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I have to say im not impressed with some things.

Only 200 cars have damage and only 200 cars have cockpits from the cars.


So thats the realism out the window then and online will become full of people just ramming becasue they cant damage their car....great! :(


I was going to get a PS3 for this, but ill play it on a friends console first.


Do the other cars have a generic cockpit, or is there just no cockpit view at all? And I thought the non-premium cars did still get damaged... they just displayed a few bumps and scratches rather than bits hanging off etc.?

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Cant believe it :( stayed up till 12 to get at Asda, got home and put game in... Took about half hour to install onto harddrive. 1 min 30 secs remaining on the bottom of the screen so I thought Id check if the pedals were in the right place etc as I was bored and fidgeting with stuff. I ended up cancelling the damn install. To top it off played the game for all of 3 mins (doing lisence) then the PS3 beeps at me, turns off and now will not come on so it's fubard. I am not a happy boy at all.


Bad luck chap :(

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Just as I thought.


After what seems like 20 years in production I thought people would be disappointed and I wasn't wrong.


I can't believe after all that time they haven't even given a cockpit view for every car and that not every car can be damaged.


I'm extremely glad I didn't go buy a PS3 for £300 (or whatever they were) when it was first going to come out.


Sorry to hear about the disappointment some of you are having.

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What a load of whining!


I can't believe after all that time they haven't even given a cockpit view for every car and that not every car can be damaged.


Like I keep saying, I'd heard that all cars had a cockpit view, but the non-premium cars got a generic cockpit rather than the actual realistic one for the car. Likewise car damage, I'd read that all cars can be damaged, but that only the premium cars had the full damage model showing bits hanging off etc. Non-premium still get the same damage, but they just display dents and scrapes.


I've not heard whether that is all true or not yet though.

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For those who don't like the "feel" they are probably too used to the likes of Forza etc. The technology put into the phsyics of this game is just ridiculous, they will easily be the most realistic ever produced in a console game so if you aren't feeling them "true to life" enough, your idea of true to life might be forza rather than actual driving :p

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There is an rz supra at the front of the pack on challenge 10 of the second licence, So it must be available somewhere. My guess is either you win one for completing a challenge or it will appear in the second hand dealership menu which updates through out the game.


Edit. Anyone fancy trying out an online private race. I'm itching to see how well this works.

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To help to try and clear things up:


I've only used 1 non premium car and it didnt have a in car cockpit view. There is behind the car, bumper view and almost on the road view with just your dials (which is my fave as it offers the most sense of speed). I've read on other forums though that some non premium cars have a cockpit view, just not as detailed as the premiums.

I'll also find a link as it helps understand why all arnt as detailed as the premium cockpits because it took nearly a fortnight to complete 1 detailed premium cockpit.


Non premium cars have scrapes etc on the paintwork.


Premium cars have body deformation.


I didnt get sucked in to the hype as I very rarely used to play GT's as they were 'too' serious for me back in the days of PS1/2, when I preferred the likes of NFS etc. I can not see why people may have expected more than what GT5 has offered but this maybe because I never played much of the others and they maybe abit samey? I dont know.


IMO the game surpassed all expectations I had. And as for the non premium cars not showing body deformation this doesnt really bother me as I use the FPS style car cam so cant see my car anyway and more often than not im leading so dont see anyone anyway :D ;) But I cant really say I'd enjoy doing the nurburg in a daewoo matiz and want to look at its cockpit and how the bumper looks when its been hit into a tyre wall.



Its not a game where you can just pick it up and ace every course with your accelerator button mashed down expecting to take corners at 100mph. People who say its a let down and havent even played it is just ridiculous, people who are not impressed who have played it, then thats your opinion and I respect that but maybe too much was expected from the game with the amount of time it was in development for.

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I've just bought my copy this afternoon, so will give it a blast tonight.


Actually been playing NFT Shift for the last 6 months and really love that. Hope GT5 is at least up to it from an enjoyment factor....


