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the LOST series 6 thread


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BAHAHAHAHAHAH the magic island wins the day!


Writers, "ok hes a large cloud of black smoke how do we get around that one"


4 hours of talks before


"Who gives a fook? theres only a few more shows after this i say we build a magic hole"


I will try and forget that the show ran past season 2 and fondly remember Mr echo killing people with his stick.

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Only 2 left ;) And Flocke, Fake Locke? what does Flocke mean??

As with the whole series, start to finish Ive given up trying to understand whats going on, I just live in hope of a crystal clear ending! All thats clear so far is Jacob, white = good, black = bad/evil


fake locke is because it is not john locke. the smoke monster took over his body.


there are 3 episodes left but only 2 shows, 1 is a double. all 3 air next week in america.

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Who's getting up early on Monday then? :D I would but it's on for 2 1/2 bloody hours!! I have to take the dog out and get ready for work in that time. :(


I get that they'll probably say Jacob brought people to the island for some way of stopping Black, and that explains the crash and Dharma etc., so what about Widmore? Does anyone outside really know what's going on or is it all to do with the magnetic stuff? How does the power get harnessed to do things like move the island and travel people through time and make people immortal? Or is it just going to be explained as 'magic'?


Also, I'm interested in how Desmond is going to be the key for Flocke, somehow him being immune to EM allows him to go into the light maybe and put it out?

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I'll try not to post spoilers for the moment.


I guess the idea was to let us decide a lot of it for ourselves. They must have been focusing on suprising everyone that assumed it was a 'many worlds theory' parallel timeline, and forgot to answer all the millions of questions!


I missed about half hour of it cos I took the dog out. It must have been the important bit where Jack got injured (trying not to post too many spoilers of what I DO know! :D ).

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So theres no concrete answer like they woke up and it was all a dream? I just knew it would be a rubbish cop out ending.


There is an answer to the ending, although you don't get to follow everyone all the way (that should make sense when you see it!), and there's an answer to the flash sideways - although I have to say that was a bit of a cop-out cos they had a whole lifetime in the flashes - then again I guess there was no other way of doing it the way they did.



It's on tomorrow at 9pm on Sky1 if you missed it, as well as Friday at 9pm.

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Why walt was not with the rest of them?;) There was a huge amount of people asking where walt and his dad where at the end.


I wasn't. Hadn't thought about it! Can't even remember them that well except Walt being seen when they were off-Island.


*** SPOILER ***

I assumed it was some limbo place before going to heaven, I don't know what purpose it serves though. How does it give MORE answers because Walt wasn't there?

Should I be looking on Lost forums or something to understand this more?

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Could it be that a lot of the people not there weren't on the plane in the first place?



Still doesn't explain Walt and Michael though. I suppose the child actor was a bit too old after 6 years to play himself as a young kid so they left them both out.

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There were a lot of people not present.


Mr Ecko


Alex's Mum - Rousseau (?)

Hurley's Girlfriend

Michelle Rodriguez




I didn't read anything into that. :shrug:


hurley's gf was there at the end.


shit ending, it was such a good double episode up until then. What I dont get is that Christian said they are all dead, so can someone exlplain to me why some of them were killed on the island if they were already considered dead and others were not.

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I would have liked to have seen more of Richard Alpert and his dead wife, I thought he was going to be far more important in the finale considering he is an immortal being (hence why he wasnt at the church), maybe they are going to do an alpert spin off haha.

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Right now.


The facts are it was said to Jack


"some died before you some way way after" We already know that hurley and ben ran the island for a while due to the convo outside the church.


"no one does this alone" So you dont pass over by yourself.


"The most important part of your life" For the losties in the church the most important part of thier lives was being on the island together. Walt i would hope would have different friends from a more important time in his life.


Walts dad isnt allowed to move on due to killing the two people he is doomed to wonder the island forever. I think that ben helped repay his ways in helping hugo. Note that he was also scared to move on and stayed outside.


Echo was probably with his brother, he made his peace with the smokey and more or less let himself be killed by him.


Des was flashing backwards and forwards from death to life. Hence he thought it was another world and it would be ok. What he didnt get was he had to die to go there.

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