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How much YOU time do you have per week?


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Since our second baby was born and I bought another company this summer it has dawned on me that I have precisely 0 hours a week ME time. Before there would be running, golf, car time :eyebrows: and football now there is bugger all. Not a minute which is not taken up by family or work. Even as I write this at 9.30 Sunday evening the baby wants attention.


Actually I lie. 2 weeks ago I was allowed out for 30 mins to buy a jumper for the winter.

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My wife is pretty cool, i work all week and she looks after the nipper, weekends i try to give her a day off from the baby to do what she wants and i get a day to do what i want, cars/boats or family days out.


It used to be like that with me but when the second one comes along... watch out!

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I'ma single parent so very,very little. Get to go out one night a week and my daughter goes to her mum every other weekend but most of that is taken up with housework I didn't have time to do during the week.:rolleyes: Still, I wouldn't have it any other way.:D

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Since our second son cam along its the same we get to sit down about 11pm every night and into bed at 12.:(


We both manage to go to the gym 4 times a week and try and have a family day out on a saturday.


I wouldnt change it for the world though.:)


Only downside is the supes only been washed once since our youngest son was born 5months ago:d

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  • 1 year later...

0 hours at the moment! My day goes:


- Get up at 9am

- "Work" till 3am in the morning

- Go bed

- Repeat


Been like that for the past month! This is what happens when it comes to my dissertation and then keep saying "will start it tomorrow".... and then using the internet to procrastinate! :innocent:

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buzy buzy, i got too much spare time, i try mix stuff up, football, gym, but i work full time, i guess as soon as i have a kid :O * 7-8 years away :D!*

i will be swamped ?


0 hours at the moment! My day goes:


- Get up at 9am

- "Work" till 3am in the morning

- Go bed

- Repeat


Been like that for the past month! This is what happens when it comes to my dissertation and then keep saying "will start it tomorrow".... and then using the internet to procrastinate! :innocent:


Lol people don't even seem to notice this is a thread from 2009 :p

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Lol people don't even seem to notice this is a thread from 2009 :p




I can now report that in the 2 years since I started the thread the ME time has increased by precisely Zero. But in that time I have learned to sneak a few minutes by taking my time to drink coffee in the morning, sitting on the bogs a bit longer, and going to bed later eg like now


Edit: Note to Jamie - it DOES get better (a quote someone said to me a couple of years ago I will always remember)

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Don't do too bad I made a point of relaxing


7.00 wake up

8.30 have a meeting down the butty wagon and breakfast

9.30 check on staff

9.45 have latte in town

10.00 go into work check post and email

10.30 play on ps3 in cinema room

12.30 have lunch and meeting down butty wagon

13.30 teaching

16.30 finish work and go to the bell for a couple of pints

18.00 get home and have tea and play with daughter

20.00 put daughter to bed

20.30 chat to wife

21.00 game online with mates drinking magners

22.30 grab iPad and surf the net in bed


As you can see I have a very hectic life and very little me time though

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Don't do too bad I made a point of relaxing


7.00 wake up

8.30 have a meeting down the butty wagon and breakfast

9.30 check on staff

9.45 have latte in town

10.00 go into work check post and email

10.30 play on ps3 in cinema room

12.30 have lunch and meeting down butty wagon

13.30 teaching

16.30 finish work and go to the bell for a couple of pints

18.00 get home and have tea and play with daughter

20.00 put daughter to bed

20.30 chat to wife

21.00 game online with mates drinking magners

22.30 grab iPad and surf the net in bed


As you can see I have a very hectic life and very little me time though


Have you lost any weight Andy? I imagine the only time you break a sweat is when you pick your wallet up?:D


I hardly have any ME time these days. Three kids, Director of a new company, three cars to keep clean and a house that looks like a bomb has hit it most of the time. Did very little over the bank holiday I am proud to announce and I am looking forward to this weekend as I'll do very little again.


This week has started with a 150 mile round trip to our office leaving at 7am. Left work at 19.30 and got home at 20.45. Had a beer and watched the match finish and then put the kids to bed. Went to bed myself at about 23.30. I am now wide awake at 05.12 am and have started doing a quote for a customer.


I need to be in Huddersfield to do an install at 8am and then see another customer. I imagine I'll get home around 4pm and then start doing quotes and catching up on my admin, expenses, mileage etc.


This is a stark contrast to just over a year ago, when I was unemployed and playing COD all day....:blink:



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since being made redundant, after 10 years, 8 months ago i have every hour of everyday as ME time, its great.


my day consists of waking up whenever i feel like

checking my emails

applying for a few jobs

going to the gym

going for a drive

coming home and checking emails

playing ps3

settling down to watch the footy or whatever other sport is on

having a late night snack

watching a movie

and then falling asleep whenever i want

getting up the next morning and starting again


the perks of being young, free and single....... being in a relationship or having a job just doesnt agree with me anymore :D

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