SupraStar 3000 Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 Haven’t had a major bout of road rage for along time, but tonight I had a duel with mad-max. I'm driving home in steady traffic on a duel carriage way with a car infront about 10m away travailing approximately 25mph. I notice this guy waaaaayyy ahead travailing in the opposite direction driving a black Ford Orion 'gear' with tinted windows. He puts on his turning indicator to turn into the center area ready to cross my path and I look in my mirror to see if its appropriate to flash him through, but seeing as I have no cars behind I decide to carry on and make him wait. Suddenly he pulls out with no warning and I have to jam on the breaks and take evasive action to avoid a bump by pulling across into the other lane. He decides to stop halfway through the aborted maneuver and look stupid at me as I slowly pass shaking my head in disgust. The moron with his shave head, tattooed neck and arm out the window ‘chav style’ puts his foot down and follows me right up my arse for the next few yards. We both stop at lights and he moves over to the right hand land with his window down. He doesn’t even wait to draw along side with me before he starts shouting his mouth off calling me this and that. :swear: I wind down my window (I’m in a 4x4 not soop) and tell him to stop shouting, calm down and tell him he should have waited for me to go past. With his veins starting to pop out his neck and his face bright red with rage he moves his hand to unlock the seat belt.... but luckly the lights change to green and I move away, not wanting to fight the incredible hulk and get home to watch neighbours with a nice cup of hot tea. The nutter then proceeds to follow me and drive at exactly the same speed along side me still giving me grief with all the other roads users gazing on in disbelief. About half a mile down the road we get a second set of lights that have just turned red. We both stop and he starts shouting at me again. This time I explode with rage and lean over the passenger window that’s still down and tell him to fuck off giving him the ‘bird’ at the same time. I slam on the handbreak and scream at him, what he thinks the problem is and what is HE going to do about it! The next few seconds are a blur but we both exchange blue words. The light finally turns green and I give him one more V sign and clearly mouth the word “twat” to which he doesn’t retaliate and we both go our separate ways. Now, I’m not really the confrontational type but this guy really asked for it. Took a few minutes to calm down and when I got home i was still buzzing with adrenaline. What an ass hole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SupraStar 3000 Posted March 17, 2005 Author Share Posted March 17, 2005 sorry, didn't know the post would be that long Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyJawa Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 Shoulda rammed him off the road if you were in a 4x4 - fecking tosser deserved it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RICHARDA Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 These days its seems like there is always some kind of incident whenever you drive somewhere Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elliot Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 These days its seems like there is always some kind of incident whenever you drive somewhere That's because there are so many morons on the road. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RICHARDA Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 Very true - unfortunately. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supradibbs Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 jealous people is normally the problem Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bobbeh Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 You go girlfriend! Maybe its the sun, we've had a couple of warm days and people have started being affected already Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kopite Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 sounds about right! people think that whatever the situation, THEY have the right of way and to hell with anyone else! a couple of years ago, my mum was in a shunt. other parties insurance accepted fault, paid for all damages. other woman sued my mum for compensation, no win and no fee etc........and won....go figure! (i cant!!!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clarkey Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 There's always someone like that one the road. A guy I work with .. was telling me that he was driving on a dual-carridgeway where the two lanes are merging into one. He's half cars length in front of a white van. The van driver speeds up in attempt to block him - doesn't succeed and then white van gives the bird. They're in the very slow moving traffic. So, calm as a cucumber - My friend undo's his seat belt gets out of his Rover 216 - walks around to the van and opens the white van man's passenger door - then politely inquires to what the problem is. White van is abit aback "*mutter* - *mutter* .. pick a ... *mutter* *mutter* ... lane". White van man is now about to drive on with the door still open. My friend then shuts the door .. and out of badness wipes a bogey on the passenger window!! Abit "ewwww" - but I was pissing myself laughing when he told me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
terribleturner Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 That takes the piss. He's in the wrong but feels fit to tell you off?? What is the world coming to?? I had a little the other day when i undertook a Middle lane morron. She flashed me several times and then gave me the wankers sign. I then thought this was an offer for sexual treats and so slowed down and pulled out behind her. Unfortunatly it seemed she lived up my way, so a 100 yard follow turned into a 3 or 4 mile hike. She must have shit herself. Road rage is not good, but there are drivers out there who just bring the best out in you. Should have done some breathing excersises. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soonto_HAS_soop Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 This is why you keep your favourite recreational sport equipment (baseball) in the boot, see if they obey a red light when you grab that outta the boot! I've seen many chavs beat their 0-60 times when my wilson 1300 gets taken out of the boot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pete Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 I had a loon follow me home once. A right jumped up short ar$e who thought he was someone big... Worst thing is you don't know if they're armed or not. In the end he buggered off mutter "You don't know who you're messing with". Freak. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imi Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 Was driving down Tower Bridge road (20mph limit - SPECS cameras in action) so there I was doing 20mph in 2nd gear......white minivan guy is honking his horn continuously at me, I get to a set of traffic lights that are red and stopped the car, got out and walked upto the van tell him to wind the windows down....which he doesnt so I said politely..."Did you not see the 20mph signs, next time pay attention and stop being a pain"...... at which point he started muttering away....(he wasnt expecting me to get out of my car) I stood there in disgust, shaking my head and sat back in my car and drove off. Some people are simply a waste of space. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dangerous brain Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 LOL I have had both giving and receiving of road rage. its daft but britains roads and driving culture is not helpful towards a relaxed driving approach. I've had morons trying to punch my windows through after I have "cut them up" ie forced the issue when its my right of way. One pedestrian just up my street considered I had stopped too close to his daughter "easily 13 feet away with no skidding I might add" and offered to cut my throat, loon even told me he would come find me where I lived and kill me. Changed his tone a bit when I then found him and handed his wife a note explaining that I beleived in pre-emptive strikes and that cutting of throats isn't a nice thing to do to people. Its a funny old world and everyone seems to be a bit tense. Sometimes it really is better to just let it go and get on with stuff. If the other dick really insists on being twattish and you are in a 4x4 then give him a little shunt he'll soon change his tone. People like that are natural born bullies face up to them and they bottle it, but make sure you have summat handy in reserve in case they do get a bit lairy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Peace Posted March 18, 2005 Share Posted March 18, 2005 You go girlfriend! Maybe its the sun, we've had a couple of warm days and people have started being affected already There was a couple of big fights near where I live today...St Patricks Day drinking! warm weather! Dunno But BNP supporter in a 'FORD' Onion...with tattoos, and shaved head...its always the same! its always the same people, I do find my tinted windows cut out a lot of road rage attacks as they dont know its little me he he... But its really frustrating I know when its the other persons fault...and they try to bully you into submission...the tinted glass does help..because they cant see your reaction...and they can be waving their hands about as much as they like but if they cant see the audience...then the shows off he he! Tinted glass is 'way to go' I have never been pulled up for it either, also If someone is too close to my arse then I slam the anchors on!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dRuNk-mEdIc Posted March 18, 2005 Share Posted March 18, 2005 I hate those kinds of people, this guy did the same thing to my mom, and he was shaking his head indisgust. Little redneck ugh bad drivers HOW THE HELL do they get there drivers license's??? lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRD3000GT Posted March 18, 2005 Share Posted March 18, 2005 I love when stuff like that happens... Makes you feel alive If someone looks like they are going to take it one stage to far I normally get out of the car before they do and it has an amazing effect on getting them to shut up. I hate when poeple scream at me like Im wrong when they know its them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SupraStar 3000 Posted March 18, 2005 Author Share Posted March 18, 2005 have to admit, I was kinda glad I stood up to him, otherwise I would have regretted it! Btw: If you carry a baseball bat in your motor, take along a ball.... its more convincing when your explaining the the old bill your play for the New York Yankees. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
China Man Posted March 18, 2005 Share Posted March 18, 2005 shave head, tattooed neck and arm out the window ‘chav style’ Thats me you moron! wait, no. I am Chinese J/K I wouldn't like to get involve in any argument on the road or anywhere. My life is too dear and I have too much to lose if anything happens. It doesn't take much, may be just a box cutter and your throat on the street and you will be dead. Or worse, alive and disabled and can't take care of yourself and rely on your love ones to look after you. Shit happens and no matter how many big guys you think you can take on all you need is a kid and a blade to shut you up for good. Stay in your car and drive like you normally would. I don't mean you should stand there and then and take a few punch in the face so they leave happy. If any one advance on me then I would have no mercy on him and I will make sure he will not have a chance to attack anyone for a long time. Just use your head "keep cool" and be careful in this sick world. China Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SupraStar 3000 Posted March 18, 2005 Author Share Posted March 18, 2005 wise words China Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Peace Posted March 18, 2005 Share Posted March 18, 2005 Just use your head "keep cool" and be careful in this sick world. China I have to just never know who ya dealing with..but In the heat of the moment we all rise to the challenge...on occasions I have actually found myself apologising (am I soft) even though its the other persons fault...and this userly ends up with 'Oh I'm real sorry too i guess it was actually my fault'..and thats normally followed by...'nice motor btw.'..and i normally say...'yeah Your fiesta is cool too mate!!!!' Just use a bit of reverse psychology....I used to blow kisses at them but i found this can be dangerous especially if they turn out to be a male rapist or something! Hot weather eh! bring back the snow! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dangerous brain Posted March 18, 2005 Share Posted March 18, 2005 Kenneth Noy need I say any more Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supRo Posted March 18, 2005 Share Posted March 18, 2005 You'll probably still get done if the cops catch you with a baseball bat even with the ball. You can get hold of a steering wheel lock that is just like a baseball bat! That'll be fully legal. However - If you got into a situation with someone giving you grief, you'll probably be more likely to use the 'baseball bat' and end up in alot of trouble yourself. If you can, I think it's best to avoid confrontation but as many of you have said, some of these tw@ts just don't give up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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