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Talk to a stranger.


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my best so far :p


You: hi!

Stranger: hey thurr

Stranger: MEOW

Stranger: how is the weather stranger

You: can has cheezburger?

Stranger: only if u know the command

Stranger: it aint easy



Stranger: goodbye

You: \o/

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This is fun! Maybe a little random, but fun.


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hey

You: Er, big mac, large fries, and a coke please. No ice in the coke.

Stranger: What's that?

Stranger: Whopper with nuggets?

Stranger: alright

Stranger: Here's your Sprite too.

You: No, big mac, large fires, and a coke. No ice in the coke.

You: I said coke!

Stranger: huh?

You: How many Mcstars have you got?

Stranger: Lay's chips?

Stranger: We dont serve that.

You: This is pizza hut right?

Stranger: no you moron

You: Sorry, my bad.

Stranger: This is Chuck E. Cheese

Stranger: Now do you want tickets or not?

You: 2 please. Jeff dunham, 7th April, hammersmith apollo.

You: And no ice in the coke.

Stranger: no no

Stranger: this is just to see the guy in the mouse suit

Stranger: I think you're looking for the Montecito.

You: Ah rubbish. Is there anything else I can help you with today sir?

Stranger: Yeah

Stranger: Still waiting on my coke

You: Sorry sir, did you want ice with that?

Stranger: of course

You: You missunderstand. This is Chuck E cheese sir. We dont serve pizza.

Stranger: oh wait

Stranger: Could you make the ice with seawater?

Stranger: I didn't ask for pizza

You: Seawater? This is a record shop sir.

Stranger: Neo?

You: Morpheous?

Stranger: I knew it was you.

You: t

You: h

You: e


You: m

You: a

You: t

You: r

You: i

You: x


You: h

You: a

You: s


You: y

You: o

You: u

Stranger: wrong

Stranger: I created the Matrix

Stranger: It actually has you

You: Ah ok. In that case, just the coke without ice please.

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Having the most bizzare conversation about women in cups and petrol atm.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: do you like money?

You: lol yes thanks

Stranger: i have some money

You: do u

Stranger: but you cant have any

You: excellent

Stranger: it's mine

You: lol

You: Would you like my money?

Stranger: no thanks i have my own

Stranger: are you going to spend it?

You: What else would you do with it?

Stranger: what are you going to buy?

You: the usual.... drugs, women, cups of tea... the usual

You: what do you spend yours on?

Stranger: cups of tea with drugs and women in it

You: women in it?! Shit I should have thought of that

Stranger: they have to be small to fit in the cup tho

You: I guess so

You: Or have a big cup

You: where the drinks go I mean

Stranger: i like the cut of your jib

Stranger: you'll go far

You: danke... and you stranger

You: but far to where?

Stranger: far in life

Stranger: to a faraway land

You: I spent all my money on cups or tea and didnt even add girls in it :(

You: and petrol is so damn expensive

Stranger: it is

Stranger: you know who's fault that is

You: Santa's?

You: the women in the cups?

You: YOURS?!

Stranger: not mine

You: Oh good.

Stranger: do you know why it snows in winter?

You: You didnt answer the 1st question 1st... ant ask a second until the 1st is answered

You: you ask then I ask.

Stranger: what was the 1st question?

You: do you know whos fault it is?

Stranger: ha! you just answered my question

You: DAMN!

Stranger: the chain is broken!

You: foiled

Stranger: I'm free!

Stranger: peace

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You: hi


Stranger: hi fist time here


You: you work fast


Stranger: wot u mean?


You: talking fisting straight off


You: you still there?


Stranger: you m/f how old?


You: male, old enough. I like marmite and landladies.


Stranger: I dont like marmite.


You: I found a fish in my underpants once.


You: you still there?


You: hello?


Thankyou Just thankyou.

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Ok this is taking it too far


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Stranger: hai :)

You: hey are you weird?

Stranger: how are you?

Stranger: can i touch your penis?

You: i'm great

You: um ok so you are weird lol

Stranger: ill pay you litle boy




Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: erm

Stranger: uh yeah can I get a large fries and a diet coke please

You: yeah go large?

Stranger: please

Stranger: also

You: and your choice of burger

Stranger: pizzaburger

Stranger: no pickle

You: okeys?

You: extra cheese

Stranger: no no

Stranger: can u deliver

You: oh so sorry

You: yeah of course its adelivery service

Stranger: arcades?

You: as long as its not on an estate

Stranger: yeah I wouldnt stay it was bukcinhamg palace

You: our last delivery boy had a bad experience on an estate

Stranger: ahhh

Stranger: yeh we good

You: couldnt walk properly for days

Stranger: so u deliver

You: yeah yeah

Stranger: 15 minutes or money back



You: ooo hey even domino's have an hour

You: i'll meet you in the middle

Stranger: sword fight?

