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whats your worst accident or injury?


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Worst injury- (to be renamed *most foolish injury*)


Nearly got my thumb cut off as a man attemped to stab me throught the heart- with a bread knife. And all because I'd asked him to...:rolleyes:


Ah...the good old 1980's martial arts lessons- when men were men and we used real knives in training- just to demonstrate how good shit we were at defending ourselves against them.


Oh and I broke a fingernail once just before going on stage at a gig- complete disaster.

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Came off a motorbike on a corner, hit a tree stump (which was a tree the week before :eek:) and went into a ditch. Wacked head, broke both arms. Chinstrap of crash helmet was choking me but couldn't undo the chin strap because of the broken arms. Passed out. Woke up three days later in hospital.

Luckily my mate on the bike behind got my crash helmet off before I was killed by it.



2mtr high Tractor tyre split and exploded in my face when inflating it after puncture repair. Unknown to me at the time, the guy holding the airline had put over 100psi into it in an attempt to get it to "pop onto the rim" while I was holding the wheel/tyre upright to clear the dirty ground while inflating. 25 years later I still having ringing in my right ear.

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Came off a motorbike on a corner, hit a tree stump (which was a tree the week before :eek:) and went into a ditch. Wacked head, broke both arms. Chinstrap of crash helmet was choking me but couldn't undo the chin strap because of the broken arms. Passed out. Woke up three days later in hospital.

Luckily my mate on the bike behind got my crash helmet off before I was killed by it.



2mtr high Tractor tyre split and exploded in my face when inflating it after puncture repair. Unknown to me at the time, the guy holding the airline had put over 100psi into it in an attempt to get it to "pop onto the rim" while I was holding the wheel/tyre upright to clear the dirty ground while inflating. 25 years later I still having ringing in my right ear.


To be fair- that's (unfortunately) quite impressive.

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When I was a little kid in Tenerife, I was at the age of running off, so I did and went bang smack into the glass shattering it into pieces.


My parents spent all their spending money on me as I had to have surgery on my forehead and my knee.


All I remember is blood pouring from my head, not pretty...


Once when I was also a kid, I was helping my cousin feed a horse and I dropped the carrot and the horse took my little finger for the carrot.

My little 'pinky' went purple in about 15 mins after trying to 'munch' on my little pinky...


I also had an accident on my motorbike, I was going over a mini roundabout when a car just pulled out and squeezed me into the kerb,

I went flying and twisted my neck, back and shoulder.


Luckily, it was a big patch of grass that I landed on head first, backwards...


My worst accident though, was when I was driving my ex bitch home one night in my Pug 106, I pulled out from the roundabout, took the 2nd exit

but it was a very sharp roundabout, anyway, the car in the right lane decided he wanted to go on the same exit,

the driver cut me up sharply, I hit the brakes and due to my inexperience, the car let go, spun me around 180 degrees, I went over the kerb backwards

and hit a lampost writng my car off...


All I had was whiplash but that was horrible...:(


Too bad the ex wasn't killed though...:D

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Riding a Yamaha IT465 enduro bike home on the road after a bit of off road action on Sunday afternoon some tit in a BMW cut me up a bit coming off a roundabout onto a newly stone-chipped dual carriageway.

An IT465 can wheelie in every gear and easily do 90+ MPH.

So as I pissed past the Beemer in the left hand lane I popped a wheelie, just to really rub it in like, but sadly I gave it too much throttle and flipped the bike. Whoops.


As me and the bike cartwheeled along the road we both (me and the bike I mean, the beemer just fooked off, obviously) mounted the curb and were headed straight for a bus stop where three old ladies were waiting for their ride home.


Fortunately the main part of the bike tumbled to halt about 10 feet before it hit the old girls and two of them were even kind enough to help the ambulance chaps look for my right kneecap.

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Riding a Yamaha IT465 enduro bike home on the road after a bit of off road action on Sunday afternoon some tit in a BMW cut me up a bit coming off a roundabout onto a newly stone-chipped dual carriageway.

