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One eyed scottish idiot


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Regardless of whether people think the PM does a good job or is the sole cause of the global economic crisis, it's a bit shocking that insults about a disability are met with a "Hurrah, JC is a man of the people" by some of the people on this thread.


My opinion of this forum drops further every day.

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Regardless of whether people think the PM does a good job or is the sole cause of the global economic crisis, it's a bit shocking that insults about a disability are met with a "Hurrah, JC is a man of the people" by some of the people on this thread.


My opinion of this forum drops further every day.


I find his insulting of a man's disability to be far less offensive than Clarkson's decision not to stand by his words.


If he genuinely felt that way about Brown then he should not have apologised.


If he didn't really feel that way then he shouldn't have said anything in the first place.

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One eyed = possible insult

Scottish = Not an insult

Idiot = insult.


I admire Clarkson for apologising. I feel that what we see on the TV is not the whole picture, I would like to know what he is like in real life. I feel he is a mature person, caring and a freind to most. I think he is a friend of Prince Harry, which speak volumes.


Gordon, will remain my hero though, a sportsman, and a humanitarian Christian. I could not wish for anyone better. His wife is fit too.

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One eyed = possible insult

Scottish = Not an insult

Idiot = insult.


I admire Clarkson for apologising. I feel that what we see on the TV is not the whole picture, I would like to know what he is like in real life. I feel he is a mature person, caring and a freind to most. I think he is a friend of Prince Harry, which speak volumes.


Gordon, will remain my hero though, a sportsman, and a humanitarian Christian. I could not wish for anyone better. His wife is fit too.


Sounds like three facts to me :innocent:

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I am glad that Clarkson doesn't feel the need to follow all the political correctness crap.... he has always been a bloke who tells it like it is.

"One-eyed scottish idiot" is quite fitting for the current PM.

One-eyed - its fact...... scottish - again this is a fact..... idiot - an objective view of his own and therefore entitled to it.

It would be a very strange world if everyone had to love everyone else, and forced to do so through political correctness.

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There are some thick people on here. One eyed would indicate that one of his eyes has been removed, possible replaced with a glass eye.


He has 2 eyes, how hard is it to notice/understand that fact?


Semantics from the closet pedants....meh!


He has two eyes but only one works. Happy?

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an objective view of his own and therefore entitled to it.

It would be a very strange world if everyone had to love everyone else, and forced to do so through political correctness.


I think you mean 'subjective'. An objective view would mean one that drew on observable data. For example: Brown got a 1st class honours from a top university despite a horrific accident that disrupted his studies, gained a PhD and is widely regarded as one of the leading political intellects of his generation. Objectively, then, whatever else he is, he's not an idiot.


IMO, the whole 'political correctness' thing is a red herring in this case. The PM is an easy target, because he's unpopular. But it's no different from him calling Eleanor Simmonds a stumpy little cow, or Lance Armstrong a disease riddled womble.


It's all grist to JC's mill, the more 'outrageous' he is,the more the money rolls in.


Edited to add: just spotted this comment from DaveK, which I think summarises my own feelings well:


it's a bit shocking that insults about a disability are met with a "Hurrah, JC is a man of the people" by some of the people on this thread.
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I think you mean 'subjective'. An objective view would mean one that drew on observable data.


well, 'objective' in the way that JC may have 'observed' how this man has ruined the UK economy?

Therefore JC has then made his own conclusion that he is an idiot, just like the French premier has more or less stated recently with regards to brown's decision to cut UK VAT.

Germany's government also stated that VAT cuts would do absolutely nothing. They made this public knowledge about a week after brown made the drop from 17.5%


So if other well established governments are telling brown that he is making wrong decisions, and he is basically riding his own 'high horse' and dogmatic views, then I would say it is a fair comment to say that he is an idiot.


The pound is more or less still at 1:1 with the euro, so the decisions that France and Germany have made are obviously allowing their economy to ride the credit crunch better than the UK.


I'm sure you'll also agree that bailing out the UK banks was not such a great idea too. I'm sure all the bank bosses and their 6 figure sum bonuses (of our money) will be laughing 'all the way to the bank' actually!



Just my own opinion by the way. :)

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