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Why are people in so much of a rush!!


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just been out to asda to get my girlfriend some hair dye and the usual a$$eho1es are out on the A1!

They are doing the usual shut one lane of the A1 whilst nobody is working on the road and creating horrendous traffic for no reason.

Why do these people, even though they can clearly see the signs ssaying that it is going to filter down into one lane, decide that everyone else has to go into the inside lane but they can cut the traffic out and just cut in at the end!

I personally drive down the centre of the road so that these people who obviously need to be at home or wherever cannot get passed and create more of a traffic jam for everyone else once the road narrows!

Nearly landed me up with no Supra though tonight when the 18yr old with his "rock hard" mates followed me down to the next roundabout where he thought it was funny to start swerving infront of me, shouting abuse and almost ramming me off the road


However I drive a Supra and he drives a purple Focus

Thanks for reading

Rant is over and i feel much better

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see the opposite bugs me, why the hell is everyone queuing in 1 lane for 4 miles bloacking up the road more rather then using both lanes and filtering like it says!


People who drive down the centre of the road are even worse, if you choose not to use the 2nd lane, stay in the fucking 1st one. your choice!!


I love fact our tax payers money has had to be wated on signs saying use both lanes because people will queue when there is 2 lanes.

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Ive never seen a sign that says get into one lane in 4 miles? People should just filter over into the correct lane within plenty of time. It's the people who fly up to the cones and then decide to try and cut in, that cause the queue in the first place. Theres nothing wrong with reading the road ahead and a bit of forward planning

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It's not hard. Both lanes drive up to the cones and filter in one by one.

It's the people who feel the need to stop and change lanes a mile away from the blockage, and truck drivers, who decide they have to police the situation, and drive in the centre of the road, stopping traffic passing, who balls it all up.

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i dont mind if both lanes are blocked up but when one lane is backed up for miles and the lane that has been coned off is empty and people can see which lane they have to be in but they fly down the empty lane to cut in at the end that annoy me!

and i only stop them when i get to the 200yrds sign so its not as if im stopping them miles from where the lane filters down

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I have to drive 200 miles to a wedding tomorrow so it was either a 5 minute drive to keep her happy or 200 miles of "everyone is going to notice my roots im not even leaving the car"

I know which one i will prefer

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i dont mind if both lanes are blocked up but when one lane is backed up for miles and the lane that has been coned off is empty and people can see which lane they have to be in but they fly down the empty lane to cut in at the end that annoy me!

and i only stop them when i get to the 200yrds sign so its not as if im stopping them miles from where the lane filters down

I have great fun with people like you.

I mostly drive hire cars, so it is always good sport to drive all the way up to the cones and change lanes with a big Avis or Hertz sticker in the back window, which means, no matter how many times you flash your lights at me, or wave your fist out the window, I dont really care if you run into me or not. :)

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Surely if the lane ends in 'x' yards, then it is still there for people to use for 'x' yards?


And as I was once told by a copper when doing 50 though a 50 zone in the right hand lane alongside a car, also doing 50 (Someone complained I was blocking the road) - It's not up to me to police the roads...


So I'd let the 'professionals' do the obstructing... ;)

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lol i understand where you are coming from but if i saw you coming i would pull out and stop you getting past!

nevermind i have calmed down now so back to being a happy driver


I wouldn't do that if I were you.


I remember once, when people were filtering stupidly early, so I decided to go down the empty lane along with a few other cars behind me, anyway, somebody pulled out to stop me getting past and I was not going to tolerate this, but also didn't want to damage my car by ramming them, so I dived into my shopping bag, found a tin of sardines, opened it up and threw it at the forementioned car which resulted in him swerving the other way and leaving the lane clear again for us happy motorists to be on our way :)

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Ive never seen a sign that says get into one lane in 4 miles? People should just filter over into the correct lane within plenty of time. It's the people who fly up to the cones and then decide to try and cut in, that cause the queue in the first place. Theres nothing wrong with reading the road ahead and a bit of forward planning


I agree. I usually back off way before, you usually get a mile or so of warning and its not like slowing down for an extra mile is going to make any difference compared to cutting up anything in sight at the last moment 10 seconds up the road.


I think many people who start to work they way in when the signs appear make a reasonable job of it, however the idiots that leave it a few hundreds yards cause everyone to brake.


I am amazed that some drivers who cut in at the last moment think they will always slot in...... I always teach these sods a lesson, I will not slow down or speed up, change my distance from the car infront just to accomodate their 'selfish' behaviour. Its usually funny to watch them try and force you, the one travelling in the correct lane, at the correct pace into the car on teh near side as they push in only to realise you're a bit of a nutter who will leave them to happily crash into the cones ahead :)


I also hate the sods that rub their bumpers against yours when you're doing the posted speed limit in temporary road works.

