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Should MPs have to disclose their expenses?


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thats another point,


how do we know its 6 billion


Err...you got me...I guessed.


who has time to count to 6 billion and how long would it take. lol


its a stupid figure


It's a stupid figure?? How do you mean?


there was atleast 3 million living in one street in an undesirable area when i was younger.


Did you have the time to count all 3 million living in one street.

Meh! That's a stupid figure.


another government deception scheme.


you mighty aswell ask me to go and count how many fish are in the sea.


Would you please go and count all the fish in the sea?

Take the necessary equipment.


the point being, people move about, they dont stay still to be counted, and we only go by a tick in the box

its bo@@ocks


So do fish. Eh? What?

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I thought it was funny in one of the links provided that they mentioned someone spent £245 on a bed and mattress, why did they feel the need to even mention it? Aside from the fact it's such a modest amount, it's clearly a living expense if it's going into furnishing the extra house that's required for him to do his job.


Whats so funny about them using our (tax payers) money rather than there own, all these MPs still get a wage so if there bed at home breaks why are we paying for it.


Travel expenses etc which are related to work I have no issue with, if I am not allowed to claim expenses for personal gain due to rules they have put in place then why the hell should they get away with it.


Its a complete abuse of power in my mind.

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Because you probably don't need an extra home to do your job properly an MP, or anyone for that matter, shouldn't be out of pocket or have to lower their standard of living just for just trying to do their job.


Different companies have different rules for expenses and it applies to the government too. It's part of their pay structure. Some give you nothing at all and some are very generous. If it was down to the public what expenses do you think an MP would get? Next to nothing.


I think we're talking about their pay structure now.

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...But they voted against it.I wonder why.:whistle:


That's the most outrageous part - that they get to vote on stuff that directly applies to them.


"hmm, should we divulge this information? mmmm, No."


"Hmm, should we all have big pay rises? mmmm, yes"



WTF is with that? Voting on getting your own pay rise?

I wonder whether the country was better off when it was run by the independently wealthy? People who didn't need to scam for expenses, career politicians, and lazy scoundrels who don't want a proper job but do want power.

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That's the most outrageous part - that they get to vote on stuff that directly applies to them.


"hmm, should we divulge this information? mmmm, No."


"Hmm, should we all have big pay rises? mmmm, yes"



WTF is with that? Voting on getting your own pay rise?


Yep. In any other industry it would be a Conflict of Interest, and people who are independent from the result would be doing the voting.

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Brown backs down in expenses row


The government has shelved plans to hold a vote on controversial proposals to restrict the amount of information published about MP expenses.


No 10 had insisted it would hold a vote on exempting expenses information from Freedom of Information laws and that Labour MPs would be forced to back it.


But the government has now decided to abandon the vote after opposition parties said they would not support it.


The High Court said last year receipts for MPs expenses should be published.

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No, I do not feel that they should publish their expenses in full and explicit detail. What underlies this desire to see expenses is lack of faith in UK politicians, and a feeling of us and them. I believe that faith needs to be restored in UK politicians in a different way than going anal on expense accounts.

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No, I do not feel that they should publish their expenses in full and explicit detail. What underlies this desire to see expenses is lack of faith in UK politicians, and a feeling of us and them. I believe that faith needs to be restored in UK politicians in a different way than going anal on expense accounts.


And just how are we supposed to trust politicians if they want to hide the way they spend public funds? If we can't trust them to be responsible over trivial expenses, how can we trust them with life and death situations?

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And just how are we supposed to trust politicians if they want to hide the way they spend public funds? If we can't trust them to be responsible over trivial expenses, how can we trust them with life and death situations?



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No, I do not feel that they should publish their expenses in full and explicit detail. What underlies this desire to see expenses is lack of faith in UK politicians, and a feeling of us and them. I believe that faith needs to be restored in UK politicians in a different way than going anal on expense accounts.
What better way to restore that faith than to be completely open about what they claiim from the public purse?

Changing the law so that you are above it does NOT.

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No, I do not feel that they should publish their expenses in full and explicit detail. What underlies this desire to see expenses is lack of faith in UK politicians, and a feeling of us and them. I believe that faith needs to be restored in UK politicians in a different way than going anal on expense accounts.


They have to start the ball rolling by being honest and upfront,

as opposed to being devious and changing the rules to meet their

Own aims.

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