The-Plethora Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 Suprised if I am the first to post this. I am a believer that sometimes justice comes in the form of a custodial sentance and other times it comes in the form of an 80 tonne train! Four people have been arrested after two men believed to be fleeing the scene of a burglary were killed when a quad bike was hit by a train. The men, three in their 20s and one 34, were arrested following a £40,000 raid at an outdoor pursuits store on Newport Road, Cardiff, on Wednesday. I couldn't give a toss about these 2 scrotes and I am sure anyone who has ever been burgled will feel the same. how they can say "they were not bad lads really" when clearly they were as they were thieves. It later turns out that along with stealing £40,000 worth of clothes they have stolen at least one of the quad bikes as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The-Plethora Posted December 10, 2009 Author Share Posted December 10, 2009 This is a genuine comment someone had posted on a news site "at t end ov t day 2 young boyz av died , av u never wen u was young was daring n willing 2 do things tha no1 else wud do??they were 2 well known, likeble 2 young boyz n i knew them well, yes we all bn warned ov t dangers ov t tracks bt wen ur young u do daring things, they certainly didnt go there 2 die!!please ppl av respect 4 them n for their familys n stop posting horrible comments on ere wen probably u dnt no them. av tha bit ov respect for them n for their grieving families.R.I.P BOYZ NEVER FORGOTTEN XXX" Complete shit for brains. and unbelievably... "try telling that to an 8 year old that wants to play call of duty on his ps3 cos all his mates have one. its not greed its survival. but you people with jobs and money dont no this." How on earth can people think like this? if you cant afford it you dont buy it, you dont just go stealing. They could have sold the quad bikes of which was also stolen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The-Plethora Posted December 10, 2009 Author Share Posted December 10, 2009 Slightly evil but it made me almost fall off my seat laughing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chewie Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 Dah biggiest crime here iz dah moidur of dah inglish langwidge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nevins Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 Slightly evil but it made me almost fall off my seat laughing! pmsl, that is classic. How the hell can people feel sorry for scum like those killed. If it was not a shop getting done over, it would have been some poor family. I say good riddance, train 1-0 scum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stratty Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 The loss of any life is saddening as it will affect family members who are probably above board. However; the facebook comments did make me laugh quite a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
michael Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 There are going to be a lot of upset chavs missing their North Face christmas presents this year I pity the train driver and those left to pick up the bits of scum from the tracks, those affected by train delays as a result and anyone else innocently mixed up in this. I have no sympathy for the "badboys". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The-Plethora Posted December 10, 2009 Author Share Posted December 10, 2009 Somone has also setup a facebook group in sympathy....for the quad bike! Digby Trollsworthy What a waste of quadbike life. R.I.P boys Matt Goss You were the Peoples Quad Bike and will be sorely missed. Farewell Quad Bike of Hearts. Andrew Kerner I hope the train's face is okay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
michael Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 I can't see that as I'm not a facebook user but I like their style. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 Hilarious... they sound like scum bags. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The-Plethora Posted December 10, 2009 Author Share Posted December 10, 2009 It just keeps giving and giving! Someone put this together (Fresh Prince of Bel Air) Now, this is a story all about how, Our bikes got flipped-turned upside down, And I liked to take a minute, Just sit right there, I'll tell you how we were know as the train-killed pair... In the west of the UK born and raised, On the train tracks is where we spent most of our days, Chillin' out, maxin' and relaxing all cool, Racing quad bikes was the game for us fools, Me and a couple of guys we were up to no good, Started thinking of robbing a shop in the neibourhood, We got on 2 little bikes and rode off in the night, Thinking this plan was perfect and would go right. We rushed down to the shop and when it came near The store front said GO Outdoors and it had jackets in the rear If anything I can say this getaway is rare But I thought 'Naw forget it' - 'Yo homes let's get outta here!' We pulled onto the tracks about half 3 or 4 And a train slammed into our rear from out of nowhere I looked at my kingdom I was finally there Thrown off my bike and flying through the air. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mike Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 That's terrible Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dr_jekyll Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 this happend right behind my garage , literally 30 yards away. its some final destination stuff, that train was never supposed to be there at that time, weird how things go , but then if you not robbing a company at 4 am you dont get hit by a train, simples Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jonathanc Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 Shocking.... At first I thought this is some kinna chav joke then I realised its true. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CardiffSupra Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 Im with you all the way The-Plethora. The only people I feel for are (maybe) the Perents. There was a Thread not so long ago about crooks who broke into someones house then Sued the person who give them a beating (In his own house). The thread got onto other things and someone posted a link about someone who killed someone in his own house and was put in prison. Then some Idiot can't remember who on here said these guys did'nt deserve to die. Im glad these boys are dead before they could hurt or kill someone elses loved ones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CardiffSupra Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 Dah biggiest crime here iz dah moidur of dah inglish langwidge. Thats Welsh for you mate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dr_jekyll Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 not all the welsh just the ones we are ashamed of like all places in the uk. by the way cardiff supra, please take me out for a run in that beast you have Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abz Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 It just keeps giving and giving! Someone put this together (Fresh Prince of Bel Air) Now, this is a story all about how, Our bikes got flipped-turned upside down, And I liked to take a minute, Just sit right there, I'll tell you how we were know as the train-killed pair... In the west of the UK born and raised, On the train tracks is where we spent most of our days, Chillin' out, maxin' and relaxing all cool, Racing quad bikes was the game for us fools, Me and a couple of guys we were up to no good, Started thinking of robbing a shop in the neibourhood, We got on 2 little bikes and rode off in the night, Thinking this plan was perfect and would go right. We rushed down to the shop and when it came near The store front said GO Outdoors and it had jackets in the rear If anything I can say this getaway is rare But I thought 'Naw forget it' - 'Yo homes let's get outta here!' We pulled onto the tracks about half 3 or 4 And a train slammed into our rear from out of nowhere I looked at my kingdom I was finally there Thrown off my bike and flying through the air. I know I shouldn't laugh but that is funny! Remember thou shall not steal... God was not very happy with the two. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
S44M KT Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 Slightly evil but it made me almost fall off my seat laughing! lmfao!!! I nearly choked laughing so much at this! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MARTIN R Posted December 10, 2009 Share Posted December 10, 2009 As harsh as it sounds, I have no sympathy. Just hope the train needs just a little T-cut and nothing else:p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
michael Posted December 11, 2009 Share Posted December 11, 2009 I'm almost tempted to join Facebook just so I can read the tributes... almost... In the meantime... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thebluefox Posted December 11, 2009 Share Posted December 11, 2009 In the meantime... LOL! No sympathy for them, a little for the parents and family, but most of it goes to the train driver and the people who had to pick them off the track. Its simple, if they hadn't have been robbing a store at 4am, they wouldn't have got killed. They got what was coming to them, and good riddance to unwanted rubbish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dr_jekyll Posted December 11, 2009 Share Posted December 11, 2009 I'm almost tempted to join Facebook just so I can read the tributes... almost... In the meantime... why is the guy putting a pair of sunglasses on? hes allready wearing a pair ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave17 Posted December 11, 2009 Share Posted December 11, 2009 My broken ribs hurt reading this, thankyou for the morning chuckle! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevie_b Posted December 11, 2009 Share Posted December 11, 2009 Dah biggiest crime here iz dah moidur of dah inglish langwidge. Slightly evil but it made me almost fall off my seat laughing! I enjoyed that. I might look the group up on facebook later to see what the low-lifes are saying about the chavs who died. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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