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What happens when you die? (serious question)


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I've heard it said that God loves everyone unconditionally. Would that be correct?


Yes he does love unconditionally,but only if we accept him and have a relationship with him... but if we constantly refuse to speak to him, take his name for a swear word and dis-respect him... could you blame him for not wanting to spend eternity with you...


(not you personally mate, I dont judge where you are with God) :)

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Yes he does love unconditionally,but only if we accept him and have a relationship with him... but if we constantly refuse to speak to him, take his name for a swear word and dis-respect him... could you blame him for not wanting to spend eternity with you...


How about if I live a morally good life, and basically do everything right with the single missing thing of not believing in him? Can I still get a pearly pass?

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How about if I live a morally good life, and basically do everything right with the single missing thing of not believing in him? Can I still get a pearly pass?


And on that theme, what if I was a complete cnut all my life but on my deathbed repented and confessed my sins? Would that give me a get out of jail card?

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Yes he does love unconditionally,but only if we accept him and have a relationship with him... but if we constantly refuse to speak to him, take his name for a swear word and dis-respect him... could you blame him for not wanting to spend eternity with you...


(not you personally mate, I dont judge where you are with God) :)


What did it say to you when you last spoke to it?

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Well I believe that when you die, you will not know that you are dead, it is like sleeping forever, and I quite like the thought to be honest.


You could say it is like taking the plug out of a computer, it just stops working and thats it. in my humble opinion it is the same with human life.


But a very interesting topic:thumbs:

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Well I believe that when you die, you will not know that you are dead, it is like sleeping forever, and I quite like the thought to be honest.


You could say it is like taking the plug out of a computer, it just stops working and thats it. in my humble opinion it is the same with human life.


But a very interesting topic:thumbs:



Yeah that theory definitely seems the most likely, and the whole being asleep forever is what scares the crap out of me. Forever is waaay too long :(

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Absurdity in the context it was writen implied that the premise was inconsistent with reason or logic.


my point is in the lack of any evidence either way, although the nothingness after death theory is perhaps the most intuitive theory- its still a belief, which cannot be justified with reason and logic either. so we shouldnt pretend that it can and claim some sort of intellectual superiority over those who may believe otherwise.


im not advocating either theory. i do suggest though to have a completely close minded approach in an evidential void is the true absurdity.


baisically - 'it aint no thang but a chicken wang....' i think that makes my feelings clear on the matter :tongue:


lol. I was suggesting that any thought of any kind of afterlife, no matter what it is, is 'ridiculous' (Hence absurd). You can take it how you like...


There is nothing but a fantastical thought behind the belief in any kind of afterlife. No-one has seen any kind of evidence to suggest anything else, so someone imagined it all up.


OK, let me do a test.


I'm closing my sleepy peep-holes now, and thinking that when I open them I'm going to be a trillionaire, I'm opening my eyes, and looking forward to spending all the cash, and then maybe living forever in the afterlife. Oh damn it didn't happen.

I can't understand why not? I imagined it would, so it must be true!

Or maybe we could discount my 'wishing it, therefore it must happen' theory as complete horse sh...


OR we could look at it from another point of view. What is allowed to have an afterlife?

Earlier on today I snapped a bolt in a tensile test. It's now dead. Would the bolt now be living in a heaven where it get's threaded into beautiful chrome plated, moly lubed, half nuts all day, or maybe it was an evil nut so it's living in a hell where rock-apes cross thread it into nylocks? (C'mon, we all know that nylocks are evil, right?)

The point of my ramble is that what makes us special enough to have an afterlife? Nothing. So everything must have an afterlife right???


As for religion, IMHO it's just the icing on the cake of imagination with faith being the cherry.

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True - i got knocked out for about 7 minutes after a major head on car crash - dont remeber a few minutes before or after i woke up.




The thing is i cant get my head around being dead, for EVER? All we know is in our head, you go to sleep, you wake up, people die, life carries on, but when YOU die, thats it...for ever :search:


naa, cant get me loaf around that at all :taped:


Yeah that theory definitely seems the most likely, and the whole being asleep forever is what scares the crap out of me. Forever is waaay too long


Great topic - I've thought about this loads, and I feel completely the same as you mate. I just cannot imagine my mind being 'switched off' and me being nothing after a certain point.