An IT465 can wheelie in every gear and easily do 90+ MPH.

So as I pissed past the Beemer in the left hand lane I popped a wheelie, just to really rub it in like, but sadly I gave it too much throttle and flipped the bike. Whoops.


As me and the bike cartwheeled along the road we both (me and the bike I mean, the beemer just fooked off, obviously) mounted the curb and were headed straight for a bus stop where three old ladies were waiting for their ride home.


Fortunately the main part of the bike tumbled to halt about 10 feet before it hit the old girls and two of them were even kind enough to help the ambulance chaps look for my right kneecap.


Jesus Jake!! :eek:


Don't you think you should give up riding bikes?! :D


Sorry if this sounds stupid, how come you didn't let go when the Bike flipped??

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Guest CoolsBlue

split my left elbow, god i remember that pain so well, had a wobbly tooth when i was younger, got fed up and decided to rip it out along with a chunk of my gum:Doh the blood:faint:and thats about it...so far...


dont laugh...i said so far:D


damn jake...:D

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split my left elbow, had a wobbly tooth when i was younger, got fed up and decided to rip it out along with a chunk of my gum:Doh the blood:faint:and thats about it...so far...


damn jake...:D


ooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhh! jake is superman to have survived his bike accidents

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I nearly had a horrible accident in my old N/A.


Back when I first had my silver '94 N/A, I was driving home from work, just literally pulling out from the car park anyway, I decided to give the old girl a bit of welly coming out of the corner and not realising the Supe's potential, I must have hit oil or something as the Supe just swung me sideways to the left and to start with I didn't know what the hell to do or what, luckily, i managed to get control of her but I couldn't have been far from an accident as the kerb looked pretty close!!


After that near accident, I learn't to respect Supra's and has taught me how to drive properly and how to drive a Supra...:)

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Don't you think you should give up riding bikes?!
You sound like my Missus! :D

I've still got a Fireblade, but I don't ride it much since discovering Supras.


Sorry if this sounds stupid, how come you didn't let go when the Bike flipped??
Easier said than done mate. Some instinct makes you try to save it even when all logic would tell a sane person it's hopeless. It's not like you have time to make a reasoned decision, I guess it's something you either have in your personality or not (I'm not saying it's a wise thing)

There's been a few times when what seemed like an almost certain nasty crash has been saved at the last gasp. I'm sure all the bikers on here have been in that situation and know what I mean.

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You sound like my Missus! :D

I've still got a Fireblade, but I don't ride it much since discovering Supras.


Easier said than done mate. Some instinct makes you try to save it even when all logic would tell a sane person it's hopeless. It's not like you have time to make a reasoned decision, I guess it's something you either have in your personality or not (I'm not saying it's a wise thing)

There's been a few times when what seemed like an almost certain nasty crash has been saved at the last gasp. I'm sure all the bikers on here have been in that situation and know what I mean.


Ooh thankyou...:innocent: :D


Yeh I know exactly what you mean Jake, im a biker too, I have had one accident but I suppose I had no choice but to let go and the other,

I tried to accelerate on loose gravel with a few people watching me, the bike got very sideways on me, you know, lock to lock...:D


I managed to save it which was lucky, as it was a brand new bike! :D

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Came off a motorbike on a corner, hit a tree stump (which was a tree the week before :eek:) and went into a ditch. Wacked head, broke both arms. Chinstrap of crash helmet was choking me but couldn't undo the chin strap because of the broken arms. Passed out. Woke up three days later in hospital.

Luckily my mate on the bike behind got my crash helmet off before I was killed by it.



2mtr high Tractor tyre split and exploded in my face when inflating it after puncture repair. Unknown to me at the time, the guy holding the airline had put over 100psi into it in an attempt to get it to "pop onto the rim" while I was holding the wheel/tyre upright to clear the dirty ground while inflating. 25 years later I still having ringing in my right ear.




You jammy geezer..


Two important questions spring to mind.


How many lives do you have left? And..


Have you finished your homework?

