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Knob jockey in a blue ferrari


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Supposedly happened about 4.30pm today.


Let me set the scene. We live on a country road in Stoke Poges between GX and Slough. Tight lanes, blind corners, no paths. Anyway, my mum and dad had stepped outside the house to walk the dog. My dad was trying to shoo the cat back towards the house so it didn't get run over, as it had followed them out of the drive and into the road. It's not a busy road. You could probably sit in the middle of the road (which generally speaking isn't big enough for two cars either side) for several minutes before a car presents itself. However, a lot of the locals walk along the road. It's the type of road where doing anything more 20 mph is dangerous.


Anyway, so the parents had only just stepped outside the house, when they clearly hear a car approaching, or should I say hurtling towards them. From the description my dad gave me later, we think it's a Ferrari California - sort of metalic baby blue colour. Can't be 100% sure.


So my dad motioned for him to slow down a bit. The guy zoomed past, breaked and reversed and said "You got a problem?"


You can probably see where this is going...


My dad says "Yes, you're driving too fast - you need to go slower."


to which the indian/asian gentleman driver in his 30's replied "Who the f*ck are you to tell me to slow down!"


My Dad said "I live here, it's not safe to drive at that speed down here."


"Oh yeah? Well I live here, too, old man. What? Are you some sort of f*cking policeman."


"Yes, I might be - you don't know what I do."


"Oh yes, you f*cking old man, I'll f*cking do you!"


FYI, my dad is ex-professional rugby. The guy was like 5'8." Right.


At this stage, cars had started to line up behind our foul mouthed friend and people were gathering.


My dad put his hand on the car door to lean closer and the guy screamed "DON'T TOUCH MY F*CKING CAR!" and went absolutely apesh*t.


My dad was ready to pull the guy out of the window/hit him when he noticed the guy reach for something behind his seat.


The guy supposedly said, again "I'll f*cking do you." At this stage, dad decide best not find out what the guy had waiting and calmly said "Just slow down, it's not safe" - pretty much what he'd said throughout. At which point the guy sped off and...


...nearly took out a family of four crossing the road. Mum, Dad and two young kids. Didn't even break. Prick.


At this stage, I think it started to dawn on dad what had just happened and really started to get angry. You know, the whole "I wish I had....x, y, z'ed him." Especially as he'd just witnessed the guy nearly take out the family.


Some of the vehicles as they passed enquired what the guys problem was and my dad just shook his head and went back indoors.


So that's it. What a d*ck. If anyone sees anyone matching his description in the local area, I want him. No one deserves to have that kind of filth fired at them and no one has the right to act in such a manner.


FYI, hate to admit this openly because I don't want to be seen as some rich kid, but Dad could afford this puke's car - six figure salary. Nuff said.


But none the less - this guy requires some serious head-to-baseball bat attention. I just got angry listening to what happened. It's not about money, class or race - it's about common decency.


Do you think there is anything the police can use to at least be aware of him? Dad didn't get a reg number and didn't think about getting witness details.

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google earth street thing or just ask about. Wouldnt have thought the police would give a fcuk it'd cause them paperwork or they'll be called racist for doing anything. Am I correct in assuming it's a prodiminantly white upper class area ? If so, lucky you, Im from Dagnaam ! Nuff said. Car's like that cant be common so you never know you might see it about again soon. If you do, twat him one from me too !! Asshole !

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when he noticed the guy reach for something behind his seat.


The guy supposedly said, again "I'll f*cking do you." At this stage, dad decide best not find out what the guy had waiting


Without a reg number I think it would be almost impossible to do anything. If you did have it, what you have written would be enough to get them excited.

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We're near a white upper class area (Gerrards Cross) but equally near one of the most reputably poorest and racially mixed towns in the UK - Slough.


But completely agree - A blue ferrari is a rarity and if it is a California, then it must be even easier to find.


Also, not saying Slough is a sh*thole, just saying it has a reputation for being a sh*thole.

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