number, the quicker it reduces the boost???

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I understand the theory of %, but don't understand why some cars need a SET of around 60/70 to get the same boost figure (1.2bar) as I would with potentially a SET of 20/30. Each car is different, agreed, but thats a big difference!....


How does the limiter figure come into play? Is it the higher the number, the quicker it reduces the boost???


Me neither m8 - mine have always been Ok around those figures - unless there is a level beyond which it makes no difference


Limiter figure - is the level at which the boost controller will attempt to retard the boost figure (this works only partially - it will flash red and you get a warning tone - you may feel a slight effect - but not a huge amount)


Set this at 1.15 and you will be warned if you go over etc

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Set this at 1.15 and you will be warned if you go over etc


I have the warning buzzer etc set at this value, as it was what you left it at :)


However - the limiter value I am talking about seems to apply to all channels, and is a value between 0 and 100. This is next to the scramble setting. Currently it is set to 55?? I don't understand what this does and the manual doesn't really explain it. :(

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I have the warning buzzer etc set at this value, as it was what you left it at :)


However - the limiter value I am talking about seems to apply to all channels, and is a value between 0 and 100. This is next to the scramble setting. Currently it is set to 55?? I don't understand what this does and the manual doesn't really explain it. :(


I always assumed this limits the SET figure - so no matter what you dial in it wil not go above this figure (a failsafe for un-nimble fingers perhaps)


You will need to check this!!

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Right then - I went for a nice long drive today, and had the settings on CH1 @ SET 10, and Gain 10.


Peaked at 1bar. So that's a good thing then. Cranked the SET up to 20 while on the move (manual says it takes affect straight away) and didn't really notice that much difference, maybe a peak at 1.04bar. Anyway - I'm much happier now that it's boosting lower, I'll just increase the settings until I'm happy. :)


Thanks for your help peeps - especially Paul again!

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