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the LOST series 6 thread


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Desmond seemed to know way too much in the alternate place though. Having said that they all seemed to have an epiphany when they saw the flashes and just 'knew' where they would be going.


I don't understand why they had a life though? When they died (in their real island lives) were they reborn into a different life where they didn't experience the island? Jacob didn't coerce them into doing things? Jack had a son etc. Then at the time they would have been leaving the island they all meet up and start having flashes of their 'real' life, all meet up and move on together? There are loads of inconsistencies though, like Alex being Rousseau's daughter but not Bens? Why was Faradays mum there and why was she telling Des not to find the losties and show them the way?


I wonder if they've left it open on purpose? Spin off shows of Hurley and Ben on the island? The escapies life after flying away? Rose and Bernard? How Widmore and Dharma came to the island?

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Alex was never Ben's daughter, the Others kidnapped her and Ben raised her as his own on the island, Rousseau was pregnant before she got to the island, so that's not inconsistent. What is inconsistent is Jack having a son, as Jacob not appearing to him doesn't explain that change (although just maybe Jacob originally changed Juliette's life, so that she didn't meet Jack originally and married someone else).


I was loving the episodes, with all the reunions/epiphanies, until the ending. The church thing with Jack walking in was very like the ending of Titanic I thought - everyone back to the age when they where together, even though some of them died much older.


Also, bit weird that Sayid was with the blonde bint he had a two week fling with on the island, and not the love of his life?!


Certainly made you think though, without really answering anything that occurred before the final season.



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Also, bit weird that Sayid was with the blonde bint he had a two week fling with on the island, and not the love of his life?!

Yeah I thought that. :blink:



everyone back to the age when they where together, even though some of them died much older.

I got the impression the 'limbo' was to show them what life would have been like without the island (the most significant thing in their lives), so the epiphany came at the age they were when the island saga ended in their real lives?

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Or for a totally alternative perspective (which I think I prefer), this is an interesting theory:




Good question about Locke's comment on Jack's son though - that doesn't fit this theory.




If that was what the writers were thinking it wouldn't have been the way it was IMO. They wouldn't go that far to trick us into thinking something different.


I still think it's like I said, a holding before passing on that shows what their lives would have been like without the island ever existing for them. I don't understand why though.

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At the end of season 2, (I think it was) when the hatch was destroyed, didn't it cut to some guys in a polar station, who spotted there was a problem, or was that just me dreaming? If it did happen, WTF was that all about?


Why was there polar bears being held there?


What happened to the Dharma project people before they had the magnetic energy/nuke disaster? Was the hatch built post disaster to contain the magnetic energy? If so, isn't there a paradox there? (The people who caused the problem were brought to the island by the problem after it was caused?)


My thoughts on how it finished...."what a load of old c*ck".

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I would have liked to have seen more of Richard Alpert and his dead wife, I thought he was going to be far more important in the finale considering he is an immortal being (hence why he wasnt at the church), maybe they are going to do an alpert spin off haha.


He became mortal again though didn't he as he had a grey hair plucked out much to his delight.

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At the end of season 2, (I think it was) when the hatch was destroyed, didn't it cut to some guys in a polar station, who spotted there was a problem, or was that just me dreaming? If it did happen, WTF was that all about?

I think they worked for Widmore, they got on the phone and told him they'd found a magnetic disturbance - obviously he was paying them to find the island.


Why was there polar bears being held there?

Dharma were experimenting with different animals, I don't think we ever found out what they were really doing?


What happened to the Dharma project people before they had the magnetic energy/nuke disaster? Was the hatch built post disaster to contain the magnetic energy? If so, isn't there a paradox there? (The people who caused the problem were brought to the island by the problem after it was caused?)

Depends how you view time travel. My opinion is they were always in the past, so they had always dumped the nuke and created the 108min timer etc. so they would always have been brought to the island. Basically you don't change history by going back in time, you just do what's already been done.


My thoughts on how it finished...."what a load of old c*ck".

That seems to be the general consensus, I disagree however as I can't see how they could have done it any better. Maybe it was doomed to disappoint due to it's complexity?

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That seems to be the general consensus, I disagree however as I can't see how they could have done it any better. Maybe it was doomed to disappoint due to it's complexity?


they should have atleast addressed some of the key questions such as the Walt/Aron "abilities"... it was a "satisfactory" ending but i think they could have done so much more.... regardless of the complexity of the storylines, they could have given a relatively simple explanation of some kind.


anyone ever figure out what the "catch22" book think was about? if i remember correctly, it was the manchester woman who was carrying it

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I want to get them all on DVD and start from 01, hopefully I can see it all in different light now and it might make more sense (or bring more questions from things I've forgotten).


also what happened to vincent? did he go to doggy heaven? :) what an awesome dog.


i'm waiting for the blu ray to hit the bargain bin... i know it's a long wait :rolleyes:

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Watched it last night. What a disappointment. The angle the story took meant a cr&p ending was inevitable imo.


Total anticlimax. If it wasn't for the fact that I was annoyed, I would have laughed at them 'pulling' the plug in the Island bath!


With everything that happened being so epic, the ending made the whole story seem so pointless.

