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Baby killer back in jail

The Raven

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They should both be in prison still, no question. I was 12 when it happened, just a couple of years older than them and I realised at the time how awful what they did was. I'm pretty sure at the age of 10 I would have known also. I dont like the not knowing where the other guy is, as he is described as the more evil one of the 2 (at least at the time).

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And would you volunteer to execute a 10 year old? I wouldn't - whatever they'd done. I'd be sickened by their actions, mourn and pity what they'd grown to become, but could never bring myself to end them.


and you'd hold that belief if they had murdered your 2 year old child?


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what really gets me in this case is the amount of bystanders that either chose not to, or fate prevented them from saving this poor baby. According to reports I've read before commenting here many people intervened during the many hours and miles the kids walked, most part with the baby bloodied, bruised and in distress, yet always the killers found a plausable explanation what was going on and the adults all would leave.


I honestly believe in 'Luck of the devil'.

"how did they get away with that and nobody notice".

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and you'd hold that belief if they had murdered your 2 year old child?



I certainly would. Execution = Murder. I don't agree with the death penalty, and couldn't ever support it. It's nothing but vengeance. I'd be pretty pissed that they only served 8 years though.


And, Raven, "14...15...21?"; Nope, nope, nope. The age of the offender makes no difference.


Objectively speaking (because I'm not a raving Daily Mail reader), I believe that the primary purpose of prison is for rehabilitation of offenders. When dealing with the issue of reoffenders then punishment should become a larger part of it, but 10 year old kids deserve the chance of rehabilitation before all you sick f**ks cut their heads off like we're living in the dark ages.

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I think ALL life is sacred. Those that take another life, however old they are at the time, and are proven to be of sound judgement should not have the privilege of drawing breath.


If that had been proven beyond ANY doubt, then i would have no quibbles AT ALL about pulling the switch or pushing the needle.


I have a five year old girl and i would be thinking of her(and god damned smiling) as i wiped the scum off the face of the earth, knowing that there is one less monster (no other word for either of them is there?) on our rapidly decaying planet.


Someone has to be brave enough to bring these sort of issues up in Government, not that there is anyone brave enough to do so and i don't think it'll ever happen.


I would pretty much guarantee that if it was put to a public vote then the death penalty would be re-introduced, and i would be first in line to sign up for the job.


Call me a keyboard warrior if you desire, even though you dont know me, i dont really care. I am just saying what my thoughts on the matter are and i respect your opinions.



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and you'd hold that belief if they had murdered your 2 year old child?



I don't have any children so I couldn't possibly know.


Two wrongs don't make a right and killing a killer does not necessarily bring justice. It may or may not make me feel better, I couldn't be sure.


I'd like to think I would hold the same belief, because otherwise, not only would they have robbed me of my child and my child of it's future, putting it through hell in the process, but they'd have destroyed me, too. I'd have lost my values, morals, ethics, anything and everything I hold dear to myself.


Maybe when (if) I have children, they will become everything I hold dear and someone taking them away from me may mean that I care for nothing other than to see their end. But does that make it right for my thirst for 'justice' to be satiated by their death? Trying to take an objective view now, I'd say not.


The line between right and wrong is subjective. By human nature it's intrinsically impossible for us to make a fundamentally 'correct' call. Many people that have already commented on this thread have their idea of where the line is and are satisfied that they know the correct course. I don't necessarily agree with their assessment and for me the correct course is a little blurred.


I suspect that in the position of being the one to enact the aforementioned punishment, many people's previously concrete convictions may also be questioned, mine included.


I don't want to bring Batman into this, but I think the boat scene at the end of The Dark Knight highlights my point well. None of the civilians could actually bring themselves to kill the criminals, because in that position your perspective changes. That sort of action carries far more weight than anyone can appreciate without having to face the direct choice. To decide whether to act or not to act is not the same as to hypothesise.

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I think ALL life is sacred.



If that had been proven beyond ANY doubt, then i would have no quibbles AT ALL about pulling the switch or pushing the needle.


So, on that basis, all life is not sacred to you.

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Is that now or when they were both 10 years old?


Well i wouldn't do that to any 10 year old but the way they are free now with new identitys just sickens me. They should be let out of jail the same as the next lad not giving a free house, a job to walk in to the whole lots handed to the. If they stole a gallon of petrol they would get worse.

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Like you my friend, I could not honestly answer that. But, as I have said before, that would be a case of wanting revenge and vengeance rather than justice.


Surely REAL justice is relative to the severity of the crime? If someone denies another THE right to live, should it not be denied to them?

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Well i wouldn't do that to any 10 year old but the way they are free now with new identitys just sickens me. They should be let out of jail the same as the next lad not giving a free house, a job to walk in to the whole lots handed to the. If they stole a gallon of petrol they would get worse.


