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Bus drivers


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Just to make a note it note talking about all bus drivers but why the hell do soo many of them drive like no one else matters on the road. I have been cut up by them a fair few times and most of the time without even indercating. Once on a dual carriage way im doing 50mph he pulls out of the stop no indercater i had to swerve to avoid hitting and shat my pants and thats one of many times. Then today whilst driving about 10mph the bus next to me indercates without looking turns into my lane forcing me onto the pavement then realises im there and what does he do shouts out you f*cking c*nt. I was soo pissed but couldnt do anything about it as he drove up the road in the bus lane and i was in traffic. Then a mile up the road i caught him at the bus stop pulled beside him as he faced his passengers my mate shoved his hand through his window and emptied his bottle of water all over him and his cabin he was jumping up and down flashing his lights serves him right.

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Ive seen a few decent bus drivers that think of others instead of themselves it just because they have the right of way they take the p1ss with it. Im just glad i got the b*st*rd back he absoluty shat him at first untill he realised it was water couldnt stop laughing.

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You probably scared the sh!t out of him, which is why he swore at you. Your friend has big balls to squirt "water" all over his face and his cockpit.


I don't think he was scared he looked very calm to me when swearing at me, and it serves him right my friend has the act now think later attitude which doesnt always work well.

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good for you! i hate bus drivers! so what if they have to get somewhere on time so they pull out! they shouldn't be given priority over anything like it says on the back of them. today some bus driver stared pulling out on us on the duel carrigeway in enfield and even though kids were trying to get on the bus, he still wouldn't let them on cos he'd moved about 2 ft over and couldn't go anywhere. complete cocks

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ive driven busses before guys and trust me the drivers are not all the same. i gues maybe quite often a bus driver has to be a little aggresive or no one would give way to them.


A weird thing is though ive noticed a few times is that when a bus driver gets out his/her cab and into a car they normally tend to become a complete different person!! its like a complete different style of driving!! alot of drivers are a little more relaxed but there are also the agressive and boy racer types.


PS. stay away from buses, in an accident where your car is crushed may only cause a small scratch to the bus!! trust me I look after the insurance portforlio for a bus company

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Also last month a friend of mine was also cut up by a bus forced him onto the pavement where he nearly hit a woman with a pram he was furious and to take the piss the bus driver swerved at him again thinking it was a joke. When he got to the lights he cut him up got out swearing at him and the driver just sat there grinning. Another car behind saw what happend came over pulled the bus's window open with arm then grabed the driver pulled half his body out the window he got smacked in the head with a mag light and then a back hand in the face when he tried to get there number plates bet that taught him a lesson.

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Well that's a personality trait I envy deeply, I would love to be less intellectual, and more thoughtlessly spontaneous like your friend.


Glad you survived what appears to be very poor driving on his part.


Don't get me started on him last year those little suzuki 1300cc vans cut me up and hit my mirror knocking the mirror off. At the traffic lights i stopped beside the guy on my left he lent over grabbed his mirror in pull took the complete thing off and threw at his head. This kid is going to get me into trouble one day.

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be carefull guys, all buses in london now have good quality CCTV which is eventually viwed by TOCU (ttransport operation command unit) who after an incident like this would make it their job to find you, and they are quite succesful so far.....

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You're a trouble magnet Erol. I have driven in London every day for the past 15+ years and can count the number of incidents with buses on 1 finger - and it was my fault. You need to chill out and drive more carefully, let the buses out and you will be ok.

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If i make a mistake thats fine i wouldn't hide it im the first to apologise no one is perfect im not talking about not giving them way im talking about buses just pulling out without indercating which they have done loads of time or just swerving into my lane. Im not the one creating trouble i try to calm my worker down but sometimes they do deserve it even though it is wrong.

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good for you! i hate bus drivers! so what if they have to get somewhere on time so they pull out! they shouldn't be given priority over anything like it says on the back of them. today some bus driver stared pulling out on us on the duel carrigeway in enfield and even though kids were trying to get on the bus, he still wouldn't let them on cos he'd moved about 2 ft over and couldn't go anywhere. complete cocks


In your highway code, once you have indecated and moved off its against the law to stop and allow more passengers on. Its harsh but you can get fined if you get caught.

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ive driven busses before guys and trust me the drivers are not all the same. i gues maybe quite often a bus driver has to be a little aggresive or no one would give way to them.


A weird thing is though ive noticed a few times is that when a bus driver gets out his/her cab and into a car they normally tend to become a complete different person!! its like a complete different style of driving!! alot of drivers are a little more relaxed but there are also the agressive and boy racer types.


PS. stay away from buses, in an accident where your car is crushed may only cause a small scratch to the bus!! trust me I look after the insurance portforlio for a bus company


I know what you are saying there about different attitude when driving different things, i drove buses for 8 years, always calm and patiant, never cut anyone up or argue with anyone unless they started it first, and many times they would. But leaving work and getting into my supra i would spin out of the depot and fly away side ways at full throtle, Now i am a driving instructor and stiil drive differently in my learner car than i do in the supra. With the supra it takes control.

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