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By the sound of your response Im not sure you even read my post before you responded to it??:blink:


ive had too many debates with people who (in the lack of any concrete evidence) have beliefs, and who refuse to accept that there is any possibility that they could possibly be wrong!Given such a situation I know the best thing isto humbly bow out. You ever considered ‘taking up’ religion? - most of the religiouse bunch think that there is no chance that they are wrong also;)


i will however address a couple of your points if I may.- well it would be rude not to surely.:D


lol. I was suggesting that any thought of any kind of afterlife, no matter what it is, is 'ridiculous' (Hence absurd). You can take it how you like...


There is nothing but a fantastical thought behind the belief in any kind of afterlife. No-one has seen any kind of evidence to suggest anything else, so someone imagined it all up.


OK, let me do a test.


I'm closing my sleepy peep-holes now, and thinking that when I open them I'm going to be a trillionaire, I'm opening my eyes, and looking forward to spending all the cash, and then maybe living forever in the afterlife. Oh damn it didn't happen.

I can't understand why not? I imagined it would, so it must be true!

Or maybe we could discount my 'wishing it, therefore it must happen' theory as complete horse sh...



The only way you could actually make this analogy comparable to the afterlife debate is if not you, but another makes the wish. After making the wish they however happen to disappear! and you have no way of knowing weather there wish came true or not. In the lack of evidence you would then have to revert back to your beliefs based on empirical (but not quite exactly related life experience) about weather there wish came true or not.


The point I think your trying to make is that there is absolutely no reason to believe just by making a wish it will make it happen. i agree.

However consider this. When you are dreaming there is no reason for your to believe your are dreaming. Nothing in that dream normally suggests that anything but that dream world you occupy is real. How do you know your dreaming? How would you go about proving that the world around you and your body is real or not in a dream? You belive that the dream world you occupy is indeed real and the only reality to exist do you not? I bet you even argue as such on your dream internet forums no doubt using strange bolt related arguments?? That is of course until you awake only to find a reality more real then the one you were convinced was the only one. Its possible that life itself is some sort of dream state also (in my view highly improbable but not provably impossible).. an open mind is all I advocate. an open mind does not mean betraying your beliefs in any way like some seem to think.


OR we could look at it from another point of view. What is allowed to have an afterlife?

Earlier on today I snapped a bolt in a tensile test. It's now dead. Would the bolt now be living in a heaven where it get's threaded into beautiful chrome plated, moly lubed, half nuts all day, or maybe it was an evil nut so it's living in a hell where rock-apes cross thread it into nylocks? (C'mon, we all know that nylocks are evil, right?)


firstly the bolt would have to be considered to be alive in the first place for it to have an afterlife. Given current definitions of life - its not. Let alone aware which is the real issue concerned when it comes to the afterlife debate. And yes you are correct – nylocks are evil…. :)


The point of my ramble is that what makes us special enough to have an afterlife? Nothing. So everything must have an afterlife right???

I agree. If I were to concur to the afterlife theory then everything with an awareness would be equally intitled to an afterlife – this is consistent to the verdanic traditions to which I am inclined to subscribe – Not to the abrahamic ‘humans are special’ ‘heaven or hell’ belief systems which you seem to readily use and assign me to in your responce.


As for religion, IMHO it's just the icing on the cake of imagination with faith being the cherry.

I don’t even dare comment. Religions a whole other thread. And Fortunately for me its not a prerequisite of my beliefs that everyone believe what I believe. What a boring world that would be if they did!- id have no one to debate with!


Always a pleasure folks. god bless. :sly:

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Beliefs are made up by people, everything you have been told as a possibility is someone else's belief put onto yourself. Whether you believe it or not is a choice. If you tend to believe nothing you are told then you believe nothing will happen. Noone can say for a fact that anyone is wrong. If you see a green monster you are a nutter, if you see Jesus you are a saint. Its all rubbish IMO. Nothing written or said by Man will ever convince me otherwise. Have a look at Scientology if you want a real laugh, it is just as preposterous as all the rest but involves aliens so might keep you entertained longer.


Same goes for religion.


I'm an agnostic, I believe in feck all but I don't discredit anything either. There is no person alive who will convince me of a god or of any religion or of any afterlife. Being brought up with religion isn't a choice in most peoples lives, it has been with me and I chose to see it all as money & order creation.


Anyway, what happens when you are dead? At the moment I will say nothing, I will reserve judgement until I die though.

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I’m sorry to hear about your mum :(


Unfortunately my beliefs are very very small! That’s because I’m atheist!


Our human bodies are no different to the keyboard I’m typing with! We are just an object, but a lot more advanced.


I believe when we die nothing happens it’s just a dead object that will not live on! Like an apples that is squashed on the ground! The apple can’t be eaten nor will it go to a heaven or a hell! Its because its an object in this planet like you or me!

It all the same as us, which is grow, breathe and then die!


The bible was the 1st book, so alot of people read it back then! One person to another said somthing and like chineese wispers things get miss led and so on.... If the Matrix was the 1st book, the chances are we would all belive that there is a savour called neo that can fly and bring us back to life! And he died for the machines to be at peace with us! Rather than some dude called Jesus that can cure illness's and dies for our sins etc.....


Iv tried so hard the past year or two to believe in fate and things happen for a reason but I only believe what is in front of me as proof!


I’m sure other peoples answers are a lot more.... reassuring and spiritual but not for me! If there is a god or things happen for a reason… And I was wrong! There certainly will be some answering done by "the big man upstairs"


BUT THE BIGGEST BIT OF PROOF THAT THERE IS NO GOD IS. IF THERE WAS A GOD THERE WOULD BE ONLY 1. HOW THE HELL CAN THERE BE A CHRISTIAN GOD, ALLAH, THE EGIPSIONS HAVE ABOUT 10, SECHS GOD......THE LIST IS ENDLESS! So which one is real? only 1 can start the world! Nope....its becuase they all have different storys to tell. And thats all they are STORIES!


Hope your ok mate



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Thanx paul.


Jas you raised a point there ive never thought about and one which seems quite likely. ...


The one where u basically fall into a never ending dream. The same as being asleep and u dont even know its a dream and not real. If you never woke up you'd never know it wasnt real.


The whole dream scenario definitely sounds one of the nicer options too. Although would your brain be able to produce emotions and stories in a 'dream' if you werent actually alive?!

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The thing is we have at least some understanding of how dreams are made in the brain and where they come from. And we know that if the brain dies it can't produce dreams any more in your subconscious, so when you die you won't be living in a dream as we currently know them.

It could be that THIS is a dream of sorts, and when we die we 'wake up' into another reality that is just as different from this one as dreams can sometimes be from life - but obviously we've got no way of finding out about that until it happens.

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It could be that THIS is a dream of sorts, and when we die we 'wake up' into another reality that is just as different from this one as dreams can sometimes be from life - but obviously we've got no way of finding out about that until it happens.


this was the point i attempted to make.


sweet dreams.;)

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Not going to re-paste your post here as it's too long, but you'll know what I'm on about


Seeing as that was your last post, I'll not expect a reply to this. I will however respond to yours.


I like the way people who don't really understand the response of a post immediately jump to the "you didn't read my post" reply. I recon there is probably some kind of parallel to Godwins law here.


I don't have to accept that I could possibly be wrong in the same way as people who do believe in fairy tale (IMO) afterlives don't have to accept they could possibly be wrong either. If everyone accepted that different people have different beliefs and just let them get on with it, then the world would be a much better, and more peaceful place. The original post asked for what everyone's opinion on the matter was, and I've expressed mine. That there is feck all else once you're dead, and to think otherwise is just pure fantasy as there has been absolutely no evidence or logical reason to do so.

You seem to have taken it upon yourself to believe that I'm wrong and need re-educating.


I'm also amazed, absolutely amazed, that you, or anyone would actually try to counter my "if you simply imagine it, it's not really going to happen" theory, by proposing another imagined theory about dreams. Guess what? I don't think your alternative wishful thinking is going to be very likely either.

I can say this about any imagined theory because it's still imagined with absolutely no foundation.

I know it proposed as a possible alternative theory in which to disprove my theory, but again, any theory that you imagine up, is simply that, hence they're all equally not probable.


As you've "bowed out", I'm not expecting a reply to this, but I'll ask a rhetorical question. You've said my bolt would have to be alive to have an afterlife? Why? Why does it have to have self-awareness? What does self-awareness have to do with anything? We're all made of the the same stuff, so what makes us different. Nothing IMHO.


What you're saying is that because every fantasy has an equal probability then it's possible. What I'm saying is that every fantasy, which has an equal opportunity of being correct, is simply a fantasy and can be discounted as such.


I guess my glass is half empty, but at least I'm safe from the spaghetti monster.

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