I'll tell you now you will not game the same sense of speed if you've been playing shift recently. NFS Shift felt really intense for me, fighting for positions with the AI holding you off at all costs. Not here.


Here's some reviews:








Kaz Yamauchi's passion for the racing sphere shines through every aspect of the game. The incredibly-detailed cars, the slick presentation, the spot-on physics. Polyphony Digital brought its A-game. Nothing else on the market can come close to the realism and immersion you feel throughout. Gran Turismo 5 is virtual racing at its very best.




The level of care taken by the people at Polyphony Digital shines in every aspect of this title, and this makes for a racing game that truly has no parallel. Gran Turismo 5 is a massive love letter to those that love cars. This is their dream videogame.




There's no denying that GT5 is absolutely incredible, but due to its immense size and complexity, not all its facets are of the same standard, and as a result it's brilliant, but imperfect. For the most part it delivers a 5-star experience. But I do feel compelled to ding it half a star, simply because of the parts of the game that don't. That makes me feel horribly nitpicky and churlish, because despite my criticism I know I love GT5, and I'll be playing it for months, and maybe even years.




It's an off-kilter vision of the future, a cumbersome game with odd priorities, certainly. But it's equally a game that heads off in unexpected and exciting directions, makes a few notable improvements, and overflows with love – for cars, for games technology and for its own mad pursuit.



IGN 85

A 10/10 simulator wrapped up in a 5/10 game – it's driving is as exhilarating as anything that's gone before, and its slavish obsession with the minutiae of many of its cars ensure it's an encyclopaedia of automotive delights. Its brilliance on the track, however is matched by its sloppiness off of it, and there's a lack of polish that would at one time have seemed sacrilegious to the series.



CVG 80

Too much of GT5 relies on past glories, building on the success of the series without shaking free of the design quirks that are holding the series back. High expectations are justified when a game has been in development so long and GT5 has more than a faint whiff of disappointment about it.




Fans are unlikely to be too disappointed, and the developer's automotive obsession is always evident, but this is definitely a refinement not a revolution.




What PD have delivered is unquestionably a phenomenal achievement and will represent countless lost hours for petrolheads the world over, but the GT series is no longer the gold standard for driving games. If it takes Yamauchi and his team another five years (or more) to better GT5, the brand runs the risk of being left in the past.




If you're one of those car nuts I mentioned earlier, here's your game. Have fun, we'll see you in a year when you finally leave the house. If you're not in that group -- you like, even love racing games, but care less about tuning and more about the thrill of the race -- GT5 is like walking in on a group of physicists discussing string theory and asking who wants to go toss around a ball for a bit. You're looking to have fun; they're only interested in studying the math behind how it bounces.




Gran Turismo 5 feels old and confused. There are glimpses of amazing stuff hidden under the muddy menus, but there are also some truly bad design choices. Give it time and it will open up. But perhaps not as much as you had hoped for.



The Eurogamer review was a good read.

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But I want a stock supra interior, like our cars.


I skipped the install due to impatience and went straight into the B license. The nostalgic love for the GT series came flooding back. The attention to detail is staggering, even the crappy cars sound brilliant (when in the outside view), instead of a generic engine noise which rises and falls with accelerator presses, there seems to be an added roughness to the noises like slight pops on overun.


The handling has also been hugely tweaked since prologue. I always fancy myself as a purist when it comes to racing games, so I always race in manual gears, with no traction or ABS, no stability management and interior views only. In my first race in my premium 1989 mx5, coming down the straight I anchored up for the first corner, down from around 100mph, I pushed the nose of the car into the corner as it slowed, in any other sim (forza series), it's predictable, however, GT5 somehow communicates so much more to the player, something about the way the car was twitching, bouncing and leaning, told me this wasn't going as first intended, sure enough, as I come off the brakes, the weight shifts and the rear starts to overtake the front. I kept hold of it no problem, but it made it so much more exciting. These first races are usually a chore, but I found myself loving every second of it, lapping up the realism and attention to detail.

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