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Three youths stamp fawn to death


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Why is stamping a fawn to death any different to (deliberately) stamping on an ant or a spider?


I don't condone meaningless killings of anything, there's no need to it. But when it comes down to it, stamping on an ant it different to standing on a fawn, which is also different to stamping on human baby.


All morally wrong, but very different severities.

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Bring back the death penalty. :(


I agree, but not for killing animals. A nice long time in a proper prison is what it needed. Put them in a cell with a bed and a pot to piss in and let them rot for a while and if theyre really lucky they get some food occasionally.......

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The life of an animal = the life of a child? Is that what you're saying?:blink:


No, I asked you to justify why you valued a human life over that of an animal. These kids just killed an innocent young animal in a truly horrible way, what's to say it wouldn't be someone's young toddler next?


I agree, but not for killing animals. A nice long time in a proper prison is what it needed. Put them in a cell with a bed and a pot to piss in and let them rot for a while and if theyre really lucky they get some food occasionally.......


These kids killed for 'fun', they may be too far gone for even therapy. Prison won't reverse the fact that they don't value other lives, animal or otherwise.

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No, I asked you to justify why you valued a human life over that of an animal. These kids just killed an innocent young animal in a truly horrible way, what's to say it wouldn't be someone's young toddler next?




These kids killed for 'fun', they may be too far gone for even therapy. Prison won't reverse the fact that they don't value other lives, animal or otherwise.


No, but it will keep them off the streets for a while

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Really, why?


For these kinds of reasons...


You are just a human. What makes you think you're better than an innocent new-born deer?


No, I asked you to justify why you valued a human life over that of an animal. These kids just killed an innocent young animal in a truly horrible way, what's to say it wouldn't be someone's young toddler next?


These kids killed for 'fun', they may be too far gone for even therapy. Prison won't reverse the fact that they don't value other lives, animal or otherwise.


I guess "we" identify more strongly with other human tragedies, however making a special effort to kill a new born deer takes some doing and I'm sure its mother wasn't best pleased either.

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I think leave them to me so then I can practise my kick boxing on them, would be quite fun! Well for me anyway! Thing is we in the older generation have been taught to respect our elders have respect for the living things around us. This country is slowly coming to a shambles!


Come back from Egypt couple of weeks ago, they was telling us how the police are really strict (saw it first hand!) but they all cool about it and said as long as they are not doing anything dodgy you dont have to worry! We left our bags and kit laying around when we went places, the driver leaves his car running in the middle of the road!


Only stricter lessons will stop these kids! They have been brought up with the belief they can get away with anything! We need to show them other wise! Talking to a friend who recently been in due to a fight outside a club in London which got nasty, he told me that they have Playstation 2 and it was more like a chill out place!!! (although he was not in a high risk jail).


Build more jails on an island, give them time to think about their actions, make them work for the food and clothes they wear and eat in the jail! Make life hard for them while they are in there and maybe, just maybe they might think twice about their actions!


Right now who's voting me in to becoming Prime Minister?!?

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I think leave them to me so then I can practise my kick boxing on them, would be quite fun! Well for me anyway! Thing is we in the older generation have been taught to respect our elders have respect for the living things around us. This country is slowly coming to a shambles!


Come back from Egypt couple of weeks ago, they was telling us how the police are really strict (saw it first hand!) but they all cool about it and said as long as they are not doing anything dodgy you dont have to worry! We left our bags and kit laying around when we went places, the driver leaves his car running in the middle of the road!


Only stricter lessons will stop these kids! They have been brought up with the belief they can get away with anything! We need to show them other wise! Talking to a friend who recently been in due to a fight outside a club in London which got nasty, he told me that they have Playstation 2 and it was more like a chill out place!!! (although he was not in a high risk jail).


Build more jails on an island, give them time to think about their actions, make them work for the food and clothes they wear and eat in the jail! Make life hard for them while they are in there and maybe, just maybe they might think twice about their actions!


Right now who's voting me in to becoming Prime Minister?!?


In principal I quite like what you're saying Abz.

Mind you, if you'd been to Morocco instead, your stuff may well have got nicked -


My sister has lived there for a number of years, loves the place, don't get me wrong, but to a degreee, if it's not nailed down, your stuff can gain a pair of legs quite quickly.


As for Prime mininster, I shall reflect on this :)

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Is it not still the case that all Deer in the country are the property of the crown?


If it is, does this not give the Queen the right to impose her own penalty?


I can't imagine anyone in the general population (by this I mean people with a sense of what is right) objecting to a punishment which seems excessive, as a deterrant to future similar crimes.



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They will be prosecuted according to the law.





Why do you believe that? Because you have read a few stories in the papers telling you so?


