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Guaranteed British

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:lol: Peter


I am of course serious. You know the beauty of wales, and I have sampled a little of it too. Early childhood memories going to Machynelleth (pronounced ma c*nt lick, right?) to the CAT with my dad on a couple of occasions. Driving into monmouthshire via the west and small twisting roads and hills. Simply priceless. Must go there again, and not leave it too late. :)

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It's about a quality of work tho, not quantity. If you ask me, I find it rather suprising, how many people are totally oblivious to "customer service" term. Customer service is not only learnt smile and "thank you, your welcome, how are you" which means nothing. You just get used to it - it doesn't mean it's OK. Final effect of this long hours of work is also questionable.


Island will not feed all people crammed here, there is not enough land and costs are too high. What about natural resources? Do you honestly belive, that after generation of benefit kids there will be enough workforce to do all the jobs UK would have to do to keep up by itself? How you will force them to work on farm?


I can agree on innovate minds, but with education system going down the drain and few milions people who cannot read, write or count how long it will take to loose this potential too? It's all wrong attitiude, taking example from what worst in USA, no respect, no motivation, no culture.


So what do we do? Sit on our hands and do nothing? If we don't buy our own stuff who will? If we don't educate ourselves who will? If we continue to allow this slide then what do we expect to happen here? We could be heading back to 1800's levels of a select and small prosperous class with widespread utter poverty. I for one have no intention of staying in a land like that. So we either fix it or follow the rest of the escapees out the door.

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IMO, as a country we are Great innovators and the inventions that have been created that have changed the world. But somehow we always almost hate to exploit them? and other counties develop these ideas and take the credit. Take the Jet Engine/ Aircraft Carrier/ Tilting Train for example.

Shame that the negativity of this country always outways the Great of Great Britain because of the "Political Correctness" and "Red Tape".

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So what do we do? Sit on our hands and do nothing? If we don't buy our own stuff who will? If we don't educate ourselves who will? If we continue to allow this slide then what do we expect to happen here? We could be heading back to 1800's levels of a select and small prosperous class with widespread utter poverty. I for one have no intention of staying in a land like that. So we either fix it or follow the rest of the escapees out the door.


Are you still in Holland or wherever it was that you were working?

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We either have a weak pound and attractive pricing for those abroad buying british manufactured exports, or a strong pound and attractive prices for those here buying foreign made imports.

Either scenario affects labour volume and pay rates in opposite ways, and whilst our workers get taxed at a constant never fluctuating level, any short term balance achieved for long term growth will never last long enough to kick-start incentives by those companies that could make a difference.

Change of balance at the level required would take generations, beyond our lifetimes. By then, technologies and manufacturing expertise will be so spread out and comparative world wide, that the geographical area of manufacture will not matter any more.

'Made on Earth' will be the norm....after that, taxation, healthcare and social safety will determine what makes a country great.

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So what do we do? Sit on our hands and do nothing? If we don't buy our own stuff who will? If we don't educate ourselves who will? If we continue to allow this slide then what do we expect to happen here? We could be heading back to 1800's levels of a select and small prosperous class with widespread utter poverty. I for one have no intention of staying in a land like that. So we either fix it or follow the rest of the escapees out the door.


Start from the roots - educate young to respect and support community values, learn them how to communicate face to face, stop crying about "hard and stressful exams" - we got through it and we are still alive and sane.

We are not heading back to 1800's although I sometimes wish some of those lazy benefit exploiters would feel hunger and it would force them to find ANY job instead of milking my taxes.

I will definatelly buy british "stuff" once it will be priced reasonable and REALLY better quality then cheaper one - look about this "organic food" hype - it's priced twice as standard food, but quality is not THAT different to me to pay the price.

I would also love to support british bussines, but when I was asking last time about moving my project car 4 miles I did choose polish bloke as he was only one willing to load and unload rolling shell without front wheels! Other either demanded 90 quid for a job or was not even bothered to talk once they heard it will need some fiddly manouvres (sp?)! Hardest working "working" class HAH!

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Are you still in Holland or wherever it was that you were working?


