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whats your worst accident or injury?


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I have had a few small accidents....


While walking in the French Alps I fell 150ft of the Alp in to a village. I woke up when they picked the bergan off my head so I could breathe.


I brused my spine on the way down after I hit my head on a tree and was knocked unconcious and went all floppy..... so when I woke up I could not feel my legs at all, or move my fingers much. I thought I was paralised for about 3 hours, until the mountain rescue picked me up (litrelly!) from the village and drove me to hospital and I had some X-Rays done.



Then a few years later while on my lovely TL1000R on the way to work... a kindly gentleman driving his daughter to work in the morning decided he did not want to sit in the traffic at Crouch End and go another way...hence the U Turn he did in front of me that caused me to hit his Nissan Micra (and write the fekkin thing off!) and write off my bike and cause me to take some unshedualed flying lessons. Right over the top of an oncoming car to land on the pavement on the oppersite side on the road. And the tool did not have a driving licence!!!


Then a few years later I went skiing...... :blink:




Dislocated my left knee, tore all the ligaments, destroyed the left posts of the knee joint, and almost loosing the leg through gangreen because when it strightned back up it took the skin, nerve and blood vessel into the joint and sqweeeeesed them shut. It was about 5 hours until I had an op to reopen the joint to remove the bits that should not be there....


Another 2 ops to try and rebuild the knee, using donor ligaments and bits of bone from further down the leg, oh and a few bolts too!


Like the x-ray???


And the scars and staples when the cast came off and they were trying to remove the staples from my leg.

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Cutting your eyeball must hurt!


The only injuries I've had from a dog: bitten on the face by a fox terrier at 4y.o; Nearly lost my thumb breaking up a fight between a GSDxCollie (the aggressor) and a staffy (minding it's own business) the former nearly biting my thumb off); Dislodged 6 teeth and badly bruised all knuckles, elbows and kneecaps when I went head to head with an English Bull terrier that had attacked my own dog. Damn thing was made of concrete and didn't feel anything.


Worst- lady pulled out infront of me in my MR2, I dislocated a shoulder, pulled all the muscles in my neck and slipped a disc.

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I was completely paralysed from the chest down in a still unexplained scuba diving incident (my ~500th dive as I was/am an instructor) did nothing wrong, in fact it was a very, very conservative dive profile.


I was told by all the medical experts and hyperbaric chamber staff (after ~8 hours in the chamber, and another 24 hours of intensive investigations, scans, tests, MRI/x-rays....) I wouldn't ever recover, but thank fook I started showing signs of recovery and got lots more treatment which ultimately meant I got 99% back to full health in the end.


Gave up diving, bought a Supra! :D

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Came off a motorbike on a corner, hit a tree stump (which was a tree the week before :eek:) and went into a ditch. Wacked head, broke both arms. Chinstrap of crash helmet was choking me but couldn't undo the chin strap because of the broken arms. Passed out. Woke up three days later in hospital.

Luckily my mate on the bike behind got my crash helmet off before I was killed by it.



2mtr high Tractor tyre split and exploded in my face when inflating it after puncture repair. Unknown to me at the time, the guy holding the airline had put over 100psi into it in an attempt to get it to "pop onto the rim" while I was holding the wheel/tyre upright to clear the dirty ground while inflating. 25 years later I still having ringing in my right ear.



The tyre accident also happened to someone i knew a couple of years ago, unfortunatly he wasnt so lucky and it killed him instantly.


Someone is watching over you from above i reckon! ;)

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Had a few when I was younger:


1 - Was climbing a 12ft fence, I slipped and fell and got a metal railing through my arm/wrist. Wasn't nice!


2 - Bit emberassing so I won't tell the full story, but once again I slipped and fell and got a 'big chunk' of flesh ripped out of me, there was so much blood, it covered 3 beach towels in a matter of minutes, I had 50 stitches, which now looks likes someones initials....all my brothers fault...but I forgave him!


3 - Had a car accident on a Friday the 13th, early in the morning, jumped across the dual carriageway on the A406 into the sky looking at the stars for several seconds, landed on the opposite side, at least 100 meters away, facing the other way, seemed like slow motion, the car was a right mess, I got out of the car without even a scratch, I even drove the car home...somehow. I believe the ICE system saved me, which was still pumping out 2000 watts of bass and church bells after I had crashed. Was one of the best ICE systems I designed!

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When I was 3 years old I cut my cheek open. I was at home and my Dad was looking after me and my sister. From what I've been told my sister was playing up and my Dad was telling her off. Whilst this was going on I had decided to pick up a glass off the coffee table and merrily run around the table with it.


I then tripped and fell over. As I tripped I let go of the glass and managed to fall face first on to it and smashing it. A peice of the glass went right through my cheek cutting it wide open.


I was taken to the hospital and the doctor made my Dad hold me down while my cheek was stitched up. Apparently the anasthetic hadn't worked soon enough and they had to stitch me up to stop the bleeding.


Obviously the scar is still there but the odd thing is so are all the stitch marks!

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i was stabbed in the neck walking through newcastle one night while out drinking by a local chav a few years ago i remember it hurt like hell not happy with stabbing me his mates gave me a good kicking all for nothing too, the doctor who stiched my wound up said a few millimetres lower and i could have died they were caught a few weeks later and locked up for two years ive got a nice scar to remind me of it.

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i was stabbed in the neck walking through newcastle one night while out drinking by a local chav a few years ago i remember it hurt like hell not happy with stabbing me his mates gave me a good kicking all for nothing too, the doctor who stiched my wound up said a few millimetres lower and i could have died they were caught a few weeks later and locked up for two years ive got a nice scar to remind me of it.

Ahhhh home sweet home :blink:

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i was stabbed in the neck walking through newcastle one night while out drinking by a local chav a few years ago i remember it hurt like hell not happy with stabbing me his mates gave me a good kicking all for nothing too, the doctor who stiched my wound up said a few millimetres lower and i could have died they were caught a few weeks later and locked up for two years ive got a nice scar to remind me of it.


Bloody hell!:taped:

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