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People saying their computer has 500 'gigs'. It's gigabytes or 'gig'.


People saying their computer has 500 'gigs' when you ask how much memory they have.


The same people saying they have 'the internet' on their computer. Gosh. That must be some machine you have...


Mars Milk and Oreos being advertised as 'New' at the moment.


People in general complaining about the price of non-essential goods. If you've got a roof over your head, food to feed your family and have your physical and mental everything else is luxury. Whinging will not help you get what you want, put some effort into working towards what you want or bloody well STFU. Until we eliminate poverty and disease (in some sort of grand utopia) quit moping or bitching that you don't have everything you've ever wanted.


In fact people just generally getting on my nerves whining about what they want and having a 'me me me me me' attitude. Man the f*** up and fight/work for what you want or s*** and get off the pot. I'm sick of it. Nothing worthwhile in life is generally easy or free.


I'd swear but quite frankly I like this thread outside of NSFW.

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People say that?


I'm familiar with "going to Tescos" when they are actually just going to one shop but I've never heard Asdas.



Yep. The very same. It drives me nuts, and I can't help but say the singular even if it's not that incorrect considering Tescos and Sainsburys sounding correct!


Maybe it's just me, but my sister makes sure she says it every time now. Those black eyes will never heal you know?!

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EDIT: I am so envious of these monumental 'gigs' phenomenon, as my iMac only has 1 - terabyte. :)


I am waiting for the future phenomenon of I have 5 'teras' or 'exas' , 'zettas' and I may even get to see 'yottas'.


Brings me to the point that whilst I work in IT I specialize and luckily have not touched Windows much after XP but yet all friends + family assume I can fix any problem or rebuild any machine no matter what OS without them supplying a license key or install disks. Yes I keep a repository of every bit of software known to man on my machine that has 'the internet' installed on it.


I do not expect the local kwik fit mechanic to be able to sort out some fuelling issue on a Ferrari F40, but yet I assume you do. Or your local GP to be able to perform a little operation on your occipital lobe if you just pop in for a quick appointment. There are professions, there are also specialists in professions.


And quite frankly unless you're one of my dearly beloved people in my life I'd prefer to commit hari-kari than rebuild your Windows ME/Vista machine.

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You are upset, aren't you?! :D


Following on from those cringeworthy abbreviations; cringeworthy abbreviations. People thinking that it's fashionable to abbreviate reasonably easy words to say into a daft buzz word. They do annoy me.


For example, James Corden. And his 'hilarious' supercalifrag, expialidocious-ly stupid buzz word yesterday on Radio 1. Moron.

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T*sser marketing people. They're not new. I'm glad the people that make monster munch deliberately put Old! on the bag.


As a sidenote if you eat solely Oreos for a 24 hour period you will find your digestive output looks akin to a very long melted Oreo. Slightly smells like one too. I think I ate 4 packs in one day and nothing else. I did not attempt to milk dip it afterwards.


Hey this is a ran thread, it's purpose is just that. Now I'm off to lift some weights as being on call means I can't go down the gym. This thread and exercise are good means of relieving tension.

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I might have done this one already but I'm adding it again - people who pull off a motorway, change lanes or turn into a junction and indicate that they intend to do so when they have already made the move.


Putting your indicator on when you already have all 4 tyres on the sliproad doesn't really "indicate" your move to me as much as the process of steering your car to that location did.


And what's the deal with indicators in general these days, are people too lazy to use them on the motorway or do they all have newer Vauxhalls and can't get used to the different way of using them so don't bother?


This whole thread could just have one post that says "people" I guess, annoying beasts in general.

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Not having driven a new Vauxhall I'm not aware of any new way of using indicators. Can you elaborate?


I'll bring it round and let you have a go but in summary they don't "click" into position, you move the stalk up and release for a 3 flash or hold it for a short period for the indicator to stay on. To cancel you move it back in the same direction.


Simple enough really and once you get used to it there is no problem but your brain wants to click the other way to cancel so you see people indicating left, right, left, right as they furiously try to cancel or just indicating constantly because they think they went for a quick flash but actually held it a millisecond too long and got the full monty.

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I'll bring it round and let you have a go but in summary they don't "click" into position, you move the stalk up and release for a 3 flash or hold it for a short period for the indicator to stay on. To cancel you move it back in the same direction.


Simple enough really and once you get used to it there is no problem but your brain wants to click the other way to cancel so you see people indicating left, right, left, right as they furiously try to cancel or just indicating constantly because they think they went for a quick flash but actually held it a millisecond too long and got the full monty.


That sounds terrible, what's wrong with the normal way of operation? That could explain the bizarre seemingly random indicating I saw when behind some corsa the other day.

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That sounds terrible, what's wrong with the normal way of operation?


I presume the newer ones are cheaper to make and have less parts, there can't be any other reason really, there was certainly nothing wrong with the traditional and widely accepted way of doing it IMO.


Is this change limited to Vauxhall or are others doing it too? I really hope not.

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I presume the newer ones are cheaper to make and have less parts, there can't be any other reason really, there was certainly nothing wrong with the traditional and widely accepted way of doing it IMO.


Is this change limited to Vauxhall or are others doing it too? I really hope not.


The new Mercedes Sprinter are the same so I would imagine probably the same on new Mercedes across the range.

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