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In my mind if you want things to change the only sensible vote is the next party that has a chance of winning, any other votes are just wasted and labour will stay in power.


As for the EU, feck em, I agree that we should trade but thats where it stops.

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One of the reasons the economy is in a mess is due to the wide open gates into the uk letting any tom dick and harry in, not working and raping our benefits and clogging up our NHS system


And just when our economy needs a boost to get us rolling again it carnt pump the money in because we are giving it all them,

Also they are taking all our work from us because they work for chocolate buttons, I am finding it hard to get work because of all the immigrants working for next to nothing leaving me without a job :(


BNP Aim to get Britain back to how it was british jobs for britsh people and get rid of all the immigrants,

We should take a leaf out of australias book they only let trained skilled people in and wont ever grant you asylum if you dont intend to work.


Looks at australia they are not in the mess we are in now!!!

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One of the reasons the economy is in a mess is due to the wide open gates into the uk letting any tom dick and harry in, not working and raping our benefits and clogging up our NHS system


And just when our economy needs a boost to get us rolling again it carnt pump the money in because we are giving it all them,

Also they are taking all our work from us because they work for chocolate buttons, I am finding it hard to get work because of all the immigrants working for next to nothing leaving me without a job :(


BNP Aim to get Britain back to how it was british jobs for britsh people and get rid of all the immigrants,

We should take a leaf out of australias book they only let trained skilled people in and wont ever grant you asylum if you dont intend to work.


Looks at australia they are not in the mess we are in now!!!


Actually these 'immigrants' contribute approx £800 million more in taxes than it costs to administer the asylum and immigration system. Hardly a drain on the economy that.


Don't for one second think that the BNP are out to help you. Many of their candidates are rich businessmen. Nick Griffin IIRC is a wealthy farmer.


They will not turn back privatisation, the cuts to council housing, the NHS and education. These and the governments policies for big business etc are what are causing the problems, not the immigrants.


Remember when the right were trying to get the Irish out? I bet you don't.


The BNP voted to increase council tax in Stoke and Burnley.

They didn't help save a school from closure in Halifax.

They've voted against giving free bus passes to pensioners.

Remember the firemans strike in '02. The BNP backed the govt. on that even calling for the strike to be made illegal.


Hardly behind the working class man then, were they?


Do some more digging and then see if you really believe that they are the future voice of this country or you can remain an ill-informed, knee-jerk reactionary who doesn't want to be confused with the real truth of the situation.

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Martin you have so much more patience than me :)


..yes, it's obviously nothing to do with overpaid white middle class bankers that the economy's in the state it's in... it's the immigrants. BTW thanks for finishing off building Wembley, Poland - we couldn't find a 'proper hard working English folk' to actually get off their lazy arses to finish the thing... dam you Poland and your 'work ethic' :D


Anyone remember how Hitler got WW2 kicked off and the SS soldiers to murder all them Jews and think they were 'doing the right thing'...? errr...


Jeeze, there are so many retarded people on this site.


We should round up all the BNP voters into a field and drop a f@cking bomb on them - that would at help the IQ level of the country ;)

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Actually these 'immigrants' contribute approx £800 million more in taxes than it costs to administer the asylum and immigration system. Hardly a drain on the economy that.


Don't for one second think that the BNP are out to help you. Many of their candidates are rich businessmen. Nick Griffin IIRC is a wealthy farmer.


They will not turn back privatisation, the cuts to council housing, the NHS and education. These and the governments policies for big business etc are what are causing the problems, not the immigrants.


Remember when the right were trying to get the Irish out? I bet you don't.


The BNP voted to increase council tax in Stoke and Burnley.

They didn't help save a school from closure in Halifax.

They've voted against giving free bus passes to pensioners.

Remember the firemans strike in '02. The BNP backed the govt. on that even calling for the strike to be made illegal.


Hardly behind the working class man then, were they?


Do some more digging and then see if you really believe that they are the future voice of this country or you can remain an ill-informed, knee-jerk reactionary who doesn't want to be confused with the real truth of the situation.


I love you Martin.....:D


I had always said that I would go BNP if I voted but after doing my own digging and watching few documentaries about them I'm appalled by their racist attitude, they don't even try to hide their true agenda. Basically, if you are not white then get out..!!