You: 30 minutes

Stranger: yeah what dominos do burgers

You: erm

Stranger: I go there ther deliver service much better for bang 1 HOUR u slow

You: the ones around the corner

You: yeah i am typin one handed

You: have a glass of port in the other dirty

Stranger: u plain with yeself

Stranger: want to fist me?

You: um in the grand scheme of things not really

Stranger: good

You: is that ewen?

Stranger: u wash hands b4 touch my food

Stranger: yeh

Stranger: y

You: explains alot

You: who's ewen anyway?

Stranger: when you see me, tell me

You: and i never wash my hands

You: germs are good for you

Stranger: yah

Stranger: perms are good for j00

You: i had a perm

You: didnt look great i have to say

Stranger: u a woman

Stranger: ?

Stranger: what u wearing

You: er no

Stranger: nothing?

You: well like clothing and stuff

Stranger: what about under the clothing

You: does it usually come down to what someone is wearing

Stranger: no

You: just this particular conversation

You: does that mean you are feeling comfortable in my presence?

Stranger: what it really comes down to is

Stranger: do you suck dick

Stranger: or are you just a tease

You: erm generally speaking i tend to stay away from dicks apart from my own

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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you're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

stranger: I challenge you to a rap battle

stranger: Do u accept

you: Yes! Your going down bitch

you: Im so ghetto

stranger: Ok go biatch

you: Your challenging , you first? Chicken?

Stranger: Chichan na i aint say somethin like that ill make ya faint u think u ghetto u lookin like a pedooooo

stranger: Wat bitch

stranger: Say somethin




stranger: Watcha gotta say

stranger: Nothin

you: 0wned

stranger: Lol wat da fuck


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Stranger: hai :)

You: hey are you weird?

Stranger: how are you?

Stranger: can i touch your penis?

You: i'm great

You: um ok so you are weird lol

Stranger: ill pay you litle boy




Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: erm

Stranger: uh yeah can I get a large fries and a diet coke please

You: yeah go large?

Stranger: please

Stranger: also

You: and your choice of burger

Stranger: pizzaburger

Stranger: no pickle

You: okeys?

You: extra cheese

Stranger: no no

Stranger: can u deliver

You: oh so sorry

You: yeah of course its adelivery service

Stranger: arcades?

You: as long as its not on an estate

Stranger: yeah I wouldnt stay it was bukcinhamg palace

You: our last delivery boy had a bad experience on an estate

Stranger: ahhh

Stranger: yeh we good

You: couldnt walk properly for days

Stranger: so u deliver

You: yeah yeah

Stranger: 15 minutes or money back



You: ooo hey even domino's have an hour

You: i'll meet you in the middle

Stranger: sword fight?

You: 30 minutes

Stranger: yeah what dominos do burgers

You: erm

Stranger: I go there ther deliver service much better for bang 1 HOUR u slow

You: the ones around the corner

You: yeah i am typin one handed

You: have a glass of port in the other dirty

Stranger: u plain with yeself

Stranger: want to fist me?

You: um in the grand scheme of things not really

Stranger: good

You: is that ewen?

Stranger: u wash hands b4 touch my food

Stranger: yeh

Stranger: y

You: explains alot

You: who's ewen anyway?

Stranger: when you see me, tell me

You: and i never wash my hands

You: germs are good for you

Stranger: yah

Stranger: perms are good for j00

You: i had a perm

You: didnt look great i have to say

Stranger: u a woman

Stranger: ?

Stranger: what u wearing

You: er no

Stranger: nothing?

You: well like clothing and stuff

Stranger: what about under the clothing

You: does it usually come down to what someone is wearing

Stranger: no

You: just this particular conversation

You: does that mean you are feeling comfortable in my presence?

Stranger: what it really comes down to is

Stranger: do you suck dick

Stranger: or are you just a tease

You: erm generally speaking i tend to stay away from dicks apart from my own

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


I think you spoke to jez :p

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I could not hold out any longer and had to try this this new fad.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Greetings

Stranger: Salutations.

Stranger: How fare you on this crisp british evening?

You: fuel of satan?

You: warm yet moist

You: and yourself kind sir/madam?

Stranger: Ahhhh like the best kinds of marmalade.

Stranger: Splendiferous sir.

You: indeed twinned with supra sprinkles

Stranger: Quite, one could almosHOLYF***VELOCIRAPTOR!

Stranger: *blood everywhere*

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I could not hold out any longer and had to try this this new fad.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Greetings

Stranger: Salutations.

Stranger: How fare you on this crisp british evening?

You: fuel of satan?

You: warm yet moist

You: and yourself kind sir/madam?

Stranger: Ahhhh like the best kinds of marmalade.

Stranger: Splendiferous sir.

You: indeed twinned with supra sprinkles

Stranger: Quite, one could almosHOLYF***VELOCIRAPTOR!

Stranger: *blood everywhere*


i was propper laughing out loud at that, rofl

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lol another one



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