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First non-white BNP member


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Zero atm :(


But by the looks of things negotiations are on the way to chnage that. Dubai and various other states of UAE have Churches, here is a list of a few in Dubai. Infact 90% of Islamic Countries have Churches for Christians.




Ditto Abz :D


Google is your friend ;)


They have had churches, but their has not been a big need for it really due to the population of christians in the area. Though since the boom in Dubai, a lot of christians & a huge number of people from the UK have migrated to Dubai. Islam as a religion has no issues with other religions, in fact it is a big sin if you destroy holy books from other religions.


Remember Jesus is our prophet. TV does not tell you this. :)

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Getting back to what I think the post was about, the BNP has a decent idea but go about implementing it in entirely the wrong way. Yes we should be preserving English culture and yes we should make sure England remains english (different to white), however, we should not be saying death to all 'darkies' and/or muslims.


Before I get abuse, I myself am Sikh and was born here in sunny Newcastle, I do not support the BNP at all and also do not 100% agree with the Mr Singh in the article but do agree with him in the sense that Britain my be becoming too PC to say anything to people.


And theres my two cents put into the pot ;P

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Getting back to what I think the post was about, the BNP has a decent idea but go about implementing it in entirely the wrong way. Yes we should be preserving English culture and yes we should make sure England remains english (different to white), however, we should not be saying death to all 'darkies' and/or muslims.


Before I get abuse, I myself am Sikh and was born here in sunny Newcastle, I do not support the BNP at all and also do not 100% agree with the Mr Singh in the article but do agree with him in the sense that Britain my be becoming too PC to say anything to people.


And theres my two cents put into the pot ;P


who ever said this?

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lol probs took it a bit far, but to be a bit more precise after the several beers i've had, the correct thing to type might have been "we should not be attempting to kick all coloured people out of the country"





see this is a diificult one for me. i have no problem what so ever with skin colour or where the people come from or how they look (unless they are covered head to toe in a friggin bit of cloth). its the religion side of things i despise.

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I agree mate, although I'm Sikh it's only because that's what i was brought up as, ask me to read our holy book (Guru Granth Sahib) I wouldn't know where to start! As for imposing your religion on another country..... hell no! Can't believe some places in England stopped calling crimbo crimbo and had to call it the "winter festival"!

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see this is a diificult one for me. i have no problem what so ever with skin colour or where the people come from or how they look (unless they are covered head to toe in a friggin bit of cloth). its the religion side of things i despise.

Does that mean nuns & priests will be kicked out of the country as well?


who ever said this?

BNP, they classed the Muslim religion as barbaric & Satanic.

All the knowledge they know about the muslims are they are normally from Iraq (in an american accent) from...they don't even know where Iraq is!


so nick griifin gets shot down for wanting immigrants out of the country. imo thats quite tame when compared to a religion that practices the death penalty on those converting to another religion.

Remember the days when you use to see if you were a witch by drowing you... if you float then your witch but if you drown then you were not. Well this sort of news was in the same era.


KKK seem to believe if you are not white then you should be killed, it is apprantly written in the bible but with a slight educated guess I would say this is incorrect, should I tar the Christian religion with the same brush?


People dressed as 'Goth' scare me, can we throw them out too please :D


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Does that mean nuns & priests will be kicked out of the country as well?


i couldnt care less. i have already said i despise all religion.



BNP, they classed the Muslim religion as barbaric & Satanic.

All the knowledge they know about the muslims are they are normally from Iraq (in an american accent) from...they don't even know where Iraq is!

they havent said they are going to kill them all though. they are going to deport them. slight difference.



Remember the days when you use to see if you were a witch by drowing you... if you float then your witch but if you drown then you were not. Well this sort of news was in the same era.


same era? muslims still carry out death sentences to this day against people converting to a different faith.


KKK seem to believe if you are not white then you should be killed, it is apprantly written in the bible but with a slight educated guess I would say this is incorrect, should I tar the Christian religion with the same brush?


theres lots of things written in the bible and other religious publications which arent excactly 'nice'. things such as a muslim facing the death penalty if the choose to convert to a different religion......




my multi quoting is non existant hence my answers being in the quoted post.

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