Not at the moment no. The mrs wanted to come back to this wondrous land in order to live a couple of streets away from her dear ma'ma :( I have an offer back in Holland of a job that pays better money for 10 hours a week less work and 2 hours a day less driving in a significantly less stressful environment bringing an F model helicopter into dutch service instead of reverting E model helicopters back to D's for the brits. Add to that the fact that our house in Holland is costing me money to keep and the dutch do 50% miras tax relief still and the fact that its costing me nearly 50% more to pay the mortgage deficit its hard to ignore.

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  • 6 months later...
Why the hell not?


In the mid eighties the Irish economy was in dire straights. Worse than we are in now by a long shot. How did they get themselves out of that? They did it with the guaranteed Irish scheme.

So what was the guaranteed Irish scheme? It was a proper government led big uppmanship of Irish products. It was financed by the government completely. Not only that they also subsidised Irish products on the shelves to make them as competitive as possible.

Watching sir Jamie tonight reminded me of this. Seeing how miserably small the logo's on British farmed meat is in comparison to the "wiltshire" cured emblazoned actually Danish bacon takes the p*ss a bit.


Instead of throwing billions at foreign owned banks, and foreign owned car industries why don't we support our local home grown industries and start a similar guaranteed british system. Promote the purchase of British products even if it means subsidies, would benefit British jobs and people a lot more than lending us more money we can't pay back.


Doing something like this would seriously hinder, if not turn around, the Governments plans to cripple Britain. If we get back on our feet, why would we have any need to join Europe? We wouldn't, so the Government are not the slightest bit interested.

Just look at the state of this country compared to what it used to be. You think this happened by accident? With all the 'great minds' in Britain, do you think no one could have seen that giving out benefits to lazy unwilling people who use children as benefit coupons, and showing people that you don't have to work if you don't want to, and just staying at home breeding is work-enough to get by is the way to be? No wonder this country is failling. No motivation to dig ourselves out of this hole we've dug ourselves into! People are too lazy, and too selfish to help anyone these days, even themselves! And why would they want to help anyone anyway? Kids aren't taught respect, so have none, and it's frowned upto to discipline them now, instead, just fine the parents! Bring in fines for just about everything! This is a lazy, unmotivated money grabbing benefit-reliant culture. It will be the death of a once great country. It was designed as such.

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This is all rather depressing. I'm going to stop thinking about it now and think about my car.


"Generation of benefits"... it's these people that are to 'blame' for the immigrant worker numbers. They cannot complain that there are too many immigrants if the immigrants are doing the jobs they are too lazy to do - or get more benefits by staying at home.



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Why the hell not?


In the mid eighties the Irish economy was in dire straights. Worse than we are in now by a long shot. How did they get themselves out of that? They did it with the guaranteed Irish scheme.


And you seriously believe that promoting Irish produce got the whole economy out of a recession, do you?


No - the Irish economy was helped in a much bigger way by joining Europe. They got masses of European money for development of their infrastructure and for grants etc for business start-ups. Promoting their products abroad probably brought in at least as much cash as the guaranteed Irish scheme did at home. (Guiness, anyone?)


Could this be why our govt. is screwing our economy so hard - so that eventually we'll have to go into Europe just to survive!


Oh yes, while we're talking about the virtues of the various British regions, don't forget Northern Ireland. It's nice there too!

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What it did was attempt to keep the little money there was in the country. For sure the infrastructure that you see there now is built by alot of european money but this is the case of alot of the more agricultural nations of the EU. In a country that is struggling to keep its head above water the last thing you need is to import everything, especially if you have business's in the country about to go out of business because they can't even sell their products to their home market. Every job lost has a double impact on the economy, not only are they drawing money from the strapped coffers in benefits the money for the product they made is being sent overseas.


On a small scale it doesn't appear to be that big an issue, but when you look at the sheer amount of products that do have British equivalents, that are struggling to make sales then surely having a way to distinguish between imported goods and home made ones would in the least allow people to make a choice. Put it this way most people will now know someone that has lost a job recently because their firm collapsed, and in the next year I suspect that tally will become bigger. If you could save your mates job simply by knowing that he made it and buying a bag of crisps, your kids crayons, clothing, frozen goods, tinned goods etc made in the UK as opposed to overseas would you not do that? How long before its your own job at stake?

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