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First non-white BNP member


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Bit of a moment but it seems they have been quite clever a recruited someone to do them proud.




A Sikh who claims that Islam is based on “deception, fraud and surprise attack” is set to become the first non-white member of the British National Party.


Rajinder Singh, 78, who emigrated from the Punjab region of India in 1967, said today that he would be honoured to become a member of the BNP because it is the “only party who has the guts to say the word Muslim”.


“It’s a natural process in the Muslim psyche, to take over [the country]. The fear of Islam is well founded, well justified,” he told The Times. “I don’t hate Muslims. By definition a Sikh is supposed to love all — even the enemy.”


The retired schoolteacher will be put forward by the far Right party’s executive as its first non-white member after it makes changes to its constitution. The BNP was forced to agree to the changes in September after the Equality and Human Rights Commission took legal action against the party claiming that its rules, which restricted membership to “indigenous Caucasians”, were a breach of the Race Relations Act.


Its membership is currently frozen because of the legal action, but once BNP members agree to the changes in a national ballot, expected in the next three months, Mr Singh will be put forward as a member.


The BNP has accepted only white members since its foundation in 1982, leading to widespread accusations that it is a racist organisation. Its leader, Nick Griffin, has a conviction for inciting racial hatred.


But Mr Singh, who provided a character reference for Mr Griffin at his trial, said that he was a long-term supporter and was prepared to overlook the issue of racism.


“I think Britain is a lot more important than me. I have to put my own ego aside and think for Britain. They were (racist) but if they pass this bill they will not be.”


The BNP often campaigns about the “Islamification” of Britain, claiming that “colonisation” by Muslims is destroying Anglo-Saxon heritage.


Mr Singh told The Times that Britain was in danger of being taken over by Muslims and the BNP was the only party prepared to do anything about it. He blames Islam for the death of his father during the partition of India in 1947, which led to the deaths of an estimated two million Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus.


“I am a victim of Islamic aggression. The individual Muslim is a good guy. He is my neighbour, he is working hard. But when they are all together, everybody should be very fearful. The other parties are not standing up for the national interest.”


John Walker, a spokesman for the BNP, said that Mr Griffin was in favour of Mr Singh’s membership once the constitution was changed.


“I don’t think it will make a massive change to the party. It doesn’t change our stance on immigration. People like Rajinder accept the party’s position. He’s a guest of our country: he agrees to abide by our laws and customs.”


Mr Singh said that the issue of Islam was not the only reason he supported the BNP, adding that the other parties were “covered in black paint” over the expenses saga.

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Not sure what to say without upsetting the pc brigade.


If the BNP are genuine and want whats best for the UK without being rasist then maybe this is a move in the right direction.


Or maybe its just media spin and hype.


It seems to be a move in direction for the BNP to me, rather than a focus on all "non indigenous Caucasians" they may have decided to take an anti-islamic stance instead.

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My dad was telling me the other day that predominantly muslim communities in the country, like Bradford for example, will be the start of the push for Sharia law. He said that the local authorities have a majority of Muslim council members on the board and will get the agreements through a majority vote. His rants don't usually bother me, but something about what he was saying struck a cord. I've been thinking about for the last few days and wondering whether his hypothesis could be correct.

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We have a PC Brigde on this forum? Feckers are everywhere like Leprechauns.


If you have an opinion then please do express :)


I hate racism

Also very patriotic


Its very hard to express an option on this very sensitive subject without giving the wrong impression so I'll refrain from that thank you my friend. :friday::friends:

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I think it is time to make sure somthing is done to protect our way of life and the way things have allways been done in this contry. if sharia law was passed here i would be on the first plane to my new house in malta and i wouldnt be comeing back.



i have no problem with where people are from or what they beleve. half of my family is from malta and my other half is portugese, but when the ways of another culture is forced on us it dose anger me, if a christian brit was to go to a muslim country and preach hate against islam and try and convert there people they would be publicy executed.


edit, i also hate political corectness with a passion.

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Racist twat :p :D


Dam beat me to it!


i have no problem with where people are from or what they beleve. half of my family is from malta and my other half is portugese, but when the ways of another culture is forced on us it dose anger me, if a christian brit was to go to a muslim country and preach hate against islam and try and convert there people they would be publicy executed.


I think you watch too much TV.


Another BNP thread, just like to register my interest :D


Hello Paul :D




I don't think Mr Singh understands that he is only allowed to join this party because the law "Forced" them to change the rules on non white members joining the BNP. If the law does not get through then he can not join them (not like it won't).


The BNP are a funny bunch and are pretty clever in recruiting a 78 old man who has a personal vendetta against muslims that killed his Dad. I suppose he did not notice the thousands of other muslim fathers who died alongside his Dad.


Just FYI - We already (and have for quite some time) have Sharia Law in the UK, but it is not a law but a guideline. They mainly help situtation in marriage but also a very successfully small claims court. They help dispute small business disputes by coming to simple answers.


I work in the Law industry & from my office window I can see the Old bailey in Fleet Street. I can assure you sharia law will not pass in the UK. In islam (This is clearly stated in the Quran) you live by the laws of the country, this goes along with being a good muslim you respect other peoples law's & wishes.


Some aspects of Sharia Law have been talked about...if you google "Sharia Law UK", you will find nearly all the links refer to media links. IMO some parts of the Sharia Law would be quite useful to us in the UK. For example, equal custody of children. I have friends & even my own brother who can not see his own son. :(


Sorry for the long post. :rolleyes:

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how many christian churches are there in saudi?


If your referring to Saudi Arabia...more or less none. What use would it be if their are hardly any Christians in Saudi Arabia. If you look at the UAE as a whole this includes all the islamic countries, then quite a few considering the population of practising christians.




Remember in Saudi Arabia you have roughly 3 million muslims around the world who visit it every year for holy pilgrimage. The whole country's law is based around islam (the real islam, not the one off TV).


Obvisley I can see you have been reading the BNP handbook which it shows it as one of its main points, but fails to show the reason why & also regarding the other islamic states who do have churches.

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