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John Terry, an English disgrace


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Perhaps, but there is some correlation between those who study academically at school and those who focus more on sports. Some of this conjecture may indeed be unfounded, but hey, a lot of the time what you see is indeed what you get.

And with that statement you verify my earlier comment. :rolleyes:

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I think the main question is what does the rest of the England squad think ?


Its their respect that Terry needs to be able to be a good captain.


I personally think he might be on dodgy ground with a few of them and the last thing a team needs is to be split from within.


I think a new captain should be chosen as i cant see him having every players full support which we will need if we are to even get close to lifting the WC

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Once again this muppet has shamed his club and his country. If its not p*ssing in some nightclub its p*ssing one of him team mates off. And lets face it lads, going with a mates ex is pretty low.


Strip him of the England's armband and go from there. Yes he is a great defender but he is not a great Englishman or role model.


And on a side note Cashley Cole gets caught doing over 100mph in a 50mph zone. What is his penalty, £1,300 and 4 months ban, just a complete joke. And then to added insult he asks for 21 days to pay.


Sounds like a regular footballer to me, what did you expect, a gentleman?


Most are a bunch of uneducated chavs anyway so to avoid disappointment its better to keep your expectations to a bare minimum it at all.

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problem is no one knows the full story except Him and Her... people can say what they think/feel, yes he has been a naughty boy. The papers say that it was after Wayne and Her had split. He is a professional so it didnt effect his performance, just like it wouldnt when someone not famous does the same thing. If he should step down as captain, who is going to replace him? Rio? banned for talking drugs, great example, Rooney? cheated on his women, so did frank lampard. No one is squeeky clean these days........ Rant over :)

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problem is no one knows the full story except Him and Her... people can say what they think/feel, yes he has been a naughty boy. The papers say that it was after Wayne and Her had split. He is a professional so it didnt effect his performance, just like it wouldnt when someone not famous does the same thing. If he should step down as captain, who is going to replace him? Rio? banned for talking drugs, great example, Rooney? cheated on his women, so did frank lampard. No one is squeeky clean these days........ Rant over :)


Rio, banned for being late for a drugs test. Offered hair sample etc etc but all turned down.


I am amazed you are all talking about it as if its all ok. He is not a member of the public, he is Englands captain and dear lord that should mean something. I am not picking on this because i am a United fan and he is Chelsea captain, i am picking on this as i am an Englishman and want someone with a little class to front our team. As for who should be the next in line, i really dont care.

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Here's an interesting question for you football fans, that was discussed in the pub yesterday. Is there a premier league football club WITHOUT a coloured player in it?


As for the original thread, I have never thought these people were chosen for their brains, morals, ethics or indedd looks, they presumably get chosen for their somewhat exceptional talent to kick a bladder of wind around a muddy pitch with some good chance of kicking it into the other side's goal. Given the background most seem to come from is it surprising if £150K a week is spent unwisely? They seem to spend most of their time off the pitches driving tasteless cars at tasteless speeds on the Queen's highways, taking drugs and hanging out in dubious nightclubs, with even more dubious females prostituting themselves for a bit of their earnings and a share of their perceived "glamour". Sadly most have neither the breeding or mental capacity to handle the money or adulation, and are of an age where their testosterone overrules what little moral fortitude they may possess. I think the moral guardians of the country just have to accept that for morality to exist immorality has to also be present. Premier league footballers however seem to plumb new depths of immorality on a weekly basis. Like many lottery winners, large amounts of cash sometimes end up in inappropriate pockets :) C'est la vie.

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Oh look, Max Clifford has popped up in this story. What a surprise. :rolleyes: The whole thing's a soap opera, and I look on with tired amusement at the merry-go-round of tabloid sensationalism.


If Wayne Bridge wasn't still in the team, then I think John Terry should carry on. As he is potentially in the team, it's a matter between Terry, Bridge and the England football bigwigs to sort out.

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Here's an interesting question for you football fans, that was discussed in the pub yesterday. Is there a premier league football club WITHOUT a coloured player in it?....


