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SNOW !! employees make excuses why they cant come in

michel lane

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I understand what you're saying and of course there are situations where people are unhappy in their work. But I do feel that there is a prevailing attitude in the UK where the work ethic simply isn't there, where people who are well paid want even more, and where people think it is their right to have a (well paying) job regardless of whether they have worked hard or deserve it. The strikes in the '70s crippled our nation for these kind of reasons and we have never recovered.

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I understand what you're saying and of course there are situations where people are unhappy in their work. But I do feel that there is a prevailing attitude in the UK where the work ethic simply isn't there, where people who are well paid want even more, and where people think it is their right to have a (well paying) job regardless of whether they have worked hard or deserve it. The strikes in the '70s crippled our nation for these kind of reasons and we have never recovered.


I agree with what your saying and think it is true. I think its perceptions that people earn a lot more than they deserve is the reasons for society becoming like that (I am sure we can think of people who fit into that bracket). Media constantly spreading gossip and rumours about people's elaborate lifestyles don't help.

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I understand what you're saying and of course there are situations where people are unhappy in their work. But I do feel that there is a prevailing attitude in the UK where the work ethic simply isn't there, where people who are well paid want even more, and where people think it is their right to have a (well paying) job regardless of whether they have worked hard or deserve it. The strikes in the '70s crippled our nation for these kind of reasons and we have never recovered.


Wanting more, has nothing to do with work ethic.


Funnily enough, its one of the things that I HATE about this country, is how much money means to everyone. Its always about getting more and not caring about how you get it. And that is shown in the way the government works, companies are run, people act, etc.


If you know your company does not give a rats a** about you, why should it be any different the other way around? Personally I believe that people place too much focus theirs careers and jobs and not enough on the things that really matter.

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Wanting more, has nothing to do with work ethic.


Funnily enough, its one of the things that I HATE about this country, is how much money means to everyone. Its always about getting more and not caring about how you get it. And that is shown in the way the government works, companies are run, people act, etc.


If you know your company does not give a rats a** about you, why should it be any different the other way around? Personally I believe that people place too much focus theirs careers and jobs and not enough on the things that really matter.


I agree - I feel its much much worse in London than outside of London this money grabbing attitude.

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Well I genuinely I couldn't get to the top my my street today to get to work!. No traction what so ever... I wasn't the only one either. Work is closed and on red alert haha


BTW I couldn't park my car up the driveway when I gave up, it just spun :(








Attempted to park it back in the drive!






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A few years back we had about a week of solid snow and the concil were pretty lax in getting the grit down. I made a concerted effort to get into work every day (in the Supra, as its my only car). I got up early, got stuck on my own drive (which slopes upwards towards the road) several times, so I started gritting it. Sometimes it took about 2 hours to make a 45 minute drive beause of accidents, etc. But I did get in every day. I also had to stay round a friend's house rather than drive home on one occaision. My car also got stuck there and has to be pushed out by a helpful neighbour.


However, when I weighed up how many times I'd almost had an accident or got stranded on a single carriageway country road simply so as not to be absolutely bang on time every day I decided it wasn't worth it. I reckon my employer would be happier if I didn't write off my only car and then have to take holiday while I shopped around for another one - or spent time in hospital recovering from an accident.


These days I plan ahead as best I can but if something truly unexpected comes up then you won't find me killing myself trying to get in. If I'm going to be late I'll call in and then make up the time later.

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I'm a contractor, and being the mercenary b*stard I am unless it's raining meteor's I'll be in the office to book my hours....




80% of the staff in my office are contractors - the only people who ever call in sick, snow-day, blah blah are the permies. People say contractors get paid too much, that they are more expensive than permies, well at least we show up and get the job done!

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today my driver might not come work at my shop tonight. Terribe ice on the road and it so much traffic. I usally drive to work from home took me 15-20mins but today it took me an hour!


Bloody hell been siding on the road and driver almost hit my car. seen few people had been crash near at shop :(

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WHY is it that when this country get a little bit of snow / rain / ice , everyone makes the excuse of not going to work or will be late . Has anyone ever thought , Ahh its due to snow tomorrow , i better get out of bed earlyer so i can get to work on time, rather then iam going to be about 2 hours late because there is snow on the ground. What sort of society is this that uses every little excuse not to get to work !!!!!..... so how do the people in europe cope with this ?? the country just comes to a stand still ??... and the hype on the news, it just gives people another excuse...... so fustrated this morning with phone calls, "there is about 4 inches of snow outside , so i wont be coming in to work " WHAT !!!! you drive a moped !!!! no you drive a 4x4, unless you cant see the road then get your arse to work !!!!! else i class it as a holiday ..... ohhh you got no more holidays left , how conveniant....


Blimey, glad I don't work for Michel, I was 2 hours late in this morning! Bloody car wouldn't start and I had ages to wait for a taxi.

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Back in the days of SmartGroups, there was a club member called Dan Southham - picked himself up a Mitzi GTO that happened to have snow tyres on it - dreadful in normal weather, but come winter he was laughing! No trouble driving where Landies feared to tread apparently.

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Funnily enough, my assistant got in an hour before me and he lives 30 miles further away ! Very commendable - 20 years ago, snow wasn't a problem, but now we have so many cars it doesn't take much to slow everything down. You should have seen the queus to get into Dewsbury this morning - christ knows why so many people want to go there...

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This country isn't in a mess because of Gordon Brown it's more down to the lazy, whinging and selfish attitudes of its workers ie people like YOU


Do I know you?


Actually, I'm a very good employee, I do all that is asked of me and more, I work more than the required hours, I'm not lazy or slopey shouldered like a lot of people.

But at the end of the day it's only a job. They wouldn't think twice about sacking me when times got tough for them, so if it's difficult to get into work and there's room in the managers discretion to allow for it then what's wrong with phoning in or at the least getting in late? It's nothing to get stroppy about as a manager, sh*t happens and we all have to deal with it.

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IMO I don't think it's what employees do when it snows that has had a bad effect on the economy, may be something to do with the 'fat cats' earning millions and the banks lending far too much to people that can't really afford to pay it back and still live a lavish life style.


Has a business owner I well appreciate that no employee will put in the same amount of effort as the owner, why should they.

All the owner can expect if for a good days work for a good days pay.


Everybody as different outlooks on life, for some work is important others see it as a means to an end. Others just don’t do it at all!!


I much more enjoyed work when business was booming and I could visit the office when I felt like it and play with my toys, but as the economy has weakened I find that I’m in the office daily trying to support my business hoping thing will get better so I can revert back to the life style ‘I’ like.


Even though I left home earlier this morning knowing I had a meeting first thing, I still came across longer delays than anticipated and was late for my meeting, I did ring into the office telling them and making sure my client was looked after drinks wise until I arrived 20 min late.


We do work throughout the UK and travel on a daily basis, it is very difficult to give and accurate ETA until arrival is closed due to traffic, all my drivers have sat nav systems and use their phone to convey ETA’s as best they can to keep people informed as we find communication a major issue with satisfaction with our clients.


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We only had a light dusting of what I thought was frost. I still left twenty minutes early though.


Twenty miles and three hours later I arrived at work!


If my boss was like Michel then there'd be some nursing of injuries for comments like that. How on earth are you supposed to know how long it'll take to get to work with so many variables to consider? Would he like it if his staff didn't go home just so that they could be at work on time?



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So those people who can't make it in today... are you still expecting to get paid? After all it's not the companies fault that you live where you do is it? So if you can't come to work then why should they pay you for not turning up?


I couldn't put anyone down for coming to work late on a day like today though. If you left at the normal time and spent many hours trying to come into work, then IMHO that show's a lot more dedication than just not even trying.

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