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Also people who say 'sanity check', 'quick question' and 'moving forward'.... stop!


Moving forward! That fills me with such rage that even simply reading it makes me want to punch my monitor.


I haven't read the thread but I want to kill everyone who's ever played or plays panpipes. Or even anyone who plays CDs with panpipes on. I hate them so much even thinking about them makes me want to eat a sock full of snooker balls and then jump up and down until my balls fall off.


Add to that the Bongos! Honestly. What level on ineptitude must you have sunk to where you think that these are a viable instrument? I've always thought that drummers were the lowest level of musician but the bongo player proves otherwise.


Although there is something worse than all of these. A non-instrument that can not only annoy with it's sound but also with the people that choose to 'play' it.


The Didgeridoo.


Blowing into a hollow stick doesn't make you a musical genius. Just because you can make it go BLAAAAAAHHHHHHHH does not mean you are playing a tune, Jeremy (and they are always called Jeremy). Drill a f**king hole in the side, make it go BLLLAAAAAHHH WAAAAHHHHH BLLLLAAAAHH WAAAHHH and you'll be getting somewhere.


Get your bloody dreadlocks cut off too.

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I get annoyed by the adverts for Lenor infusions fabric softener, going on about the enticing fragrance of Black Diamond and Lotus Flower. Which will just smell of Lotus flower. Black Diamond smells of nothing!!


I get annoyed by all of the DFS adverts. I won't ever buy anything from them.


I don't know if it's already been said but I get annoyed by people who don't say thank you when you let them out of junctions. Or even worse are the people who just sit there after you've flashed them out, whilst deciding what they want to do.

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People who insist on using the stairs when it is busy after several rush hour trains have just arrived. Although there is no room for them to climb the stairs they will push past even though there is an empty escalator 2 foot away.


On a related note, people who stand still on the escalator. You're supposed to walk up and down them FFS.


If you are going to stand there like a bump on a lawn then stand to the right so people can walk past you.

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All of the Xmas stuff we're getting rammed down our throats...


The exaggerations on the Police! Camera! Action! style shows, when they say someone was nearly run over, when they were on the pavement on the other side...


Jeremy Kyles holier than thou attitude...

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When another motorist does something that totally ignores the highway code but then has a go at you as if you're in the wrong! (Right hand lane for straight on at a roundabout and then forcing me off the road Mrs Ford Focus on the Metrocentre ringroad; and white van man at the single car traffic calming chicanes giving me evils cos I had right of way and wasnt backing down)


Automatic renewals on policies like insurance and breakdown cover etc.


People thinking "wanker" because obviously the only reason why Im parking in the parent and child parking spaces as Tesco is because Im a lazy tosser. Not because of the 4 year old and 6 year old in the back of my car on booster seats


Stupidity at petrol stations when theres a queue. Your car *will* fit through the gap, use the pump in front of the stationary car.


I was driving towards a petrol station on my side of the road and a woman in an MPV was waiting to turn across my lane of traffic into the petrol station. I flashed and let her across. There were only 2 pumps free. She then pulls into the first pump, stops, gets out and fills her car up. This confused me as I wondered why she didnt pull forwards to let me use the back one and her the front one. Then after she filled up, she jumped back in her car, moved it forward to block the front one, gave me the thumbs up, and then joined the massive queue inside the petrol station! Now the only free pump had her car parked in front of it, and the pump she'd left for me couldnt be used cos it hadnt been paid for!!! It made me laugh more than anything I just couldnt get my head round it.


People that say "Could of" not "could have". Ive seen it so much I accidentally wrote it myself the other day.


Delay for shutter buttons on digital cameras. I dont care how many megapixels it has or whatever rifle scope maker's lenses are in it, make a camera that takes the picture when I press the fucking button. They had cameras that you need to go under a curtain and hold a flash rail in your hand that takes pictures when you want. And they're that old they used those to take pictures of Jesus!!!


Recruitment agencies and interviews asking what you've been doing since your last job, and when you reply "looking for work" they give you a funny look and insinuate that either Im not trying hard enough or that they would find a job quicker.


When you decide what car to buy and buy one and read up on it and then whenever you get the magazines like Redline or Banzai etc theres always a million other, better designed, less expensive and nicer looking aftermarket parts for the other cars that were in your shortlist but you decided against for a stupid reason like "I dont like the carpet pattern".


Webuyanycar.com Apparently if I buy a car for £2500, 8 months later its only worth £750 according to them.


