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Just been rammed


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Aren't the police supposed to rely on evidence? Surely if he 'stomped on the brakes' there would be road marks to support this. If there isn't then it would be down to witness statements. The bus driver likely won't be in a position to say 'he stomped on the brakes', the old guy as with Todd would be at odds in their statement so it would likely hinge on any independant witnesses. In the abscense of those then it would be up to the police to prove without reasonable doubt that he directly caused the accident, which in my untrained opinion they would find difficult.


None of us where there so its all conjecture but I would hope that the police would tell you you were stupid to rise to the verbal abuse and at the outside attempt to charge you for that side of it, likely just a warning. All IMO of course.

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It wasn't this old git on his way to South Queensferry was it Todd?


saw that on the news, you ever been down that road, not the easiest place to do a 3 point turn at the best of times and definitely not the best of places to see if your car is related to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

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Right, had enough of this now and wish to hell I'd never posted it.


Can I just say that every manoeuvre I took was well within the highway code, I am no boy racer or someone out to have a laugh at RTIs, far from it.


In short, I changed lanes, indicated well in advance, once in new lane spotted the bus indicating to pull out, foot was lifted from accelerator to slow down as bus was joining main road (going uphill so no need for brakes given the very low road speed).


I at a loss to see how that shows that I'm an idiot in a car or how I broke any law of the road.


Just because the car in front of you slows down, this does not give you the right to give them a dunt!!!


Rant now over and unsubscribed!

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I did wonder what the actual offence would be, of throwing someone's keys to the side of the road. Disorderly conduct maybe? There must be something in the RTA though, maybe along the lines of causing an obstruction.

Whatever, I enjoyed it and hopefully the old fella will think twice before being so "vocal" again.

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Errr - Branners wasn't stating that you DID stomp on the brakes - like you say, he didn't witness it.


What he is saying is that even if everything you say is true, what happens if the old codger claims that you cut up in front of him and then hit the brakes, then refused to give him your insurance details and threw away your keys?


I suspect that if he does report it like that then (a) the insurance company will apportion it 50/50 due to conflicting statements and no witnesses and (b) the police might be interested in you leaving the scene without exchanging details.


Personally, I still like the key throwing idea! :thumbs:

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Id say the old git deserved it, regardless i think you should report the stupid old git before he kills some due to his old git vision. If he cant press the breaks on time god knows what will happen if a kid came in front of him, "fu*king bast*d little sh*t probably come out of his mouth

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Guest Ben218

LMAO, wow! thats one way of turning a little bump with an angry old man into something its obviously not!! Good job it wasnt a certain person on this forum who commented rather harshly about you mate cos you would be locked up by now obviously for doing nothing and been the victim!


What has this country come to, my spin on it is if you would of pulled out without notice quickly and he was that close then he would of hit you well before you entire care was in the right lane. It was probably an honest mistake by the grumpy old man which he darent own up to at the time and would probably fully admit to once he calmed down.


Btw I love the keys bit man! hats off for 1. keeping your cool when its seems none of what happened was your fault and 2. replacing dragging the old boy out of the window with something equally entertaining!! lol


I think though if it was your supra and he had cracked your bumper or worse then the keys would still be in the ignition and the old man would be on the grass verge! lolol

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