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I'm a little suprised that there is confusion about the ending. I thought it was pretty straight forward - yet rubbish


everything was real appart from the flash sideways (altough they weren't exactly sideways). It was purgatory, where they all waited while everyone eventually died. There was a whole chapter that was missed out in between where Hurley and Ben ruled the island.


The whole ending was a mess in my opinion. The real story for me wasn't about the life of the characters, it was about the island, yet that wasn't the focus. Why does it have power etc. All got washed away.


Oh well, at least it's over now.

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It would be OK if they now had another series or film explaining what the island is, who the first protector was and how it came about. Or maybe just what Dharma knew about it and what they discovered etc.

Spin off film called "Dharma" would be good.

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..the more i think on it I get different ideas..


Currently... I figure they all died in the plane crash at the beginning..they all died together at the same time but, only some of the folks on the plane were in trouble at that point, custody, illness etc etc.. thus all the troubled souls were trying to make their way to the right place..the whole island never existed for real, due to the nature of the simultaneous deaths all the 'LOST' souls found themselves in purgatory (for want of a better word) and the island then became their way of finding the (Heavenly) light. All other characters were developed by the souls to facilitate this..and it was always should each be goin to Heaven or Hell with it culminating in pullin the plug on the light..but realising they did not deserve Hell etc etc.. some went to Heaven by fixing the light/island..some went on an airplane. Maybe the result of the 'real' life post explosion (series 5) was them realising/trying to live the lives they thought they deserved..as all were,essentially, good people.


I have to say, I love how it ended..cos it does leave it open to individual interpretation rather that a flat, all encompassing answer.



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..the more i think on it I get different ideas..


Currently... I figure they all died in the plane crash at the beginning..they all died together at the same time but, only some of the folks on the plane were in trouble at that point, custody, illness etc etc.. thus all the troubled souls were trying to make their way to the right place..the whole island never existed for real, due to the nature of the simultaneous deaths all the 'LOST' souls found themselves in purgatory (for want of a better word) and the island then became their way of finding the (Heavenly) light. All other characters were developed by the souls to facilitate this..and it was always should each be goin to Heaven or Hell with it culminating in pullin the plug on the light..but realising they did not deserve Hell etc etc.. some went to Heaven by fixing the light/island..some went on an airplane. Maybe the result of the 'real' life post explosion (series 5) was them realising/trying to live the lives they thought they deserved..as all were,essentially, good people.


I have to say, I love how it ended..cos it does leave it open to individual interpretation rather that a flat, all encompassing answer.




good theory! however the producers have said they did not all die in the initial plane crash, plus it's been "shown" in the show....:) what i've just thought about is.... what happened to hurleys crazy dude? (the guy who appeared on the island) was that mr.smokey? why did Mr.Smokey "analyse" Mr.Eko?? the idea at the time was Mr.Smokey could "read" the souls of people and know if they are good/bad + their past... i'm gutted this was not expanded on :(


i've got a feeling the hysteria surrounding this show is going to be around for a very long time :D i love it!!! :D

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I'm thinking Black was the anomaly that spawned the show. Like the island and the light protector could have been going for eons and would have continued for eons, but for the bad choice of potentials chosen by that woman (Jacob and Black), created a set of events that is LOST. Jacob calling people to the island in great numbers was caused by Black, he was the anomaly that nearly destroyed the light and therefore all life. We were seeing it all from the survivors point of view, from knowing nothing to where we are at the end. So we don't really understand it all still, just getting an idea - I guess only Hurley and Jack really understand it?


It would be good to get a better knowledge of Black, seeing what he did when he was with the other people for all those years (we don't know how many years, but probably a lot). We don't know why chucking him into the light killed his body and turned him into smokey. We don't know what powers smokey really had. We don't know why the fences stopped him. So we need two spin off series; 'Black' and 'Dharma'.

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I may need to watch it again, but is it not safe to say the the smokey thing is infact not Black. In the same way it took on the body of Locke but was still the smoke was it not the same with Black? So it was an evil spirit in the island that was set lose when a body arrived it could copy?

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I may need to watch it again, but is it not safe to say the the smokey thing is infact not Black. In the same way it took on the body of Locke but was still the smoke was it not the same with Black? So it was an evil spirit in the island that was set lose when a body arrived it could copy?


Could be. I don't think so though, the way it was shown was Black went down the well and Smokey came out. Jacob looked suprised!

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..they may not have all died at the same time..but all died eventually..there is no 'now' here.. It was strong point in their lives so the souls gravitated back to it, as soldiers etc who are said to suffer the 'why did i survive, when so many died?' anxiety, and the folks involved. For those already dead...they wove those characters into their 'island' purgatory as they had been seen/known on the flight.


..if Mr Smokey (lol) never actually existed in the 1st place..it then leaves, maybe, Echo was at the point where he was ready to judge himself on which path he deserved.


Jacob and Mr Smokey could just be the 'physical' manifestation of the groups conscience, on a whole, of what is right or wrong..good/evil. As old cartoons had an Angel and Devil on each shoulder...


hmmmm lol

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But black's body was shown flung back on to the rocks elsewhere on the island, so the same as Locke.


The same place Jack came out after he put the plug back in. That's the 'exit' to the cave. Another 'exit' is the middle of the desert.


//edit: I dunno, just got the impression Black was the smoke. Didn't he say he was at some point as well?

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