When car dealers try to tell you things that you know they are just making up on the spot. Like when I was looking at a yellow Celica GT4 in Wigan and the guy kept insisting that no imported cars came with history, where Id actually asked why it didnt have any history or handbook for the 9 years it had been in this country.


Car dealers that have no idea what they have. Like when they dont know how to pop the bonnet or remove the keys (if its a push twist ignition barrel).


When people write things on forums like "that really annoys me... /rant over" like its common knowledge that putting a '/' before something means the end of it. Like code on a website. I dont know nob all about that type of thing, why bring it into common conversation. I wouldnt start talking about rifles or death metal bands or guitar scale lengths versus fret positioning or the Buzz Feiten tuning system. I wouldnt go on a boxing forum and say I got punched in the face like the power of a single'd supra.


When people receive and read texts, and then just put their phone down. Im texting for a reason! Text back! If I was to ring, you'd be like "you rang me just to say that?".


People who jump all over female members on a website like "hey baby nice car Id give you a ride sometime huhuhuh" if you want to chat up lasses go out to a club.


People that think they can be tossers on forums cos they post a lot or know a lot. Not particularly this forum, cos after a while you can tell its all good natured. But other forums Ive been on people would just be rude and not take the other persons perspective. As an example, on the 306 board I was on ages ago, one guy had managed to get 18s on his car. A very nice set of multispokes that looked perfect. His car was very subtle and no-one could tell it was on 18s until he said otherwise. Everyone says 17s is the max and 15s is the best for handling etc which is true, but some people dont value handling etc if all you do is a daily commute and value looks over performance. And people would be saying how it handles shite and would rub, and he would tell them otherwise, and they'd ignore him. People saying that hubcentric wheel spacers ruin wheel bearings, but have no actual proof. I'll agree that they cause accelerated wear, and that people on here may know of some truthful incidents, but the people that shit a brick when I was running stud conversion spacers had no grounds for the basis of their witchhunt!


Finally I hate my inability to stop thinking at nighttimes!!!

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Companies that ring me and pretend that they spoke to me (or someone else here) about 6 months ago and they're just ringing back.




I'm registered with the TPS and you pretending I'm already a customer of yours does not cut it - now F off.

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Fallout 3.


I don't have enough time. I really don't. Stop rewarding me with yet more cool things to do and explore.


Third night without proper sleep here, I need to stop playing this damn thing (yea, right!) :(

I do hate people who throw trash around (cig butts, bubble gums, various papers, food) and think it's "normal". I also cannot stand this feeling, that most of the things I see around looks ... temporary made, even if it is like this for a quite a few years. I do hate ignorant people and those who think, that just because they speak louder, they have to be right...

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My inablility to get passed a certain level on 'hard' setting on Call of Duty 4 on PS3. HOW DO YOU KILL 30 MEN THAT ARE CHASING YOU WITH FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS WITH A HAND GUN AND A 5 SHOT SNIPER TWATTING RIFLE!??!? AND THE DOGS!? WTF ARE THEY ALL ABOUT!??!


Rant over....

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Companies that ring me and pretend that they spoke to me (or someone else here) about 6 months ago and they're just ringing back.




Haha I got told to use that when I went on telemarketing training for my last job as a rep (minimal telemarketing thankfully) and I was like "they'll know who called them, they're not stupid" and they were saying "No no it works" - I knew it didnt!



You'd probably get a good response if you did - there's a few extreme metal fans on here...


I thought I might :D Ive noticed a few guys on here that are into similar music. Im listening to Rotten Sound at the moment :D

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When people write things on forums like "that really annoys me... /rant over" like its common knowledge that putting a '/' before something means the end of it. Like code on a website. I dont know nob all about that type of thing, why bring it into common conversation. I wouldnt start talking about rifles or death metal bands or guitar scale lengths versus fret positioning or the Buzz Feiten tuning system. I wouldnt go on a boxing forum and say I got punched in the face like the power of a single'd supra.


Crikey, that's an extensive list of things you hate.


With regard to the [/rant] one, you've worked out what it means, so why the frustration? Also, bear in mind that a lot of people on here work in IT, so it's well known to a good proportion of the forum. The analogy to posting about scale lengths doesn't really work because most people aren't going to know about that stuff.


However, wth regard to your boxer comparison, I was posting recently on a powerlifting forum and told a guy that he had the power-weight ratio of an Ultima GTR. He didn't have a clue what I meant, so he googled it. Funnily enough, he didn't seem the least bit incensed by the fact I'd referred to something he hadn't come across.

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