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Ooh, that means I may get another one. I might even keep it as a pet next time :)

We had a big one that lived up the chimney and came out across the carpet most evenings. My wife hates spiders but almost grew to love this one...and then the cat got it. Indy has a taste for spiders and bugs in general. He bought this in the other day, looked like he was wearing a bow tie at first....

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Damselfly, or dragonfly? The dragonflies we get round here are rather large too, but not quite big enough to be off with the dog!


The colours are very pretty though. :)

Dragonfly, about 4 inches across. It survived...hung around for a while then flew out the french doors.

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Cat bought in a different beastie today. A caterpillar about three inches long. I'd not seen one of these before, but a quick google tells me its the larva of an Elephant Hawk Moth.

Again, it survived and I put it back outside, and found another one almost immediately

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I'm not a massive fan of spiders, but I'll let them be when I see them scurrying across the floor late at night. If they don't bother me, I won't bother them.


However, this is one cool spider, if I had to have a pet one, this would be it.


The cobalt blue tarantula



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I'm not a massive fan of spiders, but I'll let them be when I see them scurrying across the floor late at night. If they don't bother me, I won't bother them.


However, this is one cool spider, if I had to have a pet one, this would be it.


The cobalt blue tarantula





Camel 'spiders', or Sun Scorpions as they should be called, are a a lot smaller than you think, but are quite aggressive if cornered, whereas that cobalt blue tarantala I would love to have, but am not sure if they are the aggressive type, or not.


I'd like a Chilean Rose to start with, as they are very docile, and reasonably friendly, and move on to more specialised varieties if I felt the need.




If I don't want anyone to move in with me now, I only have to get one, and I'll have the place to myself forever! :D

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I effing hate spiders and I get them in my flat all the time.. I had one so big the other day I noticed it out of the corner of my eye while watching tele. Not nice.


Fair play for picking it up though. I stabbed mine to death with a DVD case :D After standing on a chair and proclaiming 'eek' for about half an hour, obviously.


All spiders are evil, and they're here to eat our brains. Fact.

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Hell no, thats horrid! While I was taking a ceiling down in work the otherday a spider the same size as the one your holding fell on the floor, I fecking shit myself. I asked the sparky to get it out side as I wouldn't be able to relax knowing it was still inside. He said "Nothing to be scaird of" went to pick it up and it jumped at his finger and bit him, He jumpped out of his skin and I was pissing myself. He then had to fill out an accident report, How I laughed.

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It bit him? It must've been a big one then, as house spiders don't really have strong enough fangs to nip you, AFAIK. Maybe it was a bit miffed about being rudely awoken like that! I know I would be!


I know some big garden spiders are able to bite, but I haven't experienced that either.


We do have some interesting species of spider in the UK now, and some are known to have a really nasty bite, and they aren't particularly big either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a similar visitor in my room recently. I absolutely pooped myself especially after I battered it with my slipper twice and still it managed to get up and run away after my cat came over and gave it a sniff. Mashed it to bits with a CD case after that though.


I don't remember spiders being so bloody big. This was it after my pretty poor attempts at bashing it with my slipper. I thought they were good hits but clearly this thing was just laughing at me.

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the uk now has 5 species pf spider that bite, one quite painful too.


You can thank tonights episode of The One Show for the nugget of information.



Yep, and is that the species that only exists in a cave in Hastings (I just reckon it's a nasty local homeless chav living in there), or the new species that were found in that Royal estate by some BT engineers a while back, or were they the false black widows that live round this way?


Oh or the one's that live in a wall near Oxford, or somewhere like that?!


I'll stick to the large, but harmless house spiders, thank you! :)

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