Well, that's a bit different to your other post. then you stated:


Ah man thats sick just reading what they done. Really death is to good for them, they should be hammerd within an inch of there lives then get left to half recover and repeat this over and over until their bodys just give up. (sorry if i've over stepped the mark but thats my opinion)


And yet now you are saying that they should be released on the same basis as other criminals with no new identities etc.

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Surely REAL justice is relative to the severity of the crime? If someone denies another THE right to live, should it not be denied to them?


But who are you, or I, to deny it? Don't you think that makes us (or the justice system, executioner, whomever) just as guilty of denying the "right" to life? And therefore, in the interest of fairness, due the same judgement?

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So, on that basis, all life is not sacred to you.


You obviously didn't read the whole post. Those who deny others of life should be allowed to draw breath if they are proven to be of sound judgement at the time of the crime. In my opinion.


Can't say it any clearer than that, can i?



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Surely REAL justice is relative to the severity of the crime? If someone denies another THE right to live, should it not be denied to them?


Is that justice or vengeance? When does revenge cross over to the bounds of justice?


As I said earlier, I do not agree with the death penalty but as I also said, I honestly do not know if I would feel the same should someone torture and murder a child of mine.

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Isn't that the whole point of the justice system?? To take that personal feeling of the public out of the decision??


Those who 'flick the switch' or whatever are not committing a crime, just delivering justice, the same as a prison officer would do.


Again, just my opinion.

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You obviously didn't read the whole post. Those who deny others of life should be allowed to draw breath if they are proven to be of sound judgement at the time of the crime. In my opinion.


Can't say it any clearer than that, can i?



I did read it all and it doesn't make sense. If, as you say, ALL life is sacred, ( I use caps because you did in the op) then your argument for killing a murderer is flawed.


Maybe you should have added a caveat along the lines of, all life is sacred - unless they kill another and then it's all bets off.

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Well, that's a bit different to your other post. then you stated:




And yet now you are saying that they should be released on the same basis as other criminals with no new identities etc.


Yes back to where they come from the same as people who has done lesser crimes. Didn't the boys father say he would find them no matter what? I'm not saying 2 wrongs make a right but why should they be hidden away from the rest of the world. You never know they could be living next door to any of us.

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I did read it all and it doesn't make sense. If, as you say, ALL life is sacred, ( I use caps because you did in the op) then your argument for killing a murderer is flawed.


Maybe you should have added a caveat along the lines of, all life is sacred - unless they kill another and then it's all bets off.


I simply meant that if you take someones life then you should not be drawing breath youself. Perhaps i should have said 'ALL innocent life is sacred'. Probably would have been a better choice of words.


Anyway, I'm not going to sit here saying that my posts are the be all and end all of the argument. We all have opinions and come from all walks of life and backgrounds and i am glad to be part of a forum where you can express your views in this manner.



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they aint living next door to me unless theyve both had boobs jobs, dyed their hair blonde and speak fluent polish.:p


Well i suppose, i'm also in the country so they can't be next to me. But it is scary to think they are out there somewhere. You don't know who's living near you these days.

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I simply meant that if you take someones life then you should not be drawing breath youself. Perhaps i should have said 'ALL innocent life is sacred'. Probably would have been a better choice of words.


Anyway, I'm not going to sit here saying that my posts are the be all and end all of the argument. We all have opinions and come from all walks of life and backgrounds and i am glad to be part of a forum where you can express your views in this manner.







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Guest Rays the roof

Well I have 2 daughters and for the record have no violent cells within my whole body!!


BUT, I knew a friend of the Bulger's family and what they did to that poor boy was pre meditated was on a par with what Ian Bradley and Hindley did to young children.


If it were one of my daughters slaughtered in such a way I would have tracked down the two animals and tortured them to a long and painfull death. Do two bad deeds equal a good one?? In this case yes.


It is good that such horrific events will not be forgotten in our generations


RIP Jamie x x x

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Guest Rays the roof
What if the decision is later ruled to have been wrong?


It's not exactly black and white.


you sick f**ks cut their heads off like we're living in the dark ages.


The line between right and wrong is subjective.


Guys I respect your comments and don't usually get into post tat for tat, but you must consider this is not a theoretical discussion but actual facts.


1. The boys were 10 and this day an age, (especially on council estates were these lads were raised), at 10 you know right from wrong and understand life much better than most of us did at the age of 18!


2. They planned the execution of another boy and carried it out without any second thought or remorse.


3. They showed no remorse in court and were even pictured smiling at Jamie's family during the hearing.


4. They were cleared of any mental health issues!


5. Clear undisputed video evidence show the 2 lads abducting Jamie, walking him to his place of execution and carrying out the execution!


So I feel the comments like:


"What if the decision is later ruled to have been wrong?


It's not exactly black and white.


....sick f**ks cut their heads off like we're living in the dark ages


The line between right and wrong is subjective"


are actually b*llox.


I am glad this remains an open forum, but we must sometimes take a step back from the keyboard and take a deep breath before posting!



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