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Another one (sorry but I'm on a roll :D)


We used to do a lot of water skiing when I was growing up on the Isle Of Wight. When was about 17 my old man decided I was old enough to drive the speed boat. So I'm driving the boat, on my own (yeah great idea Dad, well done) and the old boy was skiing behind the boat (He'd have been in his late 30's if I was 17 - so younger than I am now!)

Anyway, at one point he fell off the waterski and I was a bit too quick to turn the boat round to go get him.

I flung the steering wheel round to the left - the boat tilted a lot more than I expected (because boats keep full throttle unless you actually pull the throttle back - unlike cars which slow down if you stop pressing the throttle)

So as the boat tilted sharply to the left I fell out of the seat and broke my collarbone.



So I laid there screaming on the floor of the boat, in a tight wetsuit, which didn't help the broken collarbone much, with the boat going round in tight circles at full throttle whie my dad was in the water shitting himself that he was just about to be killed by an out-of-control speedboat.


This. Is. Not. Good.


I managed to turn the boat ignition off after a minute or two but it was scary for for a while. (So he tells me :D)


I can still remember my dad taking me to the hospital in total silence once we got ashore. He looked a bit ill actually.

Must've been something in the water :innocent:


I don't think he ever really trusted me after that, the grumpy old bastard - honestly, you make one little mistake!!! . :D

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At 8 took a running plunge onto some concrete 4-5ft below - face first (yes that is why I am so beautiful) - it wasn't planned funnily enough, someone thought it would be funny to launch me in the general direction of the patio as I ran past (kids eh?). That hurt and I remember it vividly, although lost no teeth as I had lost several the week before when my brother and I were fighting.


At 9 fell 20 feet+ from a tree (little monkey, and possibly where I have my modern fear of heights from) catching a few branches on the way - zero injuries. Weird one, didn't hurt, was just shocked. If I did this today I would die!! Kids bounce, which is cool! (and fortunate)


At 9 again, wall fell on me. I mean come on... who expects a wall to fall on you randomly? A good 4 foot wall just collapsed, all I lost was a part of a toe nail on my right foot thankfully!


At 10 years old, playing with a power transformer - trying to see if I could get chlorine from salt water - rammed two "modified" pencils into a saline solution from a bodgered mains adapter... took a nasty shock from that! (dissolved 2 x 2p coins too before I got to that stage - in retrospect, I was way too curious as a child). WTF I was going to do/test/observe with the chlorine I do not know/remember!


At 15, I thought it would be funny to put my fingers across the ends of a cathode ray experiment in the Physics A-level lab - 50k volts later and a short term memory loss... ow, low amps it may be, but fook it still hurt!


Age 22. sensible now, doing something with electrics, takes appropriate fuse out to work on socket - foom - no I didn't... 8 feet cleared and a moment of pause and confusion... from that point onwards I just switch all the electrics off beofore I touch anything!!!! (thankful I had the lesson in all fairness)


Been hit by two cars when crossing roads, thankfully at low speeds and no damage to me, in fact second guy that hit me drove off cos he thought I was going to kill him when I got back up.


Running low on lives I guess.

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I was held down buy a nurse once and I too lost some blood from my head.




LOL @ Jake......you are my hero.....:)


I have had a few accidents but never really had a bad injury that needed hospital treatment for broken bones etc. I remember writing my BMX off as a kid. In the main park in Wigan there is a cafe at the top of some circular grass hills, like a big blancmange if you will. There are two sets of hills with a flat path in between. The idea is that you ride down the first 45 degree slope to build up speed, ride along the flat and the jump down the second 45 degree slope (ET style....:D). We always used to do this as it was quite frightening as you only just landed on the slope to cushion your landing.