I am personally going to start an "Apathy" party. The whole situation is just a compicated, tangled mess and I doubt anyone will get a grip of the situation now. I'm off to North Korea, at least they won't nuke themselves..!!



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I really don't have a problem with the EU. I also look forward to the introduction of the Euro, and now's the perfect time with the pounds being rather weak still.


One day, thosands of years from now (if the world still exists), there will be a global government.


EU is just progression to unity and a more peaceful world......

You have some hope? that means you will poor the rich will be richer & unless you are born into the elite thats where you will stay. This all about the few having control over the masses.Look around you as soon as they get people on all plastic no cash they have us.Thats with out the constant monitoring of us they do now under the umbrella of anti-terror
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BTW thanks for finishing off building Wembley, Poland - we couldn't find a 'proper hard working English folk' to actually get off their lazy arses to finish the thing... dam you Poland and your 'work ethic' :D


Yeah, proper hard working English folk couldn't work for what they do as they have to pay out for little things like car insurance, car tax, council tax etc. to stay legal and above board unlike most of our EU cousins;)

Anyway, I'm sure the build quality will be spot on as they really don't have lower standards than us:D


One thing that is impressive is the rise in people like yourselves slamming the BNP when it's mentioned, could this be because alot more people are p*ssed off with the situation in this country and they are gaining so much more support?


From a more sensible angle then why don't the main parties take some of these concerns, maybe water them down and actually address them instead of just attacking the BNP at every turn.

Clearly they have growing support and the way to prevent them getting in would be for the main parties to listen to peoples concerns and do something about it rather than being scared of the PC brigade.

There is a problem with immigration in this country and that is fact, different nationalities cross Europe to get to us and our free services, whatever your political stance is you must realise that it can't go on forever and everyone will suffer when the system finally collapses :(

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Actually these 'immigrants' contribute approx £800 million more in taxes than it costs to administer the asylum and immigration system. Hardly a drain on the economy that.


The caveat to that is that you are refering to 'legal' immigrants not the illegal ones.... Yes they won't claim 'benefits' as such but the impact on the economy through other areas is impressive.


Agree with the rest of your post 100% (I'm sure you are pleased to note).



From a more sensible angle then why don't the main parties take some of these concerns, maybe water them down and actually address them instead of just attacking the BNP at every turn.(


Because apart from being far too sensible and providing the people with what they want, politicians forget that they are there to represent the people and instead focus on staying in power.


IMO there shouldn't be parties but individuals representing their local area thus politicians simply vote by what they think is right, not what the party line is.


Yeah, proper hard working English folk couldn't work for what they do as they have to pay out for little things like car insurance, car tax, council tax etc. to stay legal and above board unlike most of our EU cousins;)

Anyway, I'm sure the build quality will be spot on as they really don't have lower standards than us:D


Correct me if I'm wrong but if you are Polish, Brazillian or Martian if you are working in the UK you have to follow UK law in relation to buiilding regs etc. The developer would also have surveyors and project managers to ensure the work standard is up to scratch and payments would be made in installments... there shouldn't be a change in quality.



Personally I will be voting for UKIP. I don't like the BNP as they are too racist but I like the idea of a party solely looking out for the interests of the UK abroad. The present government is too concerned with the interests of Europe in general.

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I 'slam' the BNP because it's a far right racist party that preys on the old and feeble minded into thinking they will do something about the apparent 'immigration' problem - I think we've done this a few times now?


How many of your good white English folk do you see pushing prams around a council estate at age 16? and compare that with how many 'immigrant / non-white' people you see doing that...?


The problem with this country is the lazy bastards that live here. At least the immigrants that come here actually want to do a days work.


I'm sick of paying a huge chunk of my salary to people who just sit on the dole and have kids. They are the people I'd like to see removed.


It seems your BNP plan still serves the lazy council estate dwellers to still keep receiving chunks of my salary to enable them to carry on drinking/shagging/watching Jeremy Kyle and robbing my house while I'm a work.

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I think UKIP is a waste of a vote - they'll never get critical mass, as the Lib Dems have never got any.


