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Will a spoiler spoil 'er???


TRD spoiler to go with TRD wideboy kit, rice? or nice???  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. TRD spoiler to go with TRD wideboy kit, rice? or nice???

    • Bin the wing! not even panty liners have em nowerdays
    • Fit the spoiler, rear visibility's over rated anyway.
    • Post the poll on max power.com because its gonna look OTT either way! ...and fit some neons!

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Only a matter of weeks before im back on the road, (long story, some of the BBS veterans might remember...)


Anyway, my supe is finally comming close to readyness, dude is working on it as we speak, (well thats his story, he's probably down the park chasing squirrels knowing him).


Im not sure if the TRD widearch kit looks better with or without the spoiler though, so its up for the vote*


I've attached some of my favorite TRD wing'd and TRD un-wing'd pics to help, if anyone has any good TRD kitted supe pics (with or without wing), bung em on the thread, they can only help!!!



(*Bundy management reserves the right to completely ignore the results of the vote) :D



wingless trd.jp.jpg



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Al, I had this dilemma recently, sold my TRD and tried car without for a week, in end decided the stock rear wing is the coolest out there, so went retro and very happy :)


I think the TRD WB kit is one of the nicest out there and think it would look sweet with stock wing.

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unfortunately stock wing isnt an option nic, my supe never had one!

So its TRD wing (as in pics) or Wingless????


You could pick up a stock wing for peanuts compared to TRD, there must be loads kicking around in peoples garages after fitting new wing.


I'd either go stock wing or try it without for a while and see how you get on, TRD wing has become a bit too popular now for me.

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I don't get this "I've got an * spoiler and it's great, you should have one too" approach to giving advice/opinions surely you need to look at the car in question??


A widebody Supra is (obviously) a different shape from the standard one and so might not suit some things that work on normal ones...then there is the colour difference...then there is the owners own opinion of the look he wants from the car...


Which really brings us to the crux of the issue...that it's totally down to personal opinion, don't get swayed by a vote....do it your way and if you like it that's all that counts.


Not getting at anyone just surprised that some view the widebody Supra's as nothing different when I think it changes the lines completely...

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pics are just off my hard disk, god knows where they came from, can email them over if you like gazboy?


im well surprised at the ammount of anti spoiler support, couple of years ago you'd get shot on here for even thinking about going wingless!!!

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