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if i saw you coming i would pull out and stop you getting past!

nevermind i have calmed down now so back to being a happy driver


idiots like you that causes accidents let alone traffic too.

eventually traffic will build up either way especially rush hour, its a bottle neck.

someone has already mentioned it, signs say it will merge in x distance... which mean there is still x distance of 2 or 3 lanes to use. deal with it.


so people try to squeeze past, let them through then, chances are when the road clears again he'll shoot off faster than you anyway.


I personally hate driver that purposely beat you to the line, or in this instance squeeze past you in the closed lane, just to get in front, then when road opens up drives like a snail.


drive in the far east, you will see what real rush is.

you should be happy this country drives quite conservatively already.

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I also hate the sods that rub their bumpers against yours when you're doing the posted speed limit in temporary road works.


I hate that too. Ever since I got 3 points 4 years ago for doing 52 in a 40 roadworks (at 2.30am:() I have been on my best behaviour :(

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I also hate the sods that rub their bumpers against yours when you're doing the posted speed limit in temporary road works.


I've noticed that happening more now they're sticking up the average speed cameras more often in motorway roadworks, either they're hoping you're speeding and blocking their plate, or they're going to try and argue the speed gain in slipstreaming in their defence?...

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I've noticed that happening more now they're sticking up the average speed cameras more often in motorway roadworks, either they're hoping you're speeding and blocking their plate, or they're going to try and argue the speed gain in slipstreaming in their defence?...


In which case they should be done for dangerous driving.

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In which case they should be done for dangerous driving.


Yep, and I'm shocked at myself for saying it, but there should be coppers in cars to pick up on this, scameras only get speed, but not everything else that goes on...


I've never seen a cop car in an average speed camera area (Or thinking about it, any roadworks or so on that's had cameras). And that's quite a lot of motorway as I do at least 80 miles of it each working day!...

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found a tin of sardines, opened it up and through it at the forementioned car :)




What do ya use for long range attacks? Rich Tea for frisbees, maybe a hob-nob for more impact..??


lol :p



We all drive differently, something to do with being individuals *as I remember the 'Life Of Brian' sketch*... Tolerance is a virtue..tho not always easy to find :)

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I'm with you sprag5: it annoys me too. I don't do anything about it, I can't (cars aren't wide enough to block both loanes), but you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to realise wehat's happened ahead. Usually they put out signs indicating a lane is closing ahead, like so:





but people choose to either ignore them and drive right to the end of the closing lane, or don't see them: neither is good IMO.


What's the problem with driving to the end of the closing lane? I think it creates more congestion as a stationary lane has to filter into a moving lane (which usually means slowing the moving lane to a halt too). If people filtered in earlier and over a larger distance, the traffic could keep moving better.


Now, where's my bl*ody tablets? :D

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What do ya use for long range attacks? Rich Tea for frisbees, maybe a hob-nob for more impact..??


lol :p



We all drive differently, something to do with being individuals *as I remember the 'Life Of Brian' sketch*... Tolerance is a virtue..tho not always easy to find :)


I do get rather angry with some people whilst driving and it usually does end up with me throwing something at the other car, there has been a few occasions, I remember once I overtook someone on a straight bit of road with no oncoming traffic visible, anyway, they flashed me for overtaking them, which I was really p1ssed off about as I had done nothing wrong and they were doing 45 in a 60, so I slammed my brakes on, came to a stop and started throwing McDonalds sachets at there car, I then set off at 20mph and each time they tried to get past I put my foot down. Another time invloved a block of butter, where some w@nker stole my space at ASDA so I proceeded to purchase a block of butter and smear it all over his car. I do tend to get road rage, but I don't get angry, I just take a calm and relaxed food throwing approach..........There was another involving Baked Beans, but that's a story for another day.

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I do get rather angry with some people whilst driving and it usually does end up with me throwing something at the other car, there has been a few occasions, I remember once I overtook someone on a straight bit of road with no oncoming traffic visible, anyway, they flashed me for overtaking them, which I was really p1ssed off about as I had done nothing wrong and they were doing 45 in a 60, so I slammed my brakes on, came to a stop and started throwing McDonalds sachets at there car, I then set off at 20mph and each time they tried to get past I put my foot down. Another time invloved a block of butter, where some w@nker stole my space at ASDA so I proceeded to purchase a block of butter and smear it all over his car. I do tend to get road rage, but I don't get angry, I just take a calm and relaxed food throwing approach..........There was another involving Baked Beans, but that's a story for another day.


McDonalds sachets eh? They must have been quaking in their boots! :D


It sounds like you have anger management issues. Peruse some Rihanna photos on the 'net in order to calm down. :)

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McDonalds sachets eh? They must have been quaking in their boots! :D


It sounds like you have anger management issues. Peruse some Rihanna photos on the 'net in order to calm down. :)


Well it was those little sauce tub things you get, they were exploding nicely over the car:D


I have Rihanna albums ready and waiting for these instances.:D

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..I just take a calm and relaxed food throwing approach..


..I'm gonna remember this...


If i ever get peckish and i'm in your neck of the woods.. I'm gonna come find you and piss you off... windows down and see what the catch of the day is.. lol



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