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the LOST series 6 thread


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Its quite clear that the evil Locke is the guy dressed in black that wanted Jacob dead, he is also the smoke beast. Hence he can use others bodies, hence why jack saw his dead dad.


Jacob is the good guy, hence why at the very start of season one, locke said........"there is always two sides a light and a dark


Anyone else think the whole 'Jacob wears white so is the good guy and the man in black is the bad guy' is a little too obvious coming from the Lost writers? Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'm betting it turns out to be the other way around. Unless it's a double-bluff!



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Anyone else think the whole 'Jacob wears white so is the good guy and the man in black is the bad guy' is a little too obvious coming from the Lost writers? Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'm betting it turns out to be the other way around. Unless it's a double-bluff!




No smoke guys is evil. he killed echo and echo was hella cool!


And the guy it black went on about how he wanted to kill jacob.


Jacob IMO is now using the iraqis body the same as MIB is using lockes. The pool has somekind of jump to the other timeline. Thats why jacks neck was cut, i expect him to get a neck wound in the next few eps.


The only confusing bit is MIB wanting to go home? where is home? hell?

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No answers nothing.




The black smoke can take the shape of a person, in this case john locke, as he despised his pitiful existence and didn't want to leave? and the black smoke does to want leave.


The black smoke cannot pass the ash which was surrounding jacobs cabin, hence jacob and the black smoke are enemys


Im guessing the black smoke is Jacobs other half (or the other man which was sat on the beach at the end of season 5)


the temple is where the black smoke lives but has been inhabited by some form of the others (which is where the black smoke wants to go back too)


the timeline continued on the plane but certain people had to die for example why charlie was dieing in the toilet, in their world the bomb went off and the island sunk


But the timeline shifted for the losties and they went back to the island in 2004 or whenever it was

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No smoke guys is evil. he killed echo and echo was hella cool!


And the guy it black went on about how he wanted to kill jacob.


Jacob IMO is now using the iraqis body the same as MIB is using lockes. The pool has somekind of jump to the other timeline. Thats why jacks neck was cut, i expect him to get a neck wound in the next few eps.


The only confusing bit is MIB wanting to go home? where is home? hell?


Echo was cool, but he did one heck of a lot of evil in his life. The smoke monster has avoided killing a number of 'good' guys such as Locke and Jack, and it attacked Jim Robinson's evil soldier dudes.


If Jacob is evil, is a good guy wanting to kill someone evil bad?


You might be right about Sayid.


I'm sure I seem to recall Jack cut his neck shaving the morning he left Australia, hence the continuity with the blood.



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The black smoke can take the shape of a person, in this case john locke, as he despised his pitiful existence and didn't want to leave? and the black smoke does to want leave.


The black smoke cannot pass the ash which was surrounding jacobs cabin, hence jacob and the black smoke are enemys


Im guessing the black smoke is Jacobs other half (or the other man which was sat on the beach at the end of season 5)


the temple is where the black smoke lives but has been inhabited by some form of the others (which is where the black smoke wants to go back too)


the timeline continued on the plane but certain people had to die for example why charlie was dieing in the toilet, in their world the bomb went off and the island sunk


But the timeline shifted for the losties and they went back to the island in 2004 or whenever it was



OK but, Where was the other others all though? in the temple?


Would the black smoke man cause some world ending event if he was allowed back in the temple? why was he forced out? when was he forced out?


The ash around the cabin was broken. Are you sure it was jacobs cabin? not the other way around and the ash was to keep smokey in? Who moved the ash?


Good shout about jacks cut.


How on earth they will tie this all in i have no idea but i hope they do.


Roll on the next episode!

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ATM I'm just confused by the 2 parallel timelines. I get that the plane one the bomb went off and sunk the island in the past (meaning 'the incident' wasn't the bomb and it in fact did prevent it), but why is it now split into 2? And why did Desmond appear on the plane? I got the impression he knew what was going on and was just playing with Jack - did he tell him anything important?

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ATM I'm just confused by the 2 parallel timelines. I get that the plane one the bomb went off and sunk the island in the past (meaning 'the incident' wasn't the bomb and it in fact did prevent it), (1) but why is it now split into 2? And (2)why did Desmond appear on the plane? I got the impression he knew what was going on and was just playing with Jack - did he tell him anything important?


1- maybe a side effect of the nuke explosion/pocket of EM energy combo

2- Desmond has now never been to island so being a massive coincidence he was in Oz and returning to LA and being on Oceanic Flight 815, otherwise he was imagined by Jack as he wasn't acknowledged by anyone else or seen leaving the plane

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I take it that they've changed their timeline and instead of their current mental selves ceasing to exist in that timeline, they've branched off into a new timeline to avoid causing a paradox (although with time travel paradoxies seem to be virtually impossible to avoid) of if they didn't crash on the island, how did they go back in time and prevent themselves crashing on the island.


Desmond could just happen to be on the plane, since he would never have got stuck on the island, but it's an awful conincidence.


I agree that those who died on the island are gonna die in the corrected timeline - the Final Destination effect. Charlie nearly died and Doyle's sister was already missing for some reason.


The other question is where Christian (Jack's dad) has gone - that's an anomoly not explained by the changing timeline, since Jack definitely checked him on board.



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2- Desmond has now never been to island so being a massive coincidence he was in Oz and returning to LA and being on Oceanic Flight 815, otherwise he was imagined by Jack as he wasn't acknowledged by anyone else or seen leaving the plane

Desmond could just happen to be on the plane, since he would never have got stuck on the island, but it's an awful conincidence.

Yeah but Jack looked around after and couldn't see him, when whats-her-face said she's been asleep, it was obviously meant to show that he wasn't actually there. Some kind of crossover between parallel worlds so Jack recognised him - but did he imagine him or is it another 'dead man walking' type thing?


I take it that they've changed their timeline and instead of their current mental selves ceasing to exist in that timeline, they've branched off into a new timeline to avoid causing a paradox (although with time travel paradoxies seem to be virtually impossible to avoid) of if they didn't crash on the island, how did they go back in time and prevent themselves crashing on the island.

Those paradoxes are the most commonly brought up but wouldn't actually exist in reality - what you've done in the past/present/future is what you've done - if you go back and kill your grandma you still exist (in the past) if you go back to the future (through your time machine or through the natural order of time rearranging itself) you still exist in the future it's just a different future than you knew (because your gran never lived her life). Back to the Future is almost the way it would work - but you wouldn't just cease to exist and therefore not go back and kill her! :blink: your own timeline is what it is, whether it crosses everyone elses or not or goes back and forth between other peoples or not you do what you do it won't change your existence.

However, having said all that, I think LOST is heading towards a fate type storyline ending. No idea how or what yet but I think it's going to be along the lines of Final Destination that you can't change what's foretold or designed or whatever.



The other question is where Christian (Jack's dad) has gone - that's an anomoly not explained by the changing timeline, since Jack definitely checked him on board.

Is he not just on the plane in the cargo then?

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The Oceanic guy said they didn't know where he'd gone.


Jack kinda recognised Desmond, but that's because he met him when jogging at a sports stadium before his father died. Not sure if Desmond really was on the plane - did we not see him getting off?



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The Oceanic guy said they didn't know where he'd gone.


Jack kinda recognised Desmond, but that's because he met him when jogging at a sports stadium before his father died. Not sure if Desmond really was on the plane - did we not see him getting off?




No we didn't see him getting off the plane .

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I want to know! Just write:




Or something before you write your comments. :D Maybe put them in a different colour as well.

Nah...I like to tease :p


I also get sent a link every week showing teasers of the next weeks episode. Let me know if you want me to post that after the next airing.

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