It's a sad state of affairs when the two major parties have nothing to choose between them, but we are where we are.


I'll be voting Labour - I would never vote Tory, they're still a bunch of private school deviants.

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I 'slam' the BNP because it's a far right racist party that preys on the old and feeble minded into thinking they will do something about the apparent 'immigration' problem


So the main parties aren't preying on certain members of society to get a vote by making them think they will do right by them?

They love the BNP being around because it gives them a common punch bag that takes the heat off their polices or lack of.


What I do love about this country is freedom of speech and freedom to choose who you want to vote for. Why do people feel the need to try and belittle others with comments like 'feeble minded' just because they don't agree with their political view?

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I'm sick of paying a huge chunk of my salary to people who just sit on the dole and have kids. They are the people I'd like to see removed.



So am I mate and agree, remove the lot of them, but I bet in your little world theses people are all white and British? They're not ;)

Would you be as happy to remove illegals and non whites too, just interested as I hope you have a balanced view of it all;)

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Why do people feel the need to try and belittle others with comments like 'feeble minded' just because they don't agree with their political view?


errr.. because the BNP is a racist organisation and racism is bad?


What makes me laugh is you think you can pass off your bigotry as 'political view point'.


I vote to carpet bomb all of the council estates in the country and then move as many Polish people over here as possible to rebuild it and get the country working again :)

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So because UKIP won't get mass support Mike you won't support them?


Thats like not supporting the team you want to win the footie league and supporting Man U instead becuase they are likely to win. I figure if I have principles then I should stand by them, ok they won't win but they get my vote.


I too am sick of scum who claim benefits, have 12 children and don't work because they are too lazy. That said though I don't think the Euro elections will make that much difference on domestic issues like that. One major issue which will be discussed will be the EU constitution... some which which would pull us closer to other countries in both potentially good and very bad ways... labour promised a referendum on this topic and have since changed their mind (despite the fact that the majority want a vote)

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So am I mate and agree, remove the lot of them, but I bet in your little world theses people are all white and British? They're not ;)


Oh really... you have inside information do you? I'm just saying 99% of them are ;)


It's like the old 'corner shop' and doctor jokes... yes, it's funny because Asian people actually want to work!?

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errr.. because the BNP is a racist organisation and racism is bad?


What makes me laugh is you think you can pass off your bigotry as 'political view point'.


I vote to carpet bomb all of the council estates in the country and then move as many Polish people over here as possible to rebuild it and get the country working again :)


Bigotry now:rolleyes::D

If they are as shite as you say they won't get far, it's called a democracy, not the world according to Mike ;)

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So because UKIP won't get mass support Mike you won't support them?


I can't agree with anything Robert Kilroy-Silk would have anything to do with. I won't be supporting them. It is a wasted vote.


Thats like not supporting the team you want to win the footie league and supporting Man U instead becuase they are likely to win. I figure if I have principles then I should stand by them, ok they won't win but they get my vote.


Fair play to you :)

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Oh really... you have inside information do you? I'm just saying 99% of them are ;)


It's like the old 'corner shop' and doctor jokes... yes, it's funny because Asian people actually want to work!?


Now you really have to come up with some unsubstantiated figures to get your point across, so 99% of unemployed people are white and British and that's fact is it?


So, you'll still willing to remove the other 1% then?


I'm beginning to think you're boardering on racist with your views towards whites tbh.


Edit: Oh no, it doesn't work that way does it?

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Bigotry now:rolleyes::D

If they are as $#@!e as you say they won't get far, it's called a democracy, not the world according to Mike ;)


The far right doesn't like democracy though does it Paul? has history taught you nothing?


This isn't 'the world according to Mike', it's how to avoid WW2 happening again ;)


Check out Auschwitz and see how your little scenario ended the last time this viewpoint reared it's head. It didn't end well for a few million people ;)

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Now you really to come up with some unsubstantiated figures to get your point across, so 99% of unemployed people are white and British and that's fact is it?


It's as factual as you have been.


So, you'll still willing to remove the other 1% then?


No, I'm not a Nazi bigot like you Paul :)


I'm beginning to think you're boardering on racist with your views towards whites tbh.


I saw what you did there :rlol:

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