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The story of stuff


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Quoted from this website - http://www.storyofstuff.com


"The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. ........It'll teach you something, it'll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever."


OK, so it needs twenty minutes of your life. Thats much less than one episode of Corry or Eastenders. It is fun and it is a different way of seeing things. I think the intro is a bit simplified so persevere through the first five mins. It does picks up pace. Dont be put off though.

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I've watched the first 5 mins and found it boring. Too much hyperbole, [facts] backed up by zilch, scaremongering attitude.


Nothing new here. Move along please.


Thankyou for such a well thought out critique based on 25% of the information. Annie Leonard, the presenter is a well respected expert in international sustainability and environmental health issues, with more than 20 years direct experience. She says herself in the intro she researched this particular presentation for ten years.


I also said that the first five mins were pretty tough going so you needed to persevere to get to the good stuff.


I can see you missed the big story but for those who may be tempted to take the above critique as guidance can I just say that they will be missing a well researched, fun and valuable presentation. Its not scaremongering or preaching. All it does is to ask you to consider where the stuff you use comes from.

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Yes that is my critique of the first 5 mins. Hyperbole is my main issue, and that's why I didn't continue watching. I also don't care for astounding [facts] plucked out of thin air.


I've always considered where the 'stuff' I use comes from, I don't need this woman to tell me things I already know or don't care about - or don't believe.

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She annoyed me in the first 10 seconds so I didn't bother, sorry. :D

I suspect from the info posted herem the title and the first bit I watched I would simply be sat saying "yeah, well, duh" throughout it, I'm not one to put any value on owning "stuff" TBH.


Try this, it's over 3 hours in total - some will learn something, some won't. Skipping through won't get you much benefit no matter how basic some of it may be, as some key concepts are introduced then linked throughout therest of the course and if you didn't see his thinking behind them in the beginning then you may dismiss them without thought later.

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SteveR - great link, thankyou but as I have found with this topic twenty minutes as a very condensed presentation is too much for many. Also her style may not be fantastic but it is aimed at everyman and as such I think it does a good job.


Hogmaw - She covers a huge topic as a skim but the facts are real enough. Like I said she is very highly regarded.


The mainstream everyday consumer will get some good info from this. Just stop for a minute and think - how can you buy electronic goods at such ridiculouly low prices, why do we invade other countries, where does our toxic waste go.


If this is a dead duck then I shall let it die and sorry for trying to do something a little more interesting than pointing at the usual social missfits in the press.



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If this is a dead duck then I shall let it die and sorry for trying to do something a little more interesting than pointing at the usual social missfits in the press.


Don't be disheartened, you can't please all the people all the time. Some poeple simply won't be interested, some people will be but then find ot's not for them, others will surely enjoy it/find it useful. :)

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extendor - I think you're being overly aggressive to those who may have an opinion that differs from yours?


I haven't watched it, as it requires flash, that I don't have installed on my PC, I hope that is acceptable?...

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If this is a dead duck then I shall let it die and sorry for trying to do something a little more interesting than pointing at the usual social missfits in the press.


Don't be offended mate :)


Most of my threads fall like lead off the stack.. no biggie. It's like a form of therapy for me - creating empty threads full of nothingness and indifference :blink:


I've also been known to end all threads, eventually :innocent:


I haven't watched it, as it requires flash, that I don't have installed on my PC, I hope that is acceptable?...


THAT is no excuse :no:

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Hogmaw - She covers a huge topic as a skim but the facts are real enough. Like I said she is very highly regarded.



Highly regarded by who?


In my business I'm highly regarded. One of the best in the world in fact, if not the best. But that doesn't mean anything to anyone unless I can back it up. She backs up her figures with nothing at all. She sums up 10 years 'study' in 20 mins. She uses colourful, imaginative scenarios and way-too-simplistic cartoons to explain highly complex scientific issues. She's talking shoite. Science for simpletons. Doesn't wash with me.

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some great thought leadership and well packaged bit of of media that, watched it all the way through.


She does come across as an eco-warrior but I enjoyed the presentation and how each element is interlinked, didnt agree with it all but to cover such a vast topic in 20 minutes and steps involved in the supply chain process was impressive.


I liked the simple pictures and easy format but thats probably because I am simple too :)

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extendor - I think you're being overly aggressive to those who may have an opinion that differs from yours?QUOTE]


My sincere apologies. That was not the intention.


I was getting a bit frustrated because as others rightly point out it is a complex issue but it is aimed at those that have not considered this issue before. For all its sins it is still thought provoking and fun. IMO - of course.

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