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Weekend in poland?

tony tt

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Hi folks i'm heading to poland in the morning for my mates stag doo. Has anyone any idea if £250 is enough drinking money? I've heard its 8zloti for a beer which is around £1.80 can anyone confirm if this is true? by the way accomadation and excursions are already paid ,that amount is purely to pee against a wall :D



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Yes, it's enough to get totally wasted during 2 days. Be carefull tho to NOT go out and mess around in british style (shouting, pissing on the street, vomiting etc) as police in Poland is very strict about it and you will finish in sobering unit, which is way worse then UK arrest (if you ever been in one) and it will cost you a lot to pay for this "attraction". Behave and you will have a great party.

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For 250 pound you can expect about 1000 zlotych but if You go to Krakov in exchange place You can get 800 so its really big difference and everybody think that Krakov is fantastic place for fun but to be honest its not true because THE BEST party's pubs and disco You can have are in Mauntains and its absolutely brilliant and i would sugest go to Krakov if You want JUST get drunk and have fun. Beer cost about 6zlotych but in Krakow in pub's You will be need to pay about 9. Remember buy ONLY beer in bottles as from pipe they mix beer with something what not let you get drunk very fast.. The Best beer its OKOCIM MOCNE but after 6 bottles You want be remember where you are or what's your name! so i can sugest drink WARKA STRONG to have good humour and party all night.

Few tips:

DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT dance(in rude way or any way actually)

with polish girls, they usually are with boys and that bring You a lot trouble to keep Yourself alive-i'm honest as some polish boys are freaks and they just waiting for English drunk person to have reason to fight in pub or they will wait outside to get You and i don't think finish party at hospital its good idea!?


so if You go to Krakov You need to avoid few places we call them FIGHT CLUB'S and polish boys just waiting for anybody to fight and they could be really nasty..(i can't write names in obvious reasons) but its loads of them!


Polish police :

DO NOT have any conversation with them if You don't want spend night in jail..Polish Police -when You are drunk and shout are Your WORSE NIGHTMARE!!!!!!


Behave and You will be have Fantastic time :)



p.s. if You don't want have hangover after party just before drinking alcohol ask in Good restaurant for ROSOL Z KACZKI Z MAKARONEM (this is soup made from duck with pasta) and then You can drink how many liters You want and after party have same soup then after wake up You will be feel normal without headake and all that hangover stuff..

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Thanks for the info folks its wroclaw i'm heading to theres quitw a few of us but we wont be out for any trouble but will be on our guard aswell foreign country and all that. I think a few lads are wearing their kilts me included so i doubt they would pick a fight with lads wearing no underwear haha cheers for the input :D

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I'm off to Krakow for a piss-up in a few hours as well. :)


Remember buy ONLY beer in bottles as from pipe they mix beer with something what not let you get drunk very fast.. The Best beer its OKOCIM MOCNE but after 6 bottles You want be remember where you are or what's your name!


Think I might stick to the stuff on tap then, 'cos I'd rather not get arrested this weekend! :D

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Thanks for the info folks its wroclaw i'm heading to theres quitw a few of us but we wont be out for any trouble but will be on our guard aswell foreign country and all that. I think a few lads are wearing their kilts me included so i doubt they would pick a fight with lads wearing no underwear haha cheers for the input :D


Wroclaw is ace! That's my ex's home town.


There's a club called Metrolpolis right in the middle of town. It's a good place. 3 floors with different music, plenty of lovely Polish girls! They do this thing that's basically your own on-tap beer on your table. It's in a massive perspex tube with a beer tap on the bottom and you just drink what you want, when you want! It held about 10 pints and worked out at around £1 a pint.


There's loads of bars and clubs surrounding it as well so you should have a good time!


Let us know how you get on, and if any of you end up in the cells! :D

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Well thanks for all the advice we all returned safe and well, no broken bones nobody got arrested raped or shot!! We did spend around 2000zloty each though. We had a brilliant time its a lovely place and very friendly aswell. We went shooting on the sat which was fantastic from glocks to the mighty kalashnikov enjoyed even better once we got ear defenders because we were pretty fragile after being out the night before. All in all a wicked time i would go again!!

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Got back myself earlier and had a belting (and very cheap) weekend in Krakow. We tried to follow all the advice given to Tony and failed miserably :D, but somehow we all managed to stay out of the nick.


DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT dance(in rude way or any way actually)

with polish girls, they usually are with boys and that bring You a lot trouble to keep Yourself alive-i'm honest as some polish boys are freaks and they just waiting for English drunk person to have reason to fight in pub or they will wait outside to get You and i don't think finish party at hospital its good idea!?


I remembered this bit of advice in particular after meeting a few girls in a pub, but we just thought "sod it" because they were stunning. Luckily, they were very friendly ;).

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