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whats your worst accident or injury?


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i think my worst was , when i was fifteen climbing a tree as you do shit hit the fan, and i fell approx 30-40 feet broke both my arms and my leg which was shit , but to top it all of beacause i didnt really use my cruches after the accident as much as i should of i broke the plate they put in which, rebroke my leg which hurt alot more than the first time ;) adrenalin dont kick in when ur playing cricket lol so there i was 7 weeks in traction what a load of ol shit that was hahah good times , good times ;)

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Oh that reminds me of a story, not about me fortunately but about a bloke at my old local.


This bloke, let's call him Smithy (cos that's his name) is a complete sniveling little sh1t. I mean he's built like a racing snake, wears double glazed glasses, has wheely-bin teeth (one every yard) and a laugh that could smash glass. No one likes this guy... face even a mother could hate... but I digress.


He was out in the pub one night with one of the other lads and this other guys bird. Now the other guy (we'll call him Shallow Hall in this story) likes his women LAAAAARGE and his misses is nothing short of an elephant. She proceeds to drink Gateshead dry and has REAL trouble standing up, making sense, eating pies etc. Mr Hall decides to try and get his misses home and takes her outside where she spent the next 20 minutes standing up then falling over again. Smithy thought this was hilarious, walked over, put his arm round (not all the way round obviously) her large frame and said "come on I'll carry you home" to which she fell over, landing on him, breaking both his arms and legs. RIGHT in front of the pub filled with p1ssed up locals in complete hysterics. I believe it took a good hour for someone to be able to ring an ambulance to take him to hospital... where he remained for a number of weeks

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Jake has obviously forgot having some numpty drop a Supra on his hand too.


OK, here goes...


Basically, at one of the first Ten Of The Best events (TOTB2 I think) John 'Dude' Morgan thought there was a problem with the drivetrain on his Supra. So the car was jacked up so both rear wheels were of the ground and we were both checking for abnormal play in the driveshafts/diff/prop etc.


Unknown to Dude, I was still laid alongside the car checking the rear wheel bearings when he, at the rear of the car, decided to let the car off the jack - which trapped my right hand under the rear tyre. :faint:


So I'm laid there going "Oh my goodness, that smarts a bit. Would somebody mind jacking the car up again so I can have my hand back please?". I think.


No, actually it was more along the lines of ... "AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!, MY HAND, MY FUKCING HAND, AAAARRRGGGGHHHH, AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!"


Luckily for me, the boys from CRD were in the pit next to the mkivsupra one and got the car jacked up again very quickly.


I can't remember why John didn't just jack the car up again himself - he was probably p!ssing himself laughing.


Nothing broken, thank God, but my had was strangely white and my fingers rapidly swelled up like sausages.


I was smoking a cigarette at the time of the accident and Ian C was most amused that while I was trapped, with my free hand I was taking puffs on the ciggy between screams.



Very, very sorry but I did laugh at that. Sorry. I shall go and do penance.
No problem mate. I'm telling these tales for the amusement of you guys.
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I was helping my uncle move house. He had most things packed up and we were standing in the hallway ready to take some of it to the van. I thought the door to my left was fully closed but it was just pulled to. I put my arm out and on the door to lean, it swung open, I went over and my face smashed through his glass table which was the other side of the door. I have a scar about 10mm from my eye.



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OK, here goes...


Basically, at one of the first Ten Of The Best events (TOTB2 I think) John 'Dude' Morgan thought there was a problem with the drivetrain on his Supra. So the car was jacked up so both rear wheels were of the ground and we were both checking for abnormal play in the driveshafts/diff/prop etc.


Unknown to Dude, I was still laid alongside the car checking the rear wheel bearings when he, at the rear of the car, decided to let the car off the jack - which trapped my right hand under the rear tyre. :faint:


So I'm laid there going "Oh my goodness, that smarts a bit. Would somebody mind jacking the car up again so I can have my hand back please?". I think.


No, actually it was more along the lines of ... "AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!, MY HAND, MY FUKCING HAND, AAAARRRGGGGHHHH, AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!"


Luckily for me, the boys from CRD were in the pit next to the mkivsupra one and got the car jacked up again very quickly.


I can't remember why John didn't just jack the car up again himself - he was probably p!ssing himself laughing.


Nothing broken, thank God, but my had was strangely white and my fingers rapidly swelled up like sausages.


I was smoking a cigarette at the time of the accident and Ian C was most amused that while I was trapped, with my free hand I was taking puffs on the ciggy between screams.