One day there were about 8 of us in single file going to do the jump. I was one of the last unfortunately as about 6 had gone they were all shouting and gesturing as I was at full speed down the first slope. I couldn't see them for a second as I rode on the flat but as I reached the jump I realised why they were gesturing. Some chap with a toddler had allowed the kid to wander on the grass exactly where I was going to land.....:blink: As I flew through the air, I did what comes naturally and jammed my brakes on.....:rolleyes: The guy pulled the kid out of the way and my landing was nothing short of spectacular.......:D How I didn't break any bones I will never know but I hurt everywhere for about a fortnight and couldn't breathe at the scene as I had winded myself severely.


The bike was destroyed as the impact had snapped the weld on the frame and buckled both of the wheels.....!!


Great days though!!



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Riding a Yamaha IT465 enduro bike home on the road after a bit of off road action on Sunday afternoon some tit in a BMW cut me up a bit coming off a roundabout onto a newly stone-chipped dual carriageway.

An IT465 can wheelie in every gear and easily do 90+ MPH.

So as I pissed past the Beemer in the left hand lane I popped a wheelie, just to really rub it in like, but sadly I gave it too much throttle and flipped the bike. Whoops.


As me and the bike cartwheeled along the road we both (me and the bike I mean, the beemer just fooked off, obviously) mounted the curb and were headed straight for a bus stop where three old ladies were waiting for their ride home.


Fortunately the main part of the bike tumbled to halt about 10 feet before it hit the old girls and two of them were even kind enough to help the ambulance chaps look for my right kneecap.


It's the way you tell 'em :rlol:

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The day before my 8th birthday, by grandparents took me to Blackpool for the day. There was a dodgem car ride in an arcade - quite big cars with seatbelts. I was too small to reach the pedals, so I sat on my grandad's knee and steered. Unfortunately someone rammed the car from behind flinging me forward into the steering wheel. I lost my front 2 teeth and badly twisted my incisors. Birthday sucked not being able to eat.


Also at a young age, me and a few mates were messing about in a derelict house near my granny's. There was loads of building rubble in the back yard and a gap in the chicken mesh fence at the end of the garden. As we legged it out of the house, I ran over a pile of bricks through the fence, felt some resistance and next thing I know, I'm on my back. What I hadn't notices was the row of barbed wire running along the top of the fence. I ran face first into it and took a chunk out of the corner of my lips. Blood everywhere and needed 3 stitches.


On my 14th birthday I got given a half decent gold watch. I'd been out on my push bike and coming home, decided not to bother slowing down to take the 90 degree corner onto our street. The front wheel washed out, and I slid a good way down the road, mostly on my watch.


I've had motorbikes from the age of about 12, but I managed to make it to my 21st birthday without any memorable incidents. 2 months later, a car decided to do a u-turn in a traffic jam whilst I was going down the outside of the traffic at about 25mph on an old Honda. All I remember seeing is the nose of an old shape Fiesta just starting to turn about a car and a half in front of me. I hit his drivers side door, the back of the bike shot up and because he was still moving, whipped round and crushed my ankle against the car and my petrol tank. My head meanwhile punched through his window and hit him square in the face like a glass hedgepig, breaking his jaw and knocking some teeth out. My left shoulder hit the door pillar, pushing it in a good 8", momentum sending me over the front wing.

I remember feeling all this, but was kinda knocked out as I came to on my back, I did the usual extremity check - right arm, ok; right leg, ok; left leg, think my ankle's bust; left arm - now here's the killer - I had tunnel vision and when I looked, I could see my left arm, fingers wiggling about 3 feet away from my body, AAARGH! Then my vision came back into focus and my arm was still attached, but it felt like I'd bust my collar bone. It turned out to be severed nerves in my left shoulder, but that's another rant...

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My life has been full of them lately. Within 3 weeks I have:


1. Dog knocked me over and dragged me face down along the street breaking my foot

2. Fell over a hedge, drunk and not quite in control of my crutches

3. Slammed a door on my thumb, breaking it, bursting it and almost losing the end

4. Cast off my leg, the dog returns to knock me down the stairs and rebreaks my foot

5. Not knowing how much weight I could put on my foot I clearly put too much weight on it and fell over onto a table full of bottles... eye first cutting my eyeball

6. There is no 6 just yet... only time can tell!

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