There was an advert shown on football grounds screens a few years ago that had a west Indian voice say something like:


"When you are sick, you go green. When you are embarrassed, you go red. When you are cold, you go blue and when you are frightened you turn white. And you have the cheek to call me coloured".


You must have missed that eh? :)

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Whilst you're taking this attitude about Terry, why not kick him out of the England team altogether? After all, he's representing his country. Then do the same for Gerrard, Cole, Rooney - and anyone else who's done something off the field you take offence too.


John Terry was wrong. No if's or buts (unless he did her up there!) but he's England captain, as has been said here, for his ability to lead 10 other players on that pitch and movtivate them to play to the best of their ability. What happens off the pitch has nothing to do with what happens on it, really. Yes, he's a role model, so people should model themselves on John Terry, the professional - not John Terry, the person. It's a shame that the bad news sells the papers, because he does a lot for charity in the UK.


I am no fan of his, because he's a Chelsea player, but it's not fair to demand he steps down from his post as England captain because of a domestic affair.


Who would be his replacement? Rio the druggie? Stevie GBH? Grab-a-granny Wayne? Cheating Cashely Cole?


I'll be nearly all of the Premier League players have a bit on the side. When earning £50k to £150k a week, you'll feel untouchable and can do what you want. The difference with Terry was that he got caught.


Move on from it - it's hardly a disaster. Keep him as England Captain and lets go to the World Cup and win it.

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Whilst you're taking this attitude about Terry, why not kick him out of the England team altogether? After all, he's representing his country. Then do the same for Gerrard, Cole, Rooney - and anyone else who's done something off the field you take offence too.


John Terry was wrong. No if's or buts (unless he did her up there!) but he's England captain, as has been said here, for his ability to lead 10 other players on that pitch and movtivate them to play to the best of their ability. What happens off the pitch has nothing to do with what happens on it, really. Yes, he's a role model, so people should model themselves on John Terry, the professional - not John Terry, the person. It's a shame that the bad news sells the papers, because he does a lot for charity in the UK.


I am no fan of his, because he's a Chelsea player, but it's not fair to demand he steps down from his post as England captain because of a domestic affair.


Who would be his replacement? Rio the druggie? Stevie GBH? Grab-a-granny Wayne? Cheating Cashely Cole?


I'll be nearly all of the Premier League players have a bit on the side. When earning £50k to £150k a week, you'll feel untouchable and can do what you want. The difference with Terry was that he got caught.


Move on from it - it's hardly a disaster. Keep him as England Captain and lets go to the World Cup and win it.


well said that man....

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Who would be his replacement? Rio the druggie? Stevie GBH? Grab-a-granny Wayne? Cheating Cashely Cole?


I'm not remotely interested in the whole "JT sha66ing someone elses Mrs" thing, but if you're going to accuse Gerrard of an offence for which he has been cleared in Court, at least get it right and refer to him as "Stevie Affray" and not "Stevie GBH".



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As a Liverpool fan, I was going to say Stevie G, but then Soop Dogg reminded me about his 'misdemeanours' - not really a fitting candidate either.


Come to think of it, don't really think any of them deserve the honour.


My point was actually that he was cleared of his 'misdemeanours' by a court. To still claim that he committed the offence might be seen as libellous.

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My point was actually that he was cleared of his 'misdemeanours' by a court. To still claim that he committed the offence might be seen as libellous.


Oh, I know exactly what you said mate, I know he was cleared. But, just reminded me that no-one is perfect, and the England squad doesn't really have anyone who is clean and has good 'leadership qualities.'


I think JT was a complete prick for what he did, but I don't really know what the FA can do about it. Strip him... fine... he'll still play at the world cup save for injury anyway.


A 'mate' of mine once slept with a girl I was still going out with at the time, and I've never forgiven him. The problem here is that Wayne Bridge has a child with this woman as well.


Poor sod, growing up to find out about all that. Lovely.

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