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Baby killer back in jail

The Raven

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Would you commit murder (or worse like the Bulger case) knowing that if you were found guilty that you would get the death penalty???


I know i wouldn't.


But you would commit murder if the punishment was less harsh?

Would some moral code prevent you from murdering, or is it just the fear of retribution?

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The only time I would commit murder is if the safety of my family was in jeopardy (burglary gone wrong etc).


I would also be happy to be part of the death penalty process ie. what some people on here would call an 'executioner'.


To be honest, getting bored of this now. I've said my piece and will now let the matter rest.



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JAMES Bulger's killer Jon Venables was thrown back in jail over an allegation that he committed a sickening sex crime, The Sun can reveal.

The 27-year-old is expected to be brought before a court in the near future to face charges over it.


The Sun has discovered exact details of the offence, that will horrify the nation.


But government lawyers last night threatened to gag us with an injunction if we revealed it in full.




Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2881233/Jon-Venables-faces-a-sex-charge.html#ixzz0hNSlS13E



It gets worse.

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JAMES Bulger's killer Jon Venables was thrown back in jail over an allegation that he committed a sickening sex crime, The Sun can reveal.

The 27-year-old is expected to be brought before a court in the near future to face charges over it.


The Sun has discovered exact details of the offence, that will horrify the nation.


But government lawyers last night threatened to gag us with an injunction if we revealed it in full.




Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2881233/Jon-Venables-faces-a-sex-charge.html#ixzz0hNSlS13E



It gets worse.


Should have been "put down" 17 years ago :rolleyes:

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This has come back to light to.


One of James Bulger's killers has been accused of writing a series of menacing letters detailing the violence he wants to inflict on fellow inmates


In the scribbled notes Robert Thompson, now 18, is said to tell friends in his secure unit that another inmate will 'get it' and claims he was set to punch one youngster who had hidden his table tennis bat.


Yesterday James Bulger's mother Denise Fergus said that the letters, if genuine, showed Thompson was still violent and dangerous.

Her lawyer, Sean Sexton, said they could play a crucial role in preventing the killer's early release and added: 'I am genuinely excited about this and we will be sending these letters to the Chief Executive of the Parole Board and asking them to investigate.'

In the end a handwriting expert may be needed to identify whether the letters are genuine.

Leon McEwan, 17 - who served five years for arson at the secure unit where Thompson was held - claims he received 30 handwritten notes and cartoons from him.


The letters, full of spelling mistakes and poor grammar, are signed Bobby or Berty. In them Thompson allegedly makes threats to fellow inmates and says that as recently as last May he had to be 'stopped from punching' one of them who had hidden his bat.

In another he says: 'He won't get away with it that's a fact.


'Me or [inmate's name] will have him because he told [another inmate] to go **** his mum, so he will get it alright.'

In another note he comments on the behaviour of other inmates and adds: 'I am at the point of blowing now.'

He also details early sexual experiences and claims that he was told off at school because a girl had been sitting on his lap.


Thompson even describes his 'first proper kiss' with a girl inmate and claims another had exposed herself to him, adding: 'I could tell her to meet me ... then I could get my end away with her in the toilet.'

The letters, handed to The Sun newspaper, have been passed on to Mrs Fergus's lawyers.


Thompson's lawyers are said to admit that letters were written to McEwan but they deny that these letters are genuine.

McEwan also claims that Thompson boasted he had got off lightly with James's murder.

Thompson and Jon Venables, also now 18, abducted, tortured and murdered two-year-old James on a railway line in Liverpool in 1993 after abducting him from a shopping centre. They were both ten years old.

They are expected to be freed on licence from their separate local authority secure units this summer after the Lord Chief Justice,


Lord Woolf, reduced their mini-mum-custody tariff to eight years.

But, in a sick reminder of the horrific crime, McEwan claimed Thompson had bragged that he had got off lightly, telling him: 'You could have killed someone and only got eight.'


McEwan said Thompson lived a life of luxury in the special unit and was allowed to watch films such as Silence Of The Lambs and play violent computer games.

He added: 'He used to laugh to me that five years for arson was a long time. He said I may as well have murdered someone - he knew he was getting off lightly.


I think he's a dangerous individual. He's evil. He should not be let out, full stop.'

McEwan claimed Thompson watched Silence Of The Lambs --which features Anthony Hopkins as a cannibalistic murderer - and told him in a letter: 'It was great. I really enjoyed it. It was a top movie.'

After McEwan was transferred from the secure unit to a Young Offenders Institution when he was 16, he corresponded with Thompson by letter for a year.


In one letter Thompson told McEwan how he loved to play a computer game called Silent Hill - the plot features the disappearance of a seven-year-old girl.

McEwan, who spent two years in the same unit as Thompson, also claimed he boasted about torturing animals while at the same time trying to protect the younger inmates from bullies.

He added: 'Bobby [Thompson] used to go out around twice a week on trips with his family. They went all over, to parks and places like the Trafford Centre.'


McEwan paints a picture of Thompson as a disturbed teenager who flies into a rage when his picture appears on television and never talks about the Bulger murder and does not want the other boys to know what his crime was.

'He was one of the lads but he had a weird sense of humour,' McEwan said, adding 'There's no way Bobby will be reformed from being in there because there is nothing hard or frightening about it.

'His family could visit it as often as they liked, he was fed well, he got educated, he had his own bathroom.

'It's luxury really. It was like he was royalty, it was like we would have been treated better if we'd murdered a two-year-old.'

The revelations come only days after James Bulger's father Ralph failed in a High Court bid to stop the release of the killers.

The other Bulger killer, Venables, has spent the last eight years in a different secure unit and is said to revel in his notoriety and regard himself as 'untouchable'.


He lives apart from the other convicted inmates in a building intended for youths awaiting trial and uses a false surname.

He tells the temporary inmates he is inside for something else, according to former fellow inmate Paul, aged 20.

But the long-term occupants know who he is and are forbidden to talk to him, said Paul, remembering: 'He would stare at us through the windows with a look that said, "I'm untouchable".

'He knew he was the most important person there because of all the special rules laid down for him.'


Paul, who was detained for four years for manslaughter after killing a man in a street fight when he was 15, disputes claims by Thompson and Venables' supporters that they have excelled academically and passed GCSE exams.

He said: 'We couldn't take GCSEs in that place, just papers called "As and Bs" in maths, literature and science. They were sent outside to an examiner and came back with a grade out of 100. You could keep taking them again and again until you got better marks.


'There were a lot of murderers in there, but Venables was notorious. It was not in a way that he got respect but he was the most important person in there. He was the famous one.'

Norman Brennan, director of the Victims of Crime Trust and a spokesperson for Mrs Fergus, said: 'Thompson and Venables have almost been rewarded for the crimes they have committed. There seems to be no punishment element whatsoever and these stories don't surprise me.


'They are highly dangerous individuals and I don't think they have been properly rehabilitated.'



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-25175/Bulger-killer-wanted-harm-inmates.html#ixzz0hO0S2usH



If even half of that is true then i just give up. Justice might be best served by a mob with flaming bits of straw and pitchforks.

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When i was young i watched horror films with my mates while someones parents was out. We also played war, fought each other, played bulldog, did chiness burns (racist?) etc etc


But as soon as someone got hurt we knew it was time to stop.


Unless we have all been drugged the change is down to society and how we conduct ourselves and treat each other. Things are worse now than they were when i was a child, admittedly everything was in black and white it was that long ago.


Something HAS to change, our current course is leading us down into a pit and i for one am fed up with it. We demand justice and a fair hand, are we not entitled to it?

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  • 4 months later...

I still don't know what it's got to do with James Bulger's mum, I know she's gone through the worst experience a parent can go through but this latest development has nothing to do with her at all...... surely she should be left alone by the press and not constantly appearing for sound bites on the news?

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Apparetnly their parents admitted to letting them watch films like Childs Play when they were that young....




I watched Get Carter when I was about 8. Never did me any harm. Well, apart from that time, the dark time, I never meant to hurt her but she wouldn't stop shouting.

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I still don't know what it's got to do with James Bulger's mum, I know she's gone through the worst experience a parent can go through but this latest development has nothing to do with her at all...... surely she should be left alone by the press and not constantly appearing for sound bites on the news?


She was in court at the trial - I presume it's part of the license that was agreed at the time of his original release - to know about future convictions maybe? I guess it's not the same as any other case that has gone before so they must have had to create a lot of it themselves.


The other part I didn't know about was that they have to tell someone that they have a close relationship with who they actually are. That would be a nice convo.

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Given the number of female solicitors and "prison pen pals" who end up marrying or getting deeply involved with extremely dubious people in prison or in the system on the way there, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if there were not a small number of women out there who'd go on bundle on this cretin :( In the interests of future genetics it would have been expedient to at least sterilise him, if not do the logical thing and euthanase him years ago.

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The other part I didn't know about was that they have to tell someone that they have a close relationship with who they actually are. That would be a nice convo.


That would rock....


"We should be honest with each other about our past...I once...I cheated on my boyfriend...with his best mate."


"Yeah...You know that Jamie Bulger kid?"

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Apparently he is getting another New Identity costing the tax payer 250k, May as well suck his cock aswell:mad:


Lol :p


Doesnt cost £250k to change your name, I could do it next week.

I would be willing to administrate his whole name change for less than 50k.


..saying that I would grass him in to some desireable undesireables when I was finished. :)

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I'm not sure what to think of this country anymore, if I'm honest.


He'll be needing another new identity at our cost? After planning and murdering a baby then, later on in life, downloading and distributing child pornography?!?



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I'm not sure what to think of this country anymore, if I'm honest.


He'll be needing another new identity at our cost? After planning and murdering a baby then, later on in life, downloading and distributing child pornography?!?




This is what gets on my ****. Why not just let him out back where he's from with his proper identity & let him fend for him self.

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