No problem mate. I'm telling these tales for the amusement of you guys.




I remember that! Rather funny looking back - got everyone panicked at the time tho' with your girlish screams ;)

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Not sure if I've posted any of these before, apologies if so.

I've split three toes up to the first joint with an adze (like an axe but the blade is curved and angled sideways)

I've been knocked clean out by a pillar drill when I got my hair caught in it and head-butted the casing.

I've had a three foot slither of wood spear through my right love handle when it caught up and flew out of a bench saw.

I've trapped and split my bell end after lifting a massive machining block up onto a high bench while wearing a pair of overalls too small for me. The first-aid guy passed clean out at the sight of it.

I've burnt my eyebrows off and most of my fringe whilst trying to light a sawdust burner.

I've stuck a red hot welding rod up my nose whilst welding under a fuel tank in a confined space.

I've fallen through a roof whilst repairing a chimney, falling onto three guys having lunch. I was fine actually, but two went to hospital.

I've walked off the end of a pier whilst blotto, breaking a leg and nearly drowning, except the tide was going out.

I've been knocked clean out by a jealous landlord, and lost all feeling down one side of my face and torso for three weeks.

Various other damage, but not half as much fun.

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Well mine i refrained from posting from page 2 but what the hell most of yours are worse anyway.


It was 2am and i went for a walk, as you do (don’t ask) when i heard a scream, ran towards that scream like a hero, to be confronted by a gang of 7 trying to rape a young girl in an old estate fly dipping zone thingy place.


Well, being 16 and very into Ninjitsu and boxing at the time, combined with thinking i was near invincible i asked them quite politely to let her go..:rolleyes:


Didn’t remember much of it, but i remember being picked up off the floor by an ambulance service with the inner skin of my mouth hanging out. My face bloated up so bad it resembled the elephant man i shit you not.


Combined with a broken jaw, and sucking on a straw for three months you could say i had a lot of aggression to channel.


I didn’t know what had happen at the time, but the girl saw it all. The whole affair ended up in court and with 3 very angry older brothers on the hunt.


I broke the arm of one, the knee cap of another and wrist of one other before i found myself jumped from behind and kicked the living daylights out of.


Ten years on and I have only personally shared that experience with a handful of people but what the hell, I am stronger for the experience as many of you will have been for yours.


Since that day I let out a lot of rage on many a heavy weight in the gym. I used to envisage seeing the main gang leader face to face one day.


Unfortunately that day would never come... He died two years later in a tragic accident.

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Had a few motorbike accidents (motocross, enduro, greenlaning, streetbikes) bad one was 2 fractured vertebra in my lower back, took me a good while to get over that.


In all ive broke my left arm twice (both times the bone came out the skin) and my right arm 3 times.


Ive broke both legs in bike accidents.


Also broke my collar bone falling off the scaffold on a building site.


Worst accident was flipping a Triumph T595 doing a wheelie, i took the skin off my right arm and back sliding down the road, biggest scabs you ever see and in agony for weeks.

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Well mine i refrained from posting from page 2 but what the hell most of yours are worse anyway.


It was 2am and i went for a walk, as you do (don’t ask) when i heard a scream, ran towards that scream like a hero, to be confronted by a gang of 7 trying to rape a young girl in an old estate fly dipping zone thingy place.


Well, being 16 and very into Ninjitsu and boxing at the time, combined with thinking i was near invincible i asked them quite politely to let her go..:rolleyes:


Didn’t remember much of it, but i remember being picked up off the floor by an ambulance service with the inner skin of my mouth hanging out. My face bloated up so bad it resembled the elephant man i shit you not.


Combined with a broken jaw, and sucking on a straw for three months you could say i had a lot of aggression to channel.


I didn’t know what had happen at the time, but the girl saw it all. The whole affair ended up in court and with 3 very angry older brothers on the hunt.


I broke the arm of one, the knee cap of another and wrist of one other before i found myself jumped from behind and kicked the living daylights out of.


Ten years on and I have only personally shared that experience with a handful of people but what the hell, I am stronger for the experience as many of you will have been for yours.


Since that day I let out a lot of rage on many a heavy weight in the gym. I used to envisage seeing the main gang leader face to face one day.


Unfortunately that day would never come... He died two years later in a tragic accident.


Wow, fair play for having the balls to stand upto them, most would walk by:thumbs: Can i ask what the tragic accident he had was?

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