Thing is, in my opinion, to defend yourself, its unrealistic to think if you just slap the offender(s) :no: they will stand down and go away. Usually if you disrupt criminal behaviour, its likely the criminals are going to kick the sh!t out of you as well big time, so realistically you'd have to kick the day lights out of them to save yourself getting severly beaten up and left for dead (in the papers all the time) or stabbed etc. If this was the case, you'd end up before the crown no doubt with a lot of explaining to do because the criminals will want you to be sent down. Only if you have the numbers on your side can you try to hold the criminals whilst you make a citizens arrest.

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I find it hard to belieive the ludicrous and twisted thinking of some of the people on this board. When it comes to justice and punishment even the Taliban appear to be too soft for some of you.

LBM - where do I start with you? I give up. Wear your banana with pride.

ABZ - you are advocating police beating up people they see causing trouble. Next time you're fighting back against someone robbing you and the police arrive, I hope they make the right choice and beat up the robber and not you by mistake. Police are there to bring people to justice, not dish out violence.

DSK - the law says you can use 'reasonable force' in self defence. Not beat the living shyte out of someone. If you obey the law you will be ok.

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I find it hard to belieive the ludicrous and twisted thinking of some of the people on this board. When it comes to justice and punishment even the Taliban appear to be too soft for some of you.


LBM - where do I start with you? I give up. Wear your banana with pride.


You have't really explained anything here about your pov.

So don't give up - let's hear your thoughts :)


DSK - the law says you can use 'reasonable force' in self defence. Not beat the living shyte out of someone. If you obey the law you will be ok.


Hang on a minute. Intervening in a situation is completely different to just using "self-defence"


Do you really think a clearly aggressive bunch of youths are going to stand there and listen to your spiel about their wrong doings?


Dear god man. Get real. The police have a hard enough time dealing with yobs, let alone a passer by.


If you wait to "obey the law" in an intervention situation when you are outnumbered - you will lose. Every time. Therefore assessing the situation will by and large make you avoid the confrontation, perhaps with regret, but with your own personal safety in mind.

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Thing is we in the older generation have been taught to respect our elders have respect for the living things around us. This country is slowly coming to a shambles!...............Only stricter lessons will stop these kids! They have been brought up with the belief they can get away with anything! We need to show them other wise!


I disagree with you completely (but I respect your freedom of speach yada yada....). Kids are kids and always have been, there will always be young boys that do this kind of thing, and those that don't. You can blame genetics, upbringing, poverty, boredum, modern society, computer games, lack of discipline or any combination of the above, but it has always existed.

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....when it comes down to it, stamping on an ant it different to standing on a fawn, which is also different to stamping on human baby.


I'd like to hear the justification behind that statement.


Is there a ranking system for animals that I'm not aware of? Is it based on "cuteness factor"?

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It's call the food chain.


Okay - so what point on the food chain is it okay to kill animals?


(bear in mind that deer ARE killed for food for humans.


Are you a vegetarian?


LOL - no - don't start me on that conversation or you'll have Mike onto me - I'm treading on thin ice as it is!! :D

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Okay - so what point on the food chain is it okay to kill animals?


I don't disagree with you that it is wrong to mindless kill anything. But from there on a point has to be drawn for when it is neccessary, or it is deemed exceptable, otherwise you will be scared of having a shower for killing the bacertia on your body!


For a point of referance though, i don't believe sport is a valid reason, and I don't think it can be justified at all to kill a fawn for any reason i can think of.


You wouldn't kill a bunny rabit if you saw it in a field, but they culled thosands in OZ after they over run the place... Sad, but quite possibly, unfortunatly neccessary

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You have't really explained anything here about your pov.

So don't give up - let's hear your thoughts :)


You disagreed that the killing of Ben Kinsella was worse than the killing of the baby deer. I think any intelligent, educated and civilised person would think you are wrong. It's quite basic for everyone on the planet to have in mind a moral heirarchy of living creatures and their value, and to place deers above humans is fundamentally wrong.

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You disagreed that the killing of Ben Kinsella was worse than the killing of the baby deer. I think any intelligent, educated and civilised person would think you are wrong. It's quite basic for everyone on the planet to have in mind a moral heirarchy of living creatures and their value, and to place deers above humans is fundamentally wrong.


In a sense - yes I did, but perhaps I mean it's neither worse nor better - it's the same.

The point is, the action of those lads was dispicable, be it a fawn, or a human etc...


And in a sense it may be fundamentally wrong to place humans above other animals.

Don't get me wrong - and I'm sure you don't, I do not agree with what has happened to that that poor chap and his family and friends in anyway.

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Brilliant example of how low we can be as a race. For me the issue is not whether it was an animal or a human but that is was a defeceless creature. In the same way that a new born baby is also a defenceless creature there is no excuse for ANY abuse of any kind.


One the one hand I can get all emotional and say any one of hundred and foul excrutiating anger derived penalties but in the cold light of day all I can reasonably come up with is pity for us all.


I need to think on this. Who are we and